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Re: [Full-disclosure] Fwd: Vulnerability research and exploit writing

 I got one as well a few weeks ago. I suspect you are correct in your 


On Tuesday, April 24, 2012 at 4:03 AM, Ferenc Kovacs <tyra3l@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>Anybody else got this message? I think they are "spamming" the
>subscribers/regular participants of the list.
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>From: steve ruskin <ruskin.steve@xxxxxxxxx>
>Date: Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 9:56 AM
>Subject: Vulnerability research and exploit writing
>To: tyra3l@xxxxxxxxx
>  Hi ,
>** **
>Trust all is well. I saw your experience in the field of 
>vulnerability and
>exploit research and we have a scheme in our company to 
>collaborate with
>researchers all over the world where we pay them on research done 
>by them.
>Our interest is exploits which run over Windows 7, Snow Leopard 
>applications such MS Office, Adobe, Browsers, Media Player , 
>Notepad etc
>along with native OS exploits as well as iphone, blackberry 
>exploit. These
>exploits should be unpublished though the vulnerability may be 
>public. We
>also have requirements to help us do ASLR and DEP bypass for 
>researched by us.****
>** **
>Once you let us know about your skills and ideas we can provide 
>you with
>our empanelment form via which you can register. We will look 
>forward to
>your prompt response.****
>** **
>Warm Regards,****
>Steve Ruskin****
>Ferenc Kovács
>@Tyr43l - http://tyrael.hu

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