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[Full-disclosure] nullcon Delhi 2012 Call for Paper/Call for Event

 Hi All,

For the very first time nullcon now comes to Delhi - to showcase cutting edge 
security technologies and discuss new attack vectors and security threats among 
the  Corporate world and the Government sector. The event brings together 
thought leaders,Corporates, Government and security professionals all under one 

We are introducing a new sub-event - Prototype at nullcon Delhi 2012. The event 
provides opportunities to innovative companies to showcase their latest and new 
technology/products to the nullcon audience. The main aim behind Prototype is 
to enable and boost companies driving innovation in security domain and provide 
them a perfect platform to boast about their new technology and at the same 
time grab the attention of potential investors and business partners at minimal 
cost. For more details about the event, its costing and how your organization 
can participate kindly contact: info_at_nullcon.net


The talk time duration includes time for questions and answers (5-10 minutes).

1. Research Category  (40 mins - 1 hr) is a deep knowledge technical track that 
new research, tools, vulnerabilities, zero days or exploits.

2. Technical Category  (30 mins - 1 hr)  comprises of known security issues, 
studies, twist to an existing research, tool, vulnerability, exploit or
research-in-progress. Although this track is fairly technical, it covers
known techniques and analysis and is specially created for security
professionals who are not too much into new research, are auditors, management
professionals and newbies.

3. Desi Jugaad (1 hr) is our signature research category talk and includes any 
Indian/Asian hacks.

Submission Topics:

1. One of the topics of interest to us is Desi Jugaad(Local Indian/Asian
Hack) and has a separate track of its own. Submissions can be any kind of
local hacks that you have worked on (hints: electronic/mechanical meters,
automobile hacking, Hardware, mobile phones,  lock-picking, bypassing
procedures and processes, etc. Be creative!)

2. The topics pertaining to security and hacking in the following
domains(but not limited to):
- Hardware Hacking(ex: RFID, Magnetic Strips, Card Readers, Mobile Devices,
Electronic Devices)
- Tools/exploits/Zero-days (noncommercial)
- Programming/Software Development security and weaknesses
- Network vulnerabilities.
- Information Warfare, cyber espionage, cyber crime, cyber laws
- Malware, Botnets
- Web attacks and application hacking
- New attack vectors
- Mobile malware, vulnerabilities, exploits, VOIP and Telecom
- Virtualization security, hacking VMs, breaking out of VMS etc
- Cloud security, threats and exploitation
- Critical Infrastructure
- Satellite hacking
- Wireless hacking
- Forensics

Submission Format:

Email the Paper to: cfp_at_nullcon.net
Subject should be: CFP Delhi 2012 <Paper Title>
Email Body:
1. Name
2. Handle
3. Track (& Time required in case of General/Business track)
4. Paper Title
5. Country(and City) of residence
6. Organization and Designation
7. Contact no.
8. Have you presented or submitted this paper at any other conference(s) or
Yes, No. If yes, where? and how this submission is different from the
previous ones. Note that new research talks already given elsewhere or are
due to be given elsewhere prior to nullcon will be considered as Technical 
talks unless they consist of cutting edge and ground breaking
technology, which is at the judgment of the review committee.
9. Are you releasing an open source tool?
Yes/No. (If yes, please include the source code for review)
10. Are you releasing an exploit?
Yes/No. (If yes, please include the source and vulnerability details for
11. Are you releasing a new vulnerability/Zero-day?
Yes/No. (If yes, please send us the details, including reproduction
procedure, for review)
12. Why do you think your paper is different/innovative (for all tracks) and
how does it qualify as new work/research(for Research track only)?
13. Are there any live demonstrations (These earn you good points during
Yes/No. (If Yes, how many? Also please explain each demo)
14. Brief Profile ( <= 500 Words)
15. Paper Abstract - Please provide detailed working or your research/work. The 
more details you provide the better it is for the reviewers. Please keep the 
abstract to the point. Please do not try to hide the technical details or say 
“I can't disclose it till bla bla” as it does not help the reviewers in any way 
and may give your paper a low score because of insufficient information 
available in the abstract.
16. Your high resolution photo (attached)

Only the original authors should submit their research and any submission from 
a third party will be rejected. The Abstract should clearly mention the 
techniques and hacks in detail and merely mentioning that it works will not 
help in understanding the research
to its full extent. nullcon is open knowledge/research sharing platform and
hence product/company marketing and pitches will be rejected. We request you
not to submit any product specific talk. For product specific talks kindly look 
at Prototype sub-event. 

Important Dates:

CFP Opens:                                   25th April 2012
1st round of Speaker list Online:  10th June 2012
CFP Closing Date:                        30th June 2012
Final speakers List online:           10th July 2012
Conference Dates:                        26-29 September 2012

Speaker Benefits:

For Research (and Desi Jugaad) Category

1. Complimentary Accommodation for 3 nights.
2. Travel Reimbursement (Either actuals or the below mentioned amounts,
whichever is less)
- North/South America to Delhi (USD $800)
- Africa/Europe/Australia to Delhi (USD $600)
- Asia to Delhi (USD $500)
- Anywhere in India to Delhi (INR Rs.6000)
3. Complimentary VIP conference pass.
4. Invitation to Mehfil-E-Mausiqi (null networking party).

For Technical Category

1. Complimentary VIP conference pass.
2. Invitation to Mehfil-E-Mausiqi (null networking party)

* Only one speaker will be eligible for the benefits in case there are two
or more speakers for a talk.

** By submitting a paper and agreeing to talk at nullcon the speaker gives
null the right to post, publish, re-distribute online and offline, soft
and/or hard copies of his/her presentation material including slides, source
code, detailed paper and the recorded video of the speaker and presentation.

nullcon Call For Events (CFE)
Want to conduct a sub-event at nullcon? Want to show off your special skills?
Be creative.
Anything innovative is welcome.

If your Event gets selected, a maximum of 2 complimentary VIP passes will be
provided to you depending on your event.
Submit your proposal to cfp_at_nullcon.net 
Email Subject: nullcon Delhi 2012 Event <Your_event_name>
Email Body:
 1. Team members names, emails, phone
 2. Organization
 3. City, country
 4. Event name
 5. Time duration (1 hr, 3 hrs, whole day?)
 6. Event details (including step by step information on how will you
conduct the event)
 7. Why do you think the event is innovative and should be organized at
 8. Have you ever conducted a similar event before this? If yes, please
provide all the details including the response.

   - Want to teach us how to assemble/disassemble a biometric device using
home made stuff or how to make an autobot out of a radio/microwave/car etc ,
submit a proposal
   - Have a rock band? want to play at nullcon? submit your proposal.
  - A CTF or a game
  - A corporate sub-event
  - Anything that is interesting.

null Team

Get ready to Goa - nullcon Security Conference
null - Spreading the right Information
null Mailing list charter: http://null.co.in/section/about/null_list_charter/
Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/