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[Full-disclosure] FreePBX Unfounded RCE PoC or rather Misguided PoC maybe ?

Just like to point out this is total rubbish, along with the other freePBX
vuln wich was listed and, wich i stupidly wasted time writing a poc for
9wich only works if admin is enabled)
I DID make this in 3 languages, and had it tested, it ONLY ran under admin
conditions...whats so useful then??
I have got the PoC's I made, and i copied the header to a T, it is NOT one
bit different to the example header BUT I ADDED CODE to send it
properly..and to open any 'webshell'
ok lets break it down:

Trustwave's SpiderLabs Security Advisory TWSL2010-005:
FreePBX recordings interface allows remote code execution
^^^here we have code execution (does not say it requires ADMIN todo this and
someone basically at a console, pressing a button for you :P)


Published: 2010-09-23
Version: 1.0

Vendor: FreePBX (http://www.freepbx.org/)
Product: FreePBX and VOIP solutions (AsteriskNOW, TrixBox, etc) using it
Version(s) affected: 2.8.0 and below

Product Description:
FreePBX is an easy to use GUI (graphical user interface) that controls and
manages Asterisk, the world's most popular open source telephony engine
software. FreePBX has been developed and hardened by thousands of
has been downloaded over 5,000,000 times, and is utilized in an estimated
500,000 active phone systems.

Source: http://www.freepbx.org
Credit: Wendel G. Henrique of Trustwave's SpiderLabs

CVE: CVE-2010-3490

The configuration interface for FreePBX is prone to a remote arbitrary code
execution on the system recordings menu. FreePBX doesn't handle file uploads
in a secure manner, allowing an attacker to manipulate the file extension
and the beginning of the uploaded file name.

The piece of code below, found in page.recordings.php, illustrates part of
the recordings upload feature.
^^^^ page.recordings.php not accessible or non existent.

/* Code removed to fit better on advisory */
  if (isset($_FILES['ivrfile']['tmp_name']) &&
  is_uploaded_file($_FILES['ivrfile']['tmp_name'])) {
    if (empty($usersnum)) {
      $dest = "unnumbered-";
    } else {
      $dest = "{$usersnum}-";
    $suffix = substr(strrchr($_FILES['ivrfile']['name'], "."), 1);
    $destfilename = $recordings_save_path.$dest."ivrrecording.".$suffix;
    move_uploaded_file($_FILES['ivrfile']['tmp_name'], $destfilename);
    echo "<h6>"._("Successfully uploaded")."
    $rname = rtrim(basename($_FILES['ivrfile']['name'], $suffix), '.');
  } ?>

/* Code removed to fit better on advisory */

When a file is uploaded, a copy is saved temporarily under the /tmp/
directory, where the name of the file is composed of
user-controlled-staticname.extension, where:

"user-controlled" is $usersnum variable.
"staticname" value is -ivrrecording.
"extension" is controlled by the user.

If $usersnum variable is not defined, then a static string (unnumbered)
is used.

Finally, when the user clicks on the save button on the System Recordings
/// ohhhh ok so someone MUSt 'save' it, in PHYSICAL form, this bit, was what
i overlooked in this first adv.... wth!!!
interface, the file is saved with the original file name provided by the
user under the /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/custom/
directory.                             /// and bang, sorry but unable to see
this file once yet... abit useful eh ?> guess ppl dont press 'save' to an

When uploading a file, an attacker can manipulate the $usersnum variable to
perform a path traversal attack and save it anyplace that the web
server      /// ok this, i dont really care for, but it is abit useless when
the remote code is really the feature of this
user has access, for example the Apache's DocumentRoot. This allows an
attacker to upload malicious code to the web server and execute it under the
webserver's access permissions.

The HTTP request below illustrates the upload of a phpshell.

