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Re: [Full-disclosure] [Full-Disclosure] http://security.goatse.fr/gaping-hole-exposed (is a troll)

Actually, it was a former member of Goatse Security.

Leon Kaiser      - Head of GNAA Public Relations -
        literalka@xxxxxxx || literalka@xxxxxxxxx
       http://gnaa.eu || http://security.goatse.fr
      7BEECD8D FCBED526 F7960173 459111CE F01F9923
"The mask of anonymity is not intensely constructive."
       -- Andrew "weev" Auernheimer
On Thu, 2011-01-27 at 08:59 -0500, Kevin Lynn wrote:

> Knowing one of the people listed in the shout-outs, I told them about
> the props and they got back with the following statement:
> "After doing some digging, [I] found out that they did it to their own
> website to generate publicity.  The person responsible told me he
> didn't think anything would happen from it so he used my old nick.  He
> apologized to me and said he'll not do something like that in the
> future. "
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> Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
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Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
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