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Re: [Full-disclosure] Brute Force vulnerability in WordPress

He also considers it a vulnerability to tell a new user that the username
they've picked out has been taken by another user.

On Sun, Mar 25, 2012 at 3:09 PM, InterN0T Advisories <
advisories@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Same type of vulnerabilities exist in 99,999...% of all web applications
> including your website. Even if you can't bruteforce all the time, you can
> adjust it with timing, and e.g., proxies, different user-agents, etc., and
> then you have "Timed Bruteforce Attacks" which works on pretty much all
> websites. Did you also mention this 5-10 years ago on your web site about
> website security named websitesecurity.com.ua?
> Also, when will you stop posting about: bruteforce/full path
> disclosure/locking actual users out/and other low priority
> "vulnerabilities" that exist in most web apps, and completely move on to
> vulnerabilities that matters? Seriously, anyone can find these
> "vulnerabilities" and the reason why anyone hasn't reported / disclosed /
> complained about them is because they exist in most apps and doesn't
> compromise the security of the end-user nor the website.
> Will the next thing you disclose be about bruteforcing SSH because it by
> default doesn't lock users out? It's been like this for +10 or +20 years.
> What I find funny is that either you:
> A) Say a web app has a vulnerability because it doesn't lock the
> "offending" user out because of too many password tries, OR
> B) Say a web app has a vulnerability because it does lock out the
> offending user because of too many password tries.
> It's almost a contradiction and an endless evil circle. You can't have
> both, ever.
> No offense intended of course.
> Best regards,
> MaXe
> On Sun, 25 Mar 2012 23:45:33 +0300, "MustLive"
> <mustlive@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Hello list!
> >
> > There are many vulnerabilities in WordPress which exist from version
> 2.0,
> > or even from 1.x versions, and still not fixed. So I want to warn you
> about
> > one of such holes. It's Brute Force vulnerability via XML-RPC
> functionality
> > in WordPress.
> >
> > -------------------------
> > Affected products:
> > -------------------------
> >
> > Vulnerable are WordPress 3.3.1 and previous versions.
> >
> > ----------
> > Details:
> > ----------
> >
> > Brute Force (WASC-11):
> >
> > http://site/xmlrpc.php
> >
> > In this functionality there is no protection against Brute Force attack.
> At
> > sending of corresponding POST-requests it's possible to pick up
> password.
> >
> > Note, that since WordPress 2.6 the XML-RPC functionality is turned off
> by
> > default. WP developers did it due to vulnerabilities (such as SQL
> Injection
> > and others), which were found in this functionality, i.e. not motivating
> it
> > as counteraction to Brute Force, but it worked also as protection
> against
> > Brute Force attack.
> >
> > So this issue doesn't concern those who uses WordPress since version 2.6
> > with default settings. But those who needs to use XML-RPC, those will
> have
> > Brute Force vulnerability, because the developers didn't make reliable
> > protection against it.
> >
> > Earlier in 2008 and 2010 years I've already wrote about Brute Force
> > vulnerabilities in WordPress (http://websecurity.com.ua/2007/ and
> > http://websecurity.com.ua/4016/ SecurityVulns ID: 10677) and it's
> another
> > such vulnerability. Besides them there is also known BF attack not via
> > login
> > form, but with using of authorization cookie (when by setting different
> > cookies it's possible to pick up password).
> >
> > ------------
> > Timeline:
> > ------------
> >
> > 2012.03.20 - disclosed at my site.
> >
> > I mentioned about this vulnerability at my site
> > (http://websecurity.com.ua/5723/).
> >
> > Best wishes & regards,
> > MustLive
> > Administrator of Websecurity web site
> > http://websecurity.com.ua
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
> > Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
> > Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/
> _______________________________________________
> Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
> Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
> Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/
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