POST /admin/config.php HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.5;
en-US; rv: Gecko/20101221 Firefox/3.5.7
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Keep-Alive: 300
Proxy-Connection: keep-alive
Cookie: ARI=cookieValue; PHPSESSID=cookieValue
Authorization: Basic base64auth
Content-Type: multipart/form-data;
Content-Length: 116089

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="display"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="action"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="usersnum"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="ivrfile"; filename="webshell.php"
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

/* WebShell code goes here */

/// good luck trying to find this and note, now we have to access a file at
where??? lets see....

To access the webshell in this example, an attacker would use
the following path:
// ahhh admin/ dir ?!! so thts all it was! damn, crp on me eh! ohwell...
there goes remote-code-exec eh ? this would be more like,local,nothing,no
patch was issued...

Maintainer Response:
The maintainer has released a patch to address this issue for all
versions     //please provide a PoC wich works, as MY ONES dont, so,
please.. am waiting, id prefer the PoC to stay private,but i request it
please -ty
of the software 2.3 and newer.

Details of the patch can be found here:

Remediation Steps:
Install the maintainer-provided patch.

Vendor Communication Timeline:
08/13/10 - Initial contact
08/18/10 - Vulnerability disclosed
09/16/10 - Initial fix proposed by
maintainer                                                // so we are
fixing a bug,wich can only b used as an admin... hmmm
09/22/10 - Fix reviewed, improved, and released by maintainer
09/23/10 - Advisory public release

Revision History:
1.0 Initial publication

About Trustwave:
Trustwave is the leading provider of on-demand and subscription-based
information security and payment card industry compliance management
to businesses and government entities throughout the world. For
faced with today's challenging data security and compliance environment,
Trustwave provides a unique approach with comprehensive solutions that
its flagship TrustKeeper compliance management software and other
security solutions. Trustwave has helped thousands of organizations--ranging
from Fortune 500 businesses and large financial institutions to small and
medium-sized retailers--manage compliance and secure their network
infrastructure, data communications and critical information assets.
is headquartered in Chicago with offices throughout North America,
South America, Europe, Africa, China and Australia. For more information,
visit https://www.trustwave.com

About Trustwave's SpiderLabs:
SpiderLabs is the advance security team at Trustwave responsible for
response and forensics, ethical hacking and application security tests for
Trustwave's clients. SpiderLabs has responded to hundreds of security
incidents, performed thousands of ethical hacking exercises and tested the
security of hundreds of business applications for Fortune 500 organizations.
For more information visit https://www.trustwave.com/spiderlabs

The information provided in this advisory is provided "as is" without
of any kind. Trustwave disclaims all warranties, either express or implied,
including the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular
purpose. In no event shall Trustwave or its suppliers be liable for any
damages whatsoever including direct, indirect, incidental, consequential,
loss of business profits or special damages, even if Trustwave or its
suppliers have been advised of the possibility of such damages. Some states
do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or
incidental damages so the foregoing limitation may not apply.

Anyhow, this was the last freePBX PoC i saw,and just am doing auditing atm,
i realised i had already tested this exploit but i just dont see what or if
i missed something here.. i did disclose my own Pocs on the seclists, and if
theyre needed, i guess they would not be to hard to find nowdays.. but this
topic i need some closure on... i have to fix/advise and, i guess i cannot
do it to my own skill level would like to, or, im wrong, and it is just my
own code (hence why i mean skill level), at perl/php or whatever codes were
made, but, i did use working code for it..and it did not work.... i am sure
of that, and would be happy to find the working pocs anytime... but id
prefer to see that header PoC,as i repeated this exactly, line by line and
debugged it to b sure,and it was perfect..and no go :s, it is frustrating
because VOiP is now becoming fastly, a BIG area of the internet,and alot
more people want to know why they install and register 'elastix' for ex and
have 3000 plugins autop... some ppl want a pruned version, or, fixed
versions without updates, it is just getting to be a way bigger area,and
will grow...
Please try to understand that this is only research.
xd / #haxnet@Ef
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