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Re: [Full-disclosure] Tor2web 2.0 is live! - NiX is doing copyright infrigment

On 8/23/11 7:53 PM, Ferenc Kovacs wrote:
> nobody said that you simply copied it:
> - stealing the glype.com php proxy source-code
> - modifying it
> - making your own release obfuscated with sourceguardian
> - not even saying that's Glype based

They don't even customized the error codes, look invalid url:


"The requested URL was not recognised as a valid URL."

In Glype Source code:
# grep -r "The requested URL was not recognised" .

./includes/init.php:$phrases['invalid_url']     = 'The requested URL was
not recognised as a valid URL. Attempted to load: %s';


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