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[Full-disclosure] [US-2010-xmas]: American Women are lazy, hypocritical, corpulent, psychotic thieves. People are treacherous and worthless.

Yes sheep, hypocrisy is here.

Related: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2010/Nov/125

In the form of your 500 pound "BBW" wife. Enjoy the pig owning your house and 
driving your life into the ground.

Have you ever seen rape before? You need not look far. View the dockets in any 
divorce court to see total tyranny.

Yes ur honor I would like to file a "0day". This is more important than any 

This here is a public service to the human species and my the people of my 
country (in addition to my usual steady stream of criminal complaints against 
frauds, hackers and the like) Manufactured * is the new fetish around here. 
Self-absorbed decadence and thuggery is the new thing eh? Wake up. Wake up and 
read... Learn. Absorb intelligence.

We live in a generation of bullshitters and liars folks. It's time to wake up 
and take responsibility. Reclaim honor and virtue.

2010-12-23. URL:http://dontmarry.wordpress.com/. Accessed: 2010-12-23. 
(Archived by WebCite® at http://www.webcitation.org/5vCeVfZsb)

 "What I'm saying is that human beings are nasty weak treacherous creatures 
that are for the most part totally untrustworthy. Experience is my basis for 
this statement, both mine and others who I know or who have written reliable 
histories. If you can find a woman to be your companion who is not treacherous, 
a deceitful little actress, a sly whore or a manipulative nag or a shrieking 
hag, then you are among the lucky few. Congratulations. I hope your luck 
continues to hold out.

Enter the truth. Have a few pages of crystallized purity. Enjoy:

This writing seeks to educate men about the realities of what they may be 
getting into when they marry a Western Woman. An informed decision is less 
likely to be one that may be regretted later in the marriage. The intent is not 
to dissuade men from marrying, but to encourage them to communicate frankly 
their concerns and expectations regarding marriage with their potential 
spouses. The secondary aim of this essay is to enlighten women to a few of the 
reasons why increasingly larger numbers of successful, eligible, unmarried men, 
who would otherwise prefer monogamous long-term relationships, are turning 
their backs on marriage.

Society typically paints a negative stereotype of men who hesitate, delay, or 
elect not to marry.

They are labeled as either:

A) Womanisers who are unable to participate in a long term relationship, or
B) Selfish, childish or irresponsible men who can not take care of themselves 
or another person.

No other explanation is ever explored.

The cost of proclaiming your undying love

In University, in professional sports, in politics, in the workplace; women 
have the same educational and professional career opportunities as men. 
Contrary to commonly believed feminist propaganda, women do indeed get paid the 
same salary as men, given that they are willing to work the same types of jobs 
as men, and work as many hours as the men do. Despite this reality, many women 
come into marriage with very few assets, and often are saddled with substantial 
quantities of debt. In general, men are the ones who save and invest. Don’t 
believe me? Count the number of women of marrying age that you know who 
subscribe to financial services magazines or newspapers. A significant number 
of 20-something and 30-something women spend all of their disposable income on 
luxury rental apartments, upscale restaurants, frequent exotic vacations, 
leased cars, spa treatments, and excessive amounts of clothing, purses, shoes 
and accessories. Yet ironically, in the
 media, men are the ones who are portrayed as reckless, irresponsible 

