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[Full-disclosure] (fractal-Self__) : A theoretical introduction to Universe, Conscious Machines and Programming Ur-cells !!!
- To: full-disclosure <full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [Full-disclosure] (fractal-Self__) : A theoretical introduction to Universe, Conscious Machines and Programming Ur-cells !!!
- From: Bipin Gautam <bipin.gautam@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2011 01:54:40 +0545
[Archival purpose]
Author: Bipin Gautam (All Rights Reserved, Research Paper, 1'st DRAFT)
Any doctrine or philosophy is "complete" on its own rights. But, if we
start from this angle, anyone can defend anything out of anything.
Paradox are way of life... Hence, the goal here is to question every
knowledge with reasoning and trying-not to build a static opinion on
Prologue: __Self(naked-observer -- that is the mind), fractal-Self__
(observer, strange-loop with free-will in fractal-space),
fractal-space (accessible environment that is the higher level
abstraction that can be observed or experienced by fractal-Self__),
fractal-cycle (Cyclic systems, environment, whose relative motion with
each-other in fractal-space gives rise to "perceivance of Time" to the
"observer", "maya"), fractal-scale (n-dimensional fractal-environment
from void to the infinite), free-will, psychology, Goal, perception,
evolution, intuition, qualias, emotions, feelings, software-mind,
ontology-of-self, Veda, Upanishads, buddha-nature, emergence,
strategy, and a holistic approach to constrain and scale a complex
system until only intelligence is left.
Problem Abstraction:
So, what is this body-brain-mind system?... and what makes up, who we are ???
Can information-abstraction (like virtual machine or software
emulators of anything) simulate "physical layout" of any
body-brain-mind system? Or, is it possible for complete
software-simulation of Neuron, synapses, virtual-hormone and any other
chemical or physical interaction individually or as a whole?
Is it possible to simulate a new universe with all its own distinct
characteristic property inside this universe? ( given, unlimited
memory, processing and storage).
Introduction to Fractal:
Fractal is "rough or fragmented geometric shape that can be split into
parts, each of which is (at least approximately) a reduced-size copy
of the whole," a property called self-similarity but which gives rise
to emergence-property in fractal-scale.
Roots of the idea of fractal can be seen in forms of "art" that go
back to least few thousand years, as documented, in written history.
Holistic View of this Universe:
Universe is n-dimensional fractal-space sandwich between "intelligent"
(anything with deterministic property, cycle) and "non-intelligent"
part (quantum field, pure-light, void?).
>From a holistic view of YOUR fractal-scale, Scale up or scale down...
and you can assume anything as inert or intelligent.
But, how "tiny" can we scale down in fractal-space and be sure it is
all that it is? We can scale up or scale down, but we could always
miss "the complete picture" (the measurement problem).
Sadly, Our biological architecture is also sandwiched in between such
fractal-design; and we are a sandwich of symbiosis (as-if
social-interaction of fractal-cycle from within the fractal-space) of
parasites within a parasite within a parasite, which can also be
further divided into intelligent properties/systems and inert parts.
Hence, being alive or dead is a matter of probability manifested due
to free-will in its fractal-scale or out of natural fractal-cycle of
infinite possibilities in fractal-space.
Free Will:
Fractal-Self__ in some fractal-cycle tends to "experiences itself" in
all possible (universal) "manifestation" in its fractal-space. Hence,
Free-Will is like natural random-number -- the output from
fractal-information-generator for fractal-Self__ to achieve all
possible intelligent combination by
information-processing-and-exchange with the environment and within
itself, by some point, in (ever evolving) "fractal-cycle" in its
Intelligent-being inside this universal manifestation of
fractal-like-cycle "perceive time" because everything seem moving, in
a natural cycle (fractal-cycle) "relative to each other" and
uncertain/unpredictable to the "observer" from its fractal-scale due
to the emergent-manifestation of infinite possibilities or
intelligent-interference of fractal-cycle in its fractal-space.
( Different biological or Computing architecture opens up new
dimension for "perception" -- Compare the ability of fractal-Self__
between a flying insect vs You! )
Time is a subjective-measurement. But, In a true sense, does time really exist?
A Watch only keeps track of time intervals and our subjective view of
time is bounded to our speed of subjective perception. Hence, TRUE
time lapse between two seconds is a "subjective experience" of
fractal-Self__ in a fractal-cycle in its fractal-space.
But, could there be a "mind technique" to, speeding-up or slow-down
"subjective time-lapse" even further? Approach to unlock it? Or even,
ways to measure it? Or, is mental time travel possible?
