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Re: [Full-disclosure] Tech journalists: Stop hyping unproven security tools

    The first and most obvious point is that they are NOT journalists.  They 
are "monkey read, monkey write" content pushers with no regard for truth, 
accuracy, or fairness. 

Look at what's happened with the Apple thing.  One monkey reads what another 
monkey wrote, figures it's true, and writes his own version, mixing things 
'round a bit.  Now when you read something it sounds like the whole of cloud 
computing is at risk. 

It's all crap.    They do whatever they can to get you to their site so you are 
forced to watch a 30 second commercial ( which is moronic, btw). 


Sent from whatever device will keep us from debating which one is better.

On Aug 12, 2012, at 7:57 PM, "Ivan .Heca" <ivanhec@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Cui bono
> http://paranoia.dubfire.net/2012/07/tech-journalists-stop-hyping-unproven.html?utm_source=Contextly&utm_medium=RelatedLinks&utm_campaign=AroundWeb
> ouch
> http://blog.alexanderhiggins.com/2012/08/10/experts-idiots-war-security-165251/
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