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[Full-disclosure] EGRC (formerly EITC) 2012 Save The Date (June 12th-14th, 2012)

<html><body><div>Hello FD list,<br><br>I thought I'd pass this along in case 
anyone is interested.<br><br>&gt;<br><br>EGRC-2012<br><br>Please mark your 
calendar and plan to attend the Excellence in Governance, Risk Management, and 
Compliance (EGRC) 2012 conference from June 12th to June 14th 2012 in Portland, 
Maine, USA.<br>EGRC is the successor to the Excellence in Information 
Technology Compliance (EITC) conferences produced by NMI LLC between 2003 and 
2011. <br><br>EGRC is strictly vendor-neutral.&nbsp; All presentations must be 
educational and academic in nature.&nbsp; Solicitation by vendors (including 
NMI) of attendees during the conference is prohibited.&nbsp; <br><br>EGRC is 
attendee-driven.&nbsp; The content, speakers, and format of the conference is 
determined by attendee needs.&nbsp; Each EGRC-2012 session counts as 1 CPE 
toward most related professional certifications, and you may attend up to 21 
sessions during the 3-day conference.<br><br>Present at EGRC!&nbsp; We 
encourage everyone to submit topics for presentation.&nbsp; Speakers typically 
receive at least 3 CPEs for each EGRC presentation, and speakers received the 
coveted 100% discount code for conference registration!&nbsp; You can submit 
one or more presentation proposals today: 
<br><br>https://www.nmi.net/EGRCproposal.html<br><br>Find out more about the 
EGRC, EITC, and CISB conferences.&nbsp; You can review the agendas and download 
presentations from previous EITC and CISB conferences, and learn more about 
EGRC-2012:&nbsp; <br><br>http://www.nmi.net/about.shtml?tab=2<br><br>You can 
register now, but we suggest you wait until later this month.&nbsp; If you 
positively want to register right 
away:<br><br>https://www.nmi.net/EGRCregister.html<br><br>There are two really 
good reasons to wait:<br><br>Your vendors and membership organizations may have 
discount codes worth as much as 20% in addition to any early registration 
discount (see below).&nbsp; EITC alumni will receive discount codes in the next 
few days worth 16% to 22%.&nbsp; All discount codes will be distributed before 
April 2nd, 2012.&nbsp; If you are a vendor or membership organization and do 
not have a discount code, please contact NMI right 
away:<br><br>https://www.nmi.net/contact.cgi<br><br>The formal Request for 
Presentations will be sent in the next few days, with a deadline of March 23rd, 
2012.&nbsp; By the end of March, the conference agenda including speakers and 
topics will be published and you can better decide if you will attend all three 
days or just one or two days based on your job function and 
level.<br>Conference Details<br><br>When<br>June 12th-14th, 
2012<br>Where<br>Portland, Maine USA<br>Who (Industries)<br>Banking &amp; 
Financial Services<br>Insurance<br>Healthcare<br>Energy &amp; Public 
Utilities<br>Government (all levels)<br>IT &amp; SGRC 
Professionals<br>Legal<br>Public Relations<br>Who (Job Functions)<br>Directors 
&amp; Board Members<br>C-Level Executives<br>Senior &amp; Executive 
Managers<br>IT &amp; SGRC Managers<br>IT &amp; SGRC Implementers<br>How 
Much<br>$900 - 3 days<br>$700 - 2 days<br>$400 - 1 day<br>Early registration 
discount of 5% before 2012-05-14<br>Ask your vendors and associations about 
EGRC discount codes worth 5% to 20% additional discount<br>EITC alumni are 
eligible for 16% to 22% discounts (in addition to early registration)<br>EITC 
Alumnus 3-day is $667 - $756<br>EITC Alumnus 2-day is $519 - $588 (averages 
less than previous EITC 2-day conferences!)<br>EITC Alumnus 1-day is $297 - 
$336<br>If you do not wish to receive additional electronic mail related to 
EGRC, please use the following link (or paste the URL into your browser):&nbsp; 
<br><br><br><br>IMPORTANT!&nbsp; You may receive more than one copy of this 
message if I have more than one email address for you in my contact 
database.&nbsp; I apologize for the inconvenience.&nbsp; If you do not want 
multiple copies of future messages but still want to receive information about 
EGRC, please unsubscribe all but your preferred email address.&nbsp; <br><br 
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