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Re: [Full-disclosure] Ubuntu 11.10 now unsecure by default

Oh thank god, this thread has now become a case of 'look how big my penis
will be in x amount of months'.

On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 12:24 PM, Darren Martyn <
d.martyn.fulldisclosure@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Jason has a good point. Now to make a simple statement - I am not (nor was
> I) agreeing with the Ubuntu bashing in this, merely stating a point that it
> puts user friendliness over security AT TIMES. I only switched distro for I
> had... Disagreements... with Ubuntu's Wireless stack in installations more
> recent than 10.04LTS.
> I still run 10.04 "Netbook Remix" on the occasion that I have access to a
> netbook (I no longer own even a desktop) and like it, it does the bloody
> job, is easy to install rapidly, and does not require much fucking about
> with. Sure, the purists may demand one compiles kernel from source, reads
> parts (or all) of the src to look for POSSIBLE bugs, etc, and "builds their
> own Linux", but I find that 8/10 times that is impractical, an unnecessary
> complication, or merely too time consuming.
> Just as an aside, my goal once I aquire my own computer (or rather, a
> replacement for the boxes I no longer have) is to do the following:
> 1) Read the latest kernels source over a long period of time, looking for
> bugs and to get a better understanding of how it works on that level
> 2) Build my own distro
> 3) Write my own network manager based off the LORCON/MadWiFi drivers
> (using PyLORCON bindings) for the GNOME interface to replace the
> not-reliable "network manager" applet.
> Is there anyone else on the list with similar aspirations to understand
> the underlying OS on that level or is everyone content with simply bitching
> about distros?
> On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 10:27 AM, Jason A. Donenfeld <Jason@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:
>> Hello Full Disclosure Hysterics & Friends,
>> I have now read through five dozen complaints about how Ubuntu
>> is fundamentally an "unsecure" operating system, filled with more holes
>> than Swiss cheese.
>> If somebody could direct me toward a local root exploit against a fully
>> up-to-date Ubuntu 11.04 or 11.10 that attacks a piece of software that is
>> installed by default, I would be most impressed and persuaded by your
>> assertions, as well as being very appreciative.
>> Thank you,
>> Management
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