When marriage enters the picture, double standards and financial imbalances 
leave responsible men to pick up the slack and fix the mess she may have made 
of her finances. Men are forced to spend their hard-earned savings, or take out 
an usurious loan, on a diamond ring. Women justify this relatively recent, 
mid-20th Century ritual, which was spawned by a brilliant 1940′s 
mass-brainwashing campaign launched by DeBeers, by insisting that a man wants 
to buy her a diamond and that it makes him proud to be able to proclaim his 
love and affection towards her in this fashion. Granted there are some men who 
may be inclined to declare their commitment to a life-long partner in this way, 
but there are plenty of men whom seek a lifelong partnership and commitment who 
have no interest in buying diamonds. What choice do these men have? None! To 
many young men, the ring, catered wedding, and honeymoon in an exotic locale at 
a five-star hotel is an unwelcome land
 mine on their journey towards adult financial stability and independence. To 
add insult to injury, he is now locked into a lifetime of insurance payments 
for this grossly overpriced jewelry. Contrary to popularly held belief diamonds 
are not rare at all, but instead are common and inexpensive. Their high price 
is due to their supply having been artificially manipulated. Some men are more 
concerned with realising their dream of owning a home and becoming financially 
stable enough to begin a family and responsibly provide for their welfare. Men 
worry about these matters, because, ultimately, it becomes their sole 

The purchase of the diamond ring is a predictor of things to come. Immediately 
after buying it, the man may be rewarded with bridal demands to finance all or 
part of a lavish wedding, depending upon the size of his bank account and the 
ambitions of his fiancée. The average costs of today’s Western Weddings 
frequently exceed that of a house down payment or, in certain parts of the 
world, the entire cost of the house itself. If a man enters a marriage having 
saved up a down payment for his dream home, it can suddenly be snatched right 
out from underneath him. Many men may object to spending such a large sum of 
money on what is basically a very expensive one-day, four-hour party. He also 
will be spending a year of his life planning it, when he could use the same 
time to further his career or education. However, what a man wants is really 
not of any concern anymore at this point in the proceedings. His wants, 
desires, hopes and dreams are ignored almost
 in their entirety. Her opinions regarding the wedding are frequently 
non-negotiable. A wedding is no longer an event that is equally for the bride 
and groom. As many of today’s Bridezilla’s will gleefully remind you, “Today is 
MY day!”. This gives her licence to become selfish, irresponsible, demanding 
and childlike. A man who balks at spending his entire life savings, or 
shouldering a five-figure debt load, for the ring, catered wedding and 
honeymoon in an exotic locale at a five-star hotel, can and will be labeled as 
a selfish cheapskate or not a “Real Man”. If a woman leaves such a man for him 
suggesting that they try to keep their costs under control, she would have the 
full support of everyone around her as she dumped him.

“She can do better”, “Clearly, he doesn’t love her”, “He doesn’t deserve her”, 
and similar sentiments will be muttered in quiet circles just out of his 
earshot. This is a sign of her good self-esteem and healthy self-image, and a 
sign that she won’t settle for anything less. She is the poster girl for the 
Modern, Independent Woman.

Imagine if a man demanded equal treatment and asked that she buy him a new bass 
boat, and a two-week bear hunt in Siberia as a condition of marriage. This 
would be viewed as absurd, yet women do it every day. Modern Western Marriage 
is supposedly an equal partnership, isn’t it?

The injustices go from bad to worse when children enter the picture. If he can 
afford to carry the entire familial financial burden, the woman may now elect 
to stop working entirely. She will often make this decision regardless of how 
he may feel about it. The day she stops working is the day that all of her past 
financial baggage unequivocally gets tossed onto his shoulders. If the woman 
has racked up substantial credit card debts, these are now his payments to 
make; if the woman has not bothered to pay off her student loans, these become 
his responsibility; if she owes an enormous sum on her luxury car note, it is 
up to him to pay it off. Irony of ironies is that he is now paying for her 
degree and she isn’t even working anymore! Can he object? Can he say: “No 
Honey, you made your mess, and it should not be my job to clean it up. You knew 
that you wanted kids even before you met me, and you should have planned 
ahead.” No, he cannot. The payments
 can’t be deferred until she is once again able to continue repaying them 
herself, not if he wants to retain a clean credit rating to get a loan for 
their dream home. If he even suggested that she return to work to pay off some 
of her own debt load, he opens himself to criticisms of being an unsupportive 
husband and bad father who is endangering the welfare of his children. Now the 
noose tightens and the responsible husband compensates for the mother’s 
freewheeling and irresponsible past, and begins slowly to pay off her old 
debts. In the most twisted turn of events yet, the debt he is paying off may 
often be on credit cards used to finance Vacations, Hotel Rooms and Christmas 
gifts shared with previous husbands, boyfriends, fiancés and lovers. Caveat 
Emptor! This is the reward for today’s man who works hard, makes sacrifices, 
plans ahead, and invests wisely. By getting married to the typical Modern, 
Western Woman, the man is certainly susceptible
 to being railroaded into this situation, because it is completely acceptable 
within today’s gender roles and societal norms.

