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[Full-disclosure] [Security-news] SA-CONTRIB-2012-080 - Hostmaster (Aegir) - Access Bypass and Cross Site Scripting (XSS)

View online: http://drupal.org/node/1585678

  * Advisory ID: DRUPAL-SA-CONTRIB-2012-080
  * Project: Hostmaster (Aegir) [1] (third-party module)
  * Version: 6.x
  * Date: 2012-May-16
  * Security risk: Less critical [2]
  * Exploitable from: Remote
  * Vulnerability: Multiple vulnerabilities

-------- DESCRIPTION  

.... Cross Site Scripting

CVE: Requested.
Hostmaster displays a log from tasks executed in Aegir's backend component,
provision. In certain circumstances these log messages were not escaped
properly before being displayed to the user. This vulnerability is mitigated
by the fact that people wishing to exploit this must have access to the PHP
code of either provision itself or one of the sites hosted by Aegir.

.... Access Bypass

CVE: Requested.
Hostmaster doesn't allow people to edit or create certain node types that are
used for the internal representation of data. The implementation of this
wasn't fully complete and would still allow privileged users to edit these
nodes. This can cause some data corruption in the front-end, leading to tasks
that would appear to never finish running. This vulnerability is mitigated by
the fact that people wishing to exploit this must have the 'edit package' or
'administer nodes' permissions, which are not given to any roles by the
default Aegir install.


  * Hostmaster 6.x-1.x versions prior to 6.x-1.9.

Drupal core is not affected. If you do not use the contributed Hostmaster
(Aegir) [3] module, there is nothing you need to do.

-------- SOLUTION  

Follow the upgrade instructions in the release notes for the Aegir 1.9
release which can be found at: http://community.aegirproject.org/1.9 [4]

Also see the Hostmaster (Aegir) [5] project page.

-------- REPORTED BY  

  * The Cross Site Scripting vulnerability was reported by Steven Jones [6]
    one of the module maintainers.
  * The Access Bypass vulnerability was reported by Ivo Van Geertruyen [7] of
    the Drupal Security Team.

-------- FIXED BY  

  * The Cross Site Scripting vulnerability was fixed by Steven Jones [8] one
    of the module maintainers.
  * The Access Bypass vulnerability was fixed by Ivo Van Geertruyen [9] of the
    Drupal Security Team and mig5 [10] one of the module maintainers.


  * Ivo Van Geertruyen [11] of the Drupal Security Team.
  * Greg Knaddison [12] of the Drupal Security Team


The Drupal security team can be reached at security at drupal.org or via the
contact form at http://drupal.org/contact [13].

Learn more about the Drupal Security team and their policies [14], writing
secure code for Drupal [15], and securing your site [16].

[1] http://drupal.org/project/hostmaster
[2] http://drupal.org/security-team/risk-levels
[3] http://drupal.org/project/hostmaster
[4] http://community.aegirproject.org/1.9
[5] http://drupal.org/project/hostmaster
[6] http://drupal.org/user/99644
[7] http://drupal.org/user/383424
[8] http://drupal.org/user/99644
[9] http://drupal.org/user/383424
[10] http://drupal.org/user/153206
[11] http://drupal.org/user/383424
[12] http://drupal.org/user/36762
[13] http://drupal.org/contact
[14] http://drupal.org/security-team
[15] http://drupal.org/writing-secure-code
[16] http://drupal.org/security/secure-configuration

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