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[Full-disclosure] Pro Clan Manager 0.4.2 – Multiple Vulnerabilities

Pro Clan Manager, Multiple Vulnerabilities

Document Details
Version 1.0, 2011-11-19


"The aim of Pro Clan Manager is to create an international content
management system dedicated to helping Clans or Guilds work together
and have a good looking website that is W3C valid." [1]

Both of the listed issues can allow unauthenticated users with zero
knowledge to gain administrative access to the application. This
includes permissions to upload arbitrary files such as PHP scripts.


Version 1.4.2 was tested, the author has decided to officially
discontinue the project in response to these issues. Users should
uninstall the software as soon as possible, before finding a

Finding 1 - SQL Injection


The application performs input validation using the $post->Text method
throughout the application on strings to be used in dynamic query
construction. These fields do not appear to be vulnerable to SQL

However the $post->LoginFilter uses eregi to ensure non-alphanumeric
characters are not present in the login field. eregi expects a c-style
null terminated string, and will not proceed beyond the first null
byte it encounters. By prefixing a SQL injection attack string with a
null byte this filtering can be bypassed.

The following attack string can be used in the login field to access
the system as the administrator.


This needs to be enter as raw HTTP.

Finding 2 - Poor Random Password Generation


Line 302 in includes/user.php generates passwords for new users and
users which have their passwords reset by an administrator.

$password = substr(md5(rand(10000,99999)), 5, 8);

While the passwords generated by this code appear random, it's fairly
obvious from the snippet above that this code is only capable of
generating a maximum of 90,000 unique passwords.

A list of these passwords can be easily constructed, which when used
during an automated attack took around 15 minutes on average to
successfully guess a random password.

A complete list of passwords can be obtained from the following URL,


[1] Pro Clan Manager Source Forge Page,
http://sourceforge.net/projects/autoweb/, Accessed 2011-11-19

http://dmcdonald.net/?page_id=51 - The latest version of this advisory
http://dmcdonald.net/pcm-passgen.php - A script to generate a complete
list of possible random passwords
http://dmcdonald.net/pcm-passgen.txt - The source code for pcm-passgen.php
http://www.proclanmanager.com - The Pro Clan Manager website

aka Darren McDonald

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