Marriage can mean career slavery

Anyone who says, “Slavery is dead” clearly has not contemplated the predicament 
of the average Western Husband, where a good paycheck can mean career slavery. 
Merriam-Webster’s English Dictionary defines slavery as “…(T)he state of a 
person who is a chattel (an item of tangible movable or immovable property) of 
another person.” If the husband earns enough to support both of them, he would 
be hard pressed to make an argument to preserve equality and have her continue 
working as he does. If the wife decides to stop working, the man who has been 
left holding the financial bag finds his options very limited. He may find 
himself working in a career that he hates, for abusive and exploitative 
management, excessively long hours, in a position that is physically dangerous 
or demanding, in an organisation that has no growth potential, far away from 
home. At this point, considering the corner he’s been painted into, he is often 
powerless to affect
 any positive, meaningful change in his own life. He may have been harbouring 
delusions that once his wife was able to return to work, he would be able to 
gain some flexibility to rectify some of the shortcomings in his own career. 
Perhaps changing careers or accepting a lower salary at a different firm in 
exchange for better hours, a shorter commute, or more fulfilling work. 
Nevertheless, the distinct reality is that he will continue to shoulder the 
financial responsibilities of his family alone. His reward for working hard and 
getting ahead is to become trapped into his career, and become a specialised 
beast of burden to an emotionally and financially dependent family. Does it 
really pay to work hard anymore and apply oneself to his full potential?

If she stops working, she may never work again.

There are many debates about the merits of a stay-at-home mother vs. a working 
mother. My goal here is to simply educate the prospective husband on frequently 
unseen risks he is taking on when he agrees to accept 100% of the financial 
burden to allow his wife to stay at home. An informed decision is less likely 
to be one that may be regretted later in the marriage.

Every parent will agree that staying home with children is backbreaking and 
often mind-numbing labour. Many new fathers may concede that it is much easier 
to go to work than to stay at home with several children. However, the greatest 
imbalance in efforts and contributions to a marriage can manifest once all of 
the children are of school age. The house is now empty from 8am-3pm. The wife 
has 7 hours to herself while the kids are at school and the husband is at work. 
After a few years of hard work at home, many wives may feel entitled to “kick 
back” and take it easy. The good, supportive husband, however, has worked those 
same years, has done his 50/50 of the housework, and is still working just as 
hard to support the family once the kids are in school. His workload has not 
diminished, and it may have even increased as her expectations rise. He is 
rarely afforded the same option to scale back his daytime efforts.

What motivation does the modern wife have to return to work? Very little. For 
several years now, the man’s salary has been enough to live on. Otherwise, she 
would have been working to make ends meet. Unless tight finances dictate that 
she must return to work, the husband really has little say in this matter. The 
wife can hide behind many different excuses in order not to work, despite 
having little to do from 8am-3pm. Among the commonest are:

“I’m busy with the housework”
It is easy to exaggerate the labours of daily housework. Yet how long does it 
take to throw clothes or dishes into the washer, and remove them later? 
Vacuuming can be done in 1 hour a week. Grocery shopping is another hour per 
week. A decent meal can be prepared in under an hour. Does all of this add up 
to 7 hours a day? The lie that housework is hard, time-consuming drudgery is no 
longer as persuasive as it may have been in the past, because in an age of 
later marriage, many men are already experienced in cooking, cleaning, and 
general housekeeping and know that it doesn’t take that much effort or time. 
Humourously, not every stay-at-home-wife even performs all of these duties.

