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Re: [Full-disclosure] Ubuntu 11.10 now unsecure by default

To be honest, while Ubuntu is hardly secure, it is not DESIGNED to be
secure per se. It is designed to wean Windows users away from M$ and toward
GNU/Linux OS types. Kind of a "Linux for newbs". My family went from Win XP
to Ubuntu years ago and stuck with it. I moved on to Debian, they stuck to
Ubuntu and Win7 (eventually) as they are not computer enthusiasts - mere

Hell, a friend of mine, she was a self confessed "computer illiterate" and
when I moved her to Ubuntu a month later she was learning how to write
simple shell scripts to automate tasks - not bad for someone who couldn't
work XP's Control Panel for ages...

If you want secure as in, OUR version of secure, look elsewhere. One thing
I do like about Ubuntu though is it looks pretty :)

On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 1:04 PM, <Valdis.Kletnieks@xxxxxx> wrote:

> On Fri, 18 Nov 2011 12:24:36 +0100, Mario Vilas said:
> > Let's not overreact. We're talking about a guest account only on dekstop
> > systems, for local login only, and perfectly visible to the user. The
> only
> > problem I see here is not having a simple GUI way to disable the guest
> > login for a non tech-savvy user, but no more. (Or am I missing something
> > here?)
> Given that Ubuntu is an African word for "Can't configure Debian", and the
> target audience of Ubuntu, the lack of the simple GUI is surprising...
> (Yes, there's still one config setting saving your butt in sshd_config -
> but
> for a distro that wraps a Teletubby interface around freaking /bin/su so
> you
> don't accidentally hurt yourself, the fact that there's exactly one config
> file
> setting saving your butt if you manage to enable inbound ssh seems a bit
> of an
> oversight).
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