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[Full-disclosure] Live mtgox.com trade matching bug.

Step 1: Have USD available for spending on mtgox.com.
Step 2: Put in a buy order large enough to drain your account. Low enough under 
the current trading price that it will not execute immediately.
Step 3: Withdraw all USD funds.
Step 4: Wait for market to fall enough to meet your order.
Step 5: ...(self explanatory)...

There's a bit of luck in being able to take advantage, obviously.

I would suggest you take the site down asap until this is corrected or publicly 
show how this order will never execute:

Welcome <username removed> 0.00000000 ฿TC 424.44901
Buying  138468.901  0.01  Active  1384.69  06/26 15:27  cancel

I cannot guarantee this order will execute but from everything I've observed 
about the new trade matching code I have no reason to believe it will not.

At the very least this could be used to influence market conditions if it is 
only a display bug.

Douglas Huff

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