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Re: [Full-disclosure] Obama Order Sped Up Wave of Cyberattacks Against Iran

On Sat, 09 Jun 2012 16:11:55 +0200, phocean said:
> Oh noooooooo !!! Sounds scary.

> Le 9 juin 2012 =E0 14:20, andrew.wallace ecrit :
> > You've just libeled yourself.

What's scary is Andrew's lack of understanding of the law.  It's
pretty hard to libel yourself.  In fact, I think Andrew is one of the
few people I've seen succeed at it.

> > My lawyers will be identifiying you to serve you legal papers.

Andrew, that's a old, worn-out magic word.  I'm *still* waiting for "your
lawyers" to serve me papers for Neal Krawetz's 2006 Black Hat presentation, or
any of the *other* multitudinous times you've threatened to do so.  You
*really* need to find new lawyers, as the ones you have are apparently totally
incompetent crack-addicted baboons that can't even figure out how to properly
serve papers after 6 years of trying..  Every time you say that we should
expect legal papers and "your lawyers" screw up and don't deliver, it makes you
look bad and people take you even less seriously.

Unless of course you're saying you're doing it and failing to ask "your lawyers"
to do so - in which case "your lawyers" probably have grounds for a tort against
*you* for slander and libel, for making them look incompetent.  You're treading
on thin ice there, Andrew. Be careful. Getting sued by "your own legal team"
is embarassing.

(I won't ask how an unemployed 30-something affords "my lawyers" plural)

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