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Re: [Full-disclosure] sshd logins without a source

Dear all,

>>>> I do not think that sshd normally logs its source. ...
> Really? ...

Sorry about the confusion I may have caused. I guess my comments apply
to some older version sshd (or maybe old, wrong configs): surely that is
when, wanting better logs, I put in that hosts.allow logger. Perusing my
logs more carefully, I now see lines like:

DATE SRV sshd[PID]: Connection source HOST port PORT
DATE SRV sshd[PID]: Accepted keyboard-interactive/pam for USER from IP port 
PORT ssh2

where the second line came from sshd itself.

Cheers, Paul

Paul Szabo   psz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   http://www.maths.usyd.edu.au/u/psz/
School of Mathematics and Statistics   University of Sydney    Australia

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