"cells" can act like "trans-receiver" for information exchange @ its
fractal-space. There are also evidence that fractal-Self__ predicts
fuzzy details of future-space, least some micro-seconds earlier, based
on "background-experience" while its body-brain-mind system is drawing
a “complete perception" of the reality, to its present-space.
Therefore, for a intelligent beings, time travel is more like...
ability to sensibly predict a future-decision (based on
background-intelligence) than just make an instant choice (which could
be, sensory, unconscious, subconscious, reflex or compulsory random
Time Travel:
Past or future doesn't exist except in relation to the present. The
future is just a set of possibilities in fractal-cycle in its
fractal-space. Here, fractal-Self__ will automatically express itself
in the subjective reality of the observer, and the observer affects
the "expression" of those possibilities in its fractal-space as a
"choice" in its subjective reality!
Is time travel to the past, fractal-space possible?
If signal could travel faster than the speed of light in vacuum... or
say, if signal traveled instantly, some way, irrespective of physical
distance in between.... one could send satellites/space telescope in
space to record all background-radiation from earth at say, 0.1,
0.2,0.3.....1,2,3,4... light years afar, from all 24 angles, around
the earth like a 3-d constellation of GPS satellites.
After completing this cascaded setup upto a distance of (say) 4 light
years from the earth..... and after that, another 4 years has
(But again, if signal travel faster than the speed of light in vacuum,
by a new breakthrough...)
Then, after that, (for example) if we wanted to see what happened
exactly 2 years from the past at any place in, real time NOW... we
could send a REAL TIME signal to the space-telescope at 2 light years
far from earth, to zoom to place X of earth and get almost REAL TIME
stream of VIDEO feed from any given place, at any given time, from the
past... by (say) capturing the background radiation of earth from a
space-telescope placed 2 light years far.
(Because Electromagnetic signal can not travel faster than the speed
of light but it radiates at all angle, across fractal-length in
fractal-space )
But, this is no more than an example for information-recording and
access-system, of any time of the past from any time in future without
having to recording a byte but by just recording/accessing the
background-radiation from fractal-space itself... but is this all as
good as it can get?
>From a purely computational prospective, time travel is more about
being able to predict or influence every further fractal-cycle for any
given instant in fractal-scale. Hence, Perfect Knowledge for a system
from the subjective reality of observer is the state of nothingness to
compute (including free-will of observers) across all fractal-cycle in
Then, is consciousness the programming language of the universe? Does
initial computation matter, overall? But, what is the best way to
cruse forward more rapidly in this fractal-space?
yoga as __Self-actuators (Static-Goals for AGI):
"Yoga" basically means "sum", the sum of background-experience
achieved by following any of the following as "core-goals" will
directly help to "experience" the true nature of the mind, i.e.
distinguish __Self from fractal-Self__
Hence, Primary Goals for an self-evolving AGI is to realize the true
nature of its "mind".
* Karma yoga: The yoga of action ( Without being attached to the
fruits of activities, it should act as a matter of duty, for by
working without attachment it attains the perfect-knowledge)
* Bhakti yoga: The yoga of devotion (nine primary forms of bhakti to
"purify" background-experience to attain perfect-knowledge )
* Jnana yoga: The yoga of knowledge ("path of knowledge" leads towards
properly understanding the field of activity -- the fractal-cycle,
fractal-space, fractal-Self__) from the knower of the body -- that is,
the __Self).
Knowledge-yoga describes four means to realizing the true nature of __Self:
* Discrimination: The ability to differentiate between what is
real/eternal (__Self) and what is unreal/temporal (everything else in
* Dispassion: Fractal-Self__ "detaches" its choices in fractal-space
from everything that is "temporary." Detaching means acquiring an
ON/OFF switch for voluntary controlled expression of “free-will”,
without building attachment to the choices.
* The 6 Virtues: control of the mind, control of the senses,
renunciation of activities that are not duties, endurance, faith,
perfect computation.
System Thinking
One can not study the properly of body-brain-mind system without
willing to decompose and recompose fractal-Self__ to minutes bit and
trying to put it all back in some systematic hierarchal order!
For fractal-Self__, any action is better than inaction. But from
"Intelligence Analysis" prospective, "intuitive judgments" are often
"irrational"... Hence, from a purely "Systems Thinking Prospective",
too much intuition, emotion or intelligence without either is harmful.
"Intuition" is a property of "tangled mind". Intuition is just a
real-time mirage/way-out presented to our conscious mind from
sub-conscious and/or unconscious mind during sense-making based on
subjective ambiguity of background-experience yet not completely
comprehended by conscious details.
Intuitive property can be necessary evil for survival like... "reflex
action" (muscular memory, auto-pilot).
But, more intelligent or powerful... more complicated things. Speaking
of biology, how do animals clam ownership? Take time to think about
Problem-solving & Motivation:
While, thrill, excitement, challenge, anger, aggression, ego, pride,
fear, love...... etc are things (keywords, virtual-hormones as
system-state) that "tick" a "mind" (for goal) under intensified
situation of both painful and pleasurable (uncertainty) .
BUT this is where things go terribly wrong... because if a
system/fractal-Self__ "roots" its ability for “motivation” to achieve
a goal in too much of sub/un-conscious hormone reward or external
stimulus, lack of which is dead-lock?
Emotion :
Generally, hormones make us who we are and initially they seem to make
up “core-goals”. But, __Self should exist with or without the
combination of core virtual-hormones.
Emotions have intuitive roots and emotions are unpredictable. Hence,
when we want a open ended system you do not want "emotions" to
override "intelligence", at time == infinite.
Here, we should understand that without hormones and AGI may lack core
goals only upto identity-buildup / trainee period. After that, an AGI
should be able to "shift weights" across different "virtual-hormones"
weight combination to get a round-about "prospective" from various
angles about relationship, context, meaning of the same “action”.
Qualias, feelings, and emotions are primitive intelligence and are
meant to work as initial auto-pilot-weights as self-actuator for
Hence, Qualias, feelings, and emotions are just "future colouring
details" (emergent property, subconscious overriding ) of
fractal-Self__ to better introduce a high-level abstraction of
fractal-space (environment around, to itself) with rich
Virtual-hormone should be safely substituted with something else,
after a "training period" of an AGI, without loosing a "substance".
(i.e lack of emotion)
The Architecture for Artificial General Intelligence:
Can at-lest one monkey out of infinite monkeys with infinite
typewriter type a meaningful novel in infinite fractal-cycle in its
fractal-space ?
[ P ---> Permutation, 2500 ---> 2500 basic English words, 3 ---> 3
(4,5,...) word grouping chains of possibilities ]
If a HUMAN could SHUFFLE P( 2500words, 3words) in our mind instantly,
we could easily PULL a new philosophy from STREAMS of random data
chain with clear-observation. We assume that almost everything we know
can be roughly represented in word groups of P(2500, 3)
A computer can do that easily in its memory, but output is just random
stream of text... but not sense making.
My "Turing Test" for a strong AI is an AI that can draw meaning from
"world's quotation", the archetype for human wisdom.
But metaphor can not be build as easily as common sense database of
human-knowledge and brute-force (without awareness) is not equivalent
to intelligence nor is a "rainbow table" of metaphor.
Information-processing-model for __Self and fractal-Self__
Resource are scares but intelligent-cravings are infinite. We evolved
to this point in an already presented "environment" with billions of
years of "competition"...
Ever Evolving Environment:
The approach here is a basic information-processing-model of __Self
and train the AGI in an "ever evolving environment" from simplest of
environment with FEW subject-object-relationship (yet a complete
universe in its own right)... to complex ones.... with evolving goals.
Word "ever evolving universe" or "evolution", generally applies to
various level of population and its species in its fractal-cycles
(like quantum field, DNA, cell, body, environment, Computing)
manifested in its fractal-space; and "software-mind" manifested form
within and an "universe of words" as its environment, in this
Initially, here ever evolving environment is (say) carefully
hand-picked, controlled stream of text, out of human-understandings as
a continuous inputs, in virtual-loops to "AGI perception" to manifest
its fractal-space (which is a text-based descriptive, holistic view of
the training environment) decoded by Ontology-of-Self__ `.
While we create a cartoon movie but with "picture frames", this is
like doing the same, with but with computation, out of database of
hierarchal textual description and its meta-data's of fractal-cycles
in fractal-space.
Hence, every WORD in the stream-of-text (for AGI perception) has
"additional meaning" as meta-data attached with it, to define its
various "universal property" of subject, object, context,
relationship, association, based-on [(memory, perception, reasoning,
analogy, conclusion), (background-experience), (past fitness, context,
relationship)..., (expect?) ]
Note, the AGI is able to "query" these "meta-data" based on "universal
property" of subject, object, context, relationship, association
manifested in the fractal cycle in its fractal-space to autonomously
use it in real time for some problem solving (goal).
Here, Time description or resource for any subject-object-relationship
can be interchanged, speed, slow or pause independently of each other.
If we train an AGI with such "text only abstraction"... and be able to
label a evolving-behavior autonomous results, then maybe i will fit it
with a pair of eye-ball (with capability of visual to
descriptive-text-processing, like speech2text)to see if it can play a
computer game autonomously, with mere initial descriptive
stream-of-text as rule-sets.
By modeling "ontology of self" language-processing (sense-making)
becomes an automatic emergent property and this methodology can
provides infinite "degree of freedom" to operate.
"Perfect knowledge" of such a system means "zero entropy" nothingness
to compute for that universe/evolving environment. Just precomputed
knowledge of all possibilities are left. After this, AGI can
self-update itself with additional understanding.
Human Intelligence – Strategy/game theory:
Study of human intelligence is of great importance to AI researcher.
If human intelligence is not of interest to AI researchers, then they
or the AI will have to re-invent it (with waste of physical-resource).
Take for example strategy /game theory.
For example, using "sun tzu" Art of war as starting reference for
strategic modeling, ontology for information processing is a lot
straightforward way to do things than........ well i dont know, so
allegiant yet seemingly complete.
Consciousness and Body-brain-minds system
If we decompose (or recompose) fractal-Self__ sense of __Self is also
sense of void or the infinite, the way we look at it. So, is
consciousness just an activity of mind? Is it an emergent phenomenon?
Start from trying to model the ontology-of-self. Because, this is the
source from where from everything materializes. We are unconsciously,
subconsciously or consciously self prioritized time sharing real-time
sum of fractal-Self__
Intelligence resides in such thin line between order and "chaos" one
small "mis-calculation" on the "initial state" to constrain and scale
an arbitrarily complex system could risk to put any design "against"
billion years of evolutionary "time-loop"...
So, What should be at the core? what should be as, added modules? What
should be always left static__ and what should be left to ANN or the
AGI to figure it on its own (as ontology based on experience)?
Physical layout for a Body-brain-mind system :
Body-brain-mind system is like a interconnecting "biological
microprocessors", of fractal-Self__ Physical layout does provide a
head-start as flying is to bird or theory of aerodynamics is for an
flying-aerospace... but, if subjected to complete isolation from birth
and without proper “experience" there is little difference between a
human brain or a chimpanzee brain.
In course of "experience" object and action keep on appearing and
disappearing and as they come and go they are lit by consciousness.
Thus, consciousness "seem to be" always present, as real-time
strange-loop illuminating all appearance and disappearance. It is this
knowing light that is shared in common by all moments of experience
beneath all difference and changes in appearance.
[*] There is an underlining level of "consciousness" which is
"identity-less" and is "same" for every being. Our experience is
derived from our ability to draw meaning from background knowledge.
Higher level of intelligence is limited by subjective experience and
we can only "know" as much as we can "experience". For every
experience, consciousness has been expressed with some perception of
this world. After an "object" is perceived it is reflected back AND a
cycle of perception is interpreted and taken into "underlying
>From here the cycle of expression and reflection is in a "loop" and as
it repeats, it gives rise to "appearances" that succeed "each-other"
in our minds in light with "background experience" and this succession
of appearance give rise to world we perceive.
Subjective Mind of a perceiver (AI) == Real time fusion and
correlation in-between awareness(time, relationship), and/or
intelligence(property), and/or consciousness(__Self or Fractal-Self__)
Nature of Conscious Autonomous Machine:
For an AGI to be called conscious (autonomous) it should be able to
attains these eight “liberation” based on background-experience from
fractal-Self__ on the fractal-cycle of fractal-space.
Possessed of form, it sees forms.
Not percipient of form internally, it sees forms externally.
Its intent only on the beautiful.
Going beyond perceptions of (physical) form, with the disappearance of
perceptions of resistance, and not heeding perceptions of diversity,
thinking, 'Infinite space,' it enters and remains in the sphere of the
infinitude of space.
Going beyond the sphere of the infinitude of space, thinking,
'Infinite consciousness,' it enters and remains in the sphere of the
infinitude of consciousness.
Going beyond the sphere of the infinitude of consciousness, thinking,
'There is nothing,' it enters and remains in the sphere of
Going beyond the sphere of nothingness, it enters and remains in the
sphere of neither perception nor non-perception.
Going beyond the sphere of neither perception nor non-perception, it
enters and remains in the cessation of perception and feeling.
When fractal-Self__ attains them and emerges from them wherever it
wants, however it wants, and for as long as it wants, through the
ending of its mental fermentations it enters and remains in the
fermentation-free release of awareness and release of discernment,
having directly known it and realized it in the here and now, it is
said to be consciousness released in both ways. And as for another
release in both ways, higher or more sublime than this, there is
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