“I can’t find a job”
She has been out of work too long, and therefore is unable to find a job. This 
may be true, but many men do not consider this risk when they agree to support 
her while she “temporarily” stops working. Hopefully now they will, and can 
make a more informed decision. Many wives may use this as a convenient 
scapegoat to stop looking for any job at all. The next section describes how 
this can be used against him in the event of divorce.

“It doesn’t pay for me to work”
In the short run, the expenses of returning to work such as gas, lunch, clothes 
and day care may not make it worthwhile for her to return to the workforce. 
This may be true, but does that justify her playing tennis, drinking lattes and 
‘catching up with her friends’ while her husband toils away? Many couples may 
be too shortsighted to thoroughly and comprehensively think through this issue. 
Initially, the cost to benefits ratio may not be ideal, but her returning to 
work will improve her job skills and network of contacts and over time the 
return on investment will improve. More so than strolling through the local 
mall every afternoon and window-shopping for new window treatments. Over time, 
as her career gets back on track, and she becomes qualified for better jobs, 
her salary should also improve.

It should be duly noted that some working wives view their salary as “personal 
spending money”, and still expect the man to pay all or most of the bills. 
Western Women are often heard to claim that, “What’s mine is mine, and what’s 
his is ours.”

Even more unfair double standards that favour wives

If a married man cheats, he’s the scum of the earth. He is a selfish jerk that 
has jeopardised the family unit, done his ‘thinking with his little head’, and 
disrespected his wife and children. However, when the woman cheats, she’s 
portrayed as the victim of an insensitive and inattentive husband. “Poor thing, 
he ignores her. It is for her empowerment, to boost her ego. She deserves it 
after bearing and rearing his children.” It’s good for her self-esteem. Worse, 
her cheating is portrayed as the man’s fault. If he works long hours to provide 
for her and the children, he works too much. If he is tired at the end of the 
day from 13 hours of manual labour, then he doesn’t compliment her as much as 
she wants. Into this vacuum of conflicting expectations steps the first man who 
“makes me feel like a Real Woman again…”. You read that correctly; the man who 
is scrambling to pay the mortgage and car payments and is working double shifts
 to pay for the consumer goods she demanded to have is now considered a 
negligent and emotionally abusive husband. The man who may be working two jobs 
to allow her to be home with her kids is now considered a candidate for 
Domestic Violence.

When a woman cheats, the first thing people ask is what he did, or more often, 
didn’t do, to drive her into the arms of another man.

When a man cheats, no one ever asks the same question.

When a woman cheats, the reaction will be; “Oh, poor thing, I guess her husband 
couldn’t get the job done in the bedroom”.

When a man cheats, no one ever stops to think; “Oh poor fellow, his wife was 
horrible in bed.”

Let’s not forget what happens if a man were to leave his wife for a younger 
woman. This will become fodder at the coffee shop for months. It is 
automatically assumed that he is a shallow sex maniac whose only motivation was 
to be with a younger woman. The possibility that his wife was of a generation 
of women who were taught to hate men and that younger women do not, that she 
was lazy, or a reckless spendthrift, or verbally or physically abusive, or 
grossly overweight, or an incompetent mother, are rarely considered and are 
often totally ignored. The myth is that the only reason a man leaves his wife 
is to be with a younger, more attractive woman. Never mind if she is a better 
match for him and a more supportive, nurturing mate.

If a man insists on a Pre-Nup, he is selfish and unromantic. However, when is 
the last time a woman who demanded a Pre-Nup was called “unromantic”? On the 
contrary, if a woman requests a Pre-Nup, she is being fiscally responsible, 
sensible and looking out for herself. (Note: If your fiancée refuses to sign a 
Pre-Nup, she has just shown her hand. Best to leave now.) Why is it that a 
woman can refuse a Pre-Nup, and it is accepted by society? In reality, the man 
should be outraged that she is after a legal contract, and not love.

What is astounding is the hypocrisy of the usual reaction towards Pre-Nups. 
Women can conveniently assert that a man is unromantic if he suggests a 
Pre-Nup. After all, how can a man pollute true love with the signing of legal 
paperwork! However, what is a marriage licence? Nothing more than a legal 
contract entered into between the man, woman and local and state government 
authorities. A woman does not seem to balk at signing this legal paperwork, 
which entitles her to at least half the assets a man has accumulated as well as 
half of everything he earns in the future, and obligates him to support her in 
perpetuity in the event of a breakup. Why aren’t men allowed to note how 
unromantic this contract is? The distraction of bridal magazines, place setting 
selection, floral arrangements, wedding dresses, receptions, wedding showers, 
and honeymoons have clouded the legal reality of what men are getting 
themselves into. Marriage is as much an unromantic
 legal contract as a prenuptial agreement is.

Initially, Pre-Nups were devised as a way to protect women. Nuptial agreements 
were popularised in the 19th century, mostly to protect heiresses from marrying 
men who were “out for their money”. Until the Married Women’s Property Act of 
1848, under English Common Law, a woman’s property, upon marriage, was usually 
transferred to her husband.

“Stupid, Irresponsible” Men
Men are severely abused in our media, quite frankly. Just watch any TV 
commercial or sitcom and see how they portray men as idiots, dolts, or well 
intentioned, if bumbling, buffoons. If women were portrayed in commercials in 
the same fashion, “Women’s Organisations” would have a fit. If it weren’t for 
their wives in these shows and ads the men would be lost “animals”, unable to 
feed themselves or perform even the simplest of tasks. Other commercials make 
it appear that men act without thinking, only responding in an impulsive and 
irrational manner, and that the wife is the brains of the family. Even many 
women will agree that women often are the ones who act upon emotions and make 
judgments solely based up on emotional attachments and not logic or reason. 
Almost every “couples budgeting” article will portray the woman as the one who 
has to rein in the man’s childish spending, when in truth it is usually the 
woman who cannot control her

Job Loss
If a husband loses his job and is having trouble finding work, the wife is 
completely and totally justified in threatening to leave him. However, can you 
imagine the reaction if a husband threatened to leave a wife who was in the 
exact same position? He would be vilified! If a man loses his job, the woman is 
justified in resenting the fact that the financial burden lies on her. He is no 
longer a ‘good provider’. When is a man allowed to resent this very same 
predicament? If a man is laid off and cares for the household and kids while 
the wife is working, he may be accused of not pulling his weight! Yet this is 
exactly the same situation that women demand more recognition for with each 
passing year! No matter what role the man plays, he loses!

Traditional Roles
It is perfectly acceptable for a woman to demand that a man make a certain 
salary, drive a certain car, live in a certain part of the city, have a certain 
job, have the ‘right’ manners, talk a certain way, walk a certain way, behave a 
certain way, have a degree from the ‘right’ University and dress in a stylish 
fashion, to be deemed “marriage material” and be able to provide her with the 
stability she feels she deserves. If a man demands his wife do the cooking and 
cleaning, he can now be labeled old fashioned and sexist. If he asks her to 
carry her weight financially, just as he does, he may be criticised as an 
inadequate provider. If a man insists that his wife honor the conjugal 
requirements of the marriage contract, he can and will be accused of sexual 
abuse, sexual assault or rape.

To add insult to injury, some women have gotten so pampered that they not only 
quit their jobs the day they find out they are pregnant, but they then go out 
and hire as many nannies, cooks, gardeners and pool boys as their husband can 
afford. Many Western Wives stay at home and hire someone else to rear the kids 
and clean up, while they drink lattes and go shopping all day with other 
pampered “stay-at-home” mothers. Does it pay to work hard and get ahead 
anymore, if this is how your hard-earned money is squandered?

The concept of the pampered wife is a relatively new one. Most of Western 
Civilisation was primarily an agricultural economy even up until the 1920′s and 
1930’s. Western Wives contributed to the well being of the household by helping 
on the farm. A man needed a wife as an equal partner. It was not until the 
1950′s that the first generation of Western Wives, first in The States and 
later in Europe, Australia and New Zealand, began to emerge as dead weight. 
Perhaps this coincides with the spiking of the divorce rate in The States, and 
later Europe and the other English Speaking Nations, and the rise of Feminism. 
Perhaps men have become tired of giving so much, while getting so little in 


43% of Western Marriages end in divorce, and 70% to 93% of these divorces are 
initiated by women.

All men should consult a legal professional before marrying, and understand the 
implications of divorce, because the chances are 1-in-3 that they will 
participate in one whether they like it, want it, inititate it or not.

Upon divorce, all assets accumulated during and prior to a marriage are subject 
to division. It has become, simply put. a licence to steal. Even if the woman 
has not worked in years, and has spent the intervening decade(s) shopping and 
lunching from 8am-3pm, she is entitled to half, or more, of everything the man 
worked for during the course of the marriage. Is this fair? How many people 
would ever agree to a job contract that stipulated that in the event of 
separation that one party would have to return 50% of the gross amount of 
everything in the pay packet? No one in his or her right mind would knowingly 
sign such an agreement. Yet Western Men unknowingly agree to the exact same 
insanity each time they sign their marriage contract!

“Assets accumulated prior to a marriage are exempt from a divorce”. In theory 
this is true, in practice it is not. If funds from an account are commingled or 
combined, it can become marital property. How do funds become commingled, or 
mixed? If even the smallest sum from a prior account is spent towards the 
marriage, all of that account will now be considered marital property. Buy your 
child a lollipop from your own account, and a good lawyer will take one-half of 
it for your ex-wife when you divorce. If a woman moves into a home the man 
owned prior to the marriage, it is not safe from divorce. If she so much as 
hangs up a sheet of wallpaper, puts up draperies, paints a wall, or installs a 
light fixture, the home is now classified as joint marital property, and is now 
subject to equal division. Worse actually, the man can be ejected from the home 
if she makes a false claim of domestic violence, physical abuse, verbal abuse 
or child abuse. Where is
 the equality and fairness?

Note: “Equal Division” is also somewhat of a misnomer. Often, she can get 
upwards of 70% – 90% of the assets, while the man gets the majority of the 
debts! She gets all of the benefits, he gets all of the responsibilities. This, 
of course, is just and right and is his reward for working so hard all of those 
years. He can afford it; she can’t because she was not working.

If you pamper your wife, it can be used against you

Imagine that in the spirit of generosity and kindness that you gave a beggar a 
hot meal. A generous act, indeed. Now imagine your reaction if that same beggar 
sues you in court. He is petitioning the judge to have you keep providing him 
with the food that you gave him willingly, freely, out of a big heart. The 
judge orders you to keep feeding the homeless man meals, indefinitely, forever, 
because he has become accustomed to eating those meals! This is categorically 
absurd, yet this happens to Western Men in divorce court every day. Instead of 
thanking you for paying her bills for all those years, what you get is the 
privilege of being legally forced to pay her bills forever!

After having children, many women demand to quit working and stay home. Before 
the kids came along, many of these same women may have been in careers they 
hated, working long hours, and enduring long commutes. It is the man’s 
generosity and dedication to his own career that enables her to walk away from 
her own career. During a marriage, a man with a stay-at-home wife might work 
long and grueling hours in order to support her. He will pay the mortgage, the 
property tax, grocery bill, phone bill, cable bill, Internet bill and electric 
bill. He also pays for her car, gas money, clothes, and vacations.

As one final slap in the face, the man may be punished for working hard enough 
to allow his wife to have the luