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Re: [Full-disclosure] google plus vuln to XSS

Hi Pathric,

We've taken a closer look and haven't been able to replicate the bug. The
PoC URL appears malformed and/or incomplete.

Feel free to contact us directly via security@xxxxxxxxxx if you'd like to
clarify. Also, don't forget that bugs that are privately reported under the
vulnerability reward program are eligible for a cash rewards! (

Jad Boutros | Software Engineer - Security Team | jad@xxxxxxxxxx

On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 10:15 AM, pathric due <bugybu@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> i've found that google plus application have a parameter thats vulnerable
> to XSS
> https://plus.google.com/up/start/?sw=1&type=st?p=XSS vuln parameter
> http://din.gy./xLSlj
> http://din.gy./xLSlj
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