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[Full-disclosure] Sagan 0.2.1 [Security Event/Log Analyzer] Released.
- To: full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: [Full-disclosure] Sagan 0.2.1 [Security Event/Log Analyzer] Released.
- From: Champ Clark III <cclark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 05 Apr 2012 10:39:20 -0400
Hash: SHA1
Sagan version 0.2.1 has been released [http://sagan.quadrantsec.com]
Champ Clark III [cclark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
What is Sagan?
- --------------
Sagan Main Site: http://sagan.quadrantsec.com
Sagan is an open source (GNU/GPLv2) high performance, real-time log
analysis & correlation engine. It is written in C and uses a
multi-threaded architecture to deliver high performance log & event
analysis. The Sagan structure and Sagan rules work similarly to the
Sourcefire ?Snort? IDS engine. This was intentionally done to maintain
compatibility with rule management software
(oinkmaster/pulledpork/etc) and allows Sagan to correlate log events
with your Snort IDS/IPS system. Since Sagan can write to Snort IDS/IPS
databases via unified2/barnyard2 or direct SQL access, it is
compatible with all Snort ?consoles?. For example, Sagan is compatible
with Snorby [http://www.snorby.org], Sguil
[http://sguil.sourceforge.net] and the Prelude IDS framework! For
more information, please visit the Sagan web site:
What's new in Sagan?
- --------------------
- - Native Snortsam [http://www.snortsam.net] support. Snortsam is a
firewall blocking agent for Snort. Sagan can now leverage Snortsam to
block attacks based on log analysis and normalization. Snortsam
currently supports Checkpoint Firewall-1, Cisco PIX/ASA, Cisco
routers, Juniper/Netscreen, ipf/ipfw2 (FreeBSD), pf (OpenBSD),
ipchains/iptables/ebtables (Linux), Watchguard, 8signs (Windows), and
MS ISA Server (Windows).
- - New ?after? rule option ? For example, ?alert me after X number of
events?. This works great with thresholding. For example, ?Alert me
after X number events, but threshold by the source address when 10
events are reached?.
- - New DNS cache system ? Ideally, you will never need this feature but
in some environments it can't be avoided.
- - Several bug fixes/code clean up (SQL direct write improved, core
thread handling changed, etc)
What's in the future for Sagan?
- -------------------------------
- - New pre-processors for log analysis for better anomaly detection.
- - Better documentation.
- - New output plug-ins.
Where is an online demo?
- -----------------------
For an online demo of Sagan and Snorby in action, please go to:
Username: demo@xxxxxxxxxx
Password: snorby
You'll notice the ?Sagan? sensor online and reporting log data.
- ------------------
General questions about Sagan should be directed to the Sagan mailing
list. This can be found at
http://groups.google.com/group/sagan-users. You can also ask question
on the Sagan IRC channel (irc.freenode.net #sagan). Author specific
questions should be directed to Champ Clark III (cclark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx).
Thank you!
- --
- - Champ Clark III (cclark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
Quadrant Information Security (http://quadrantsec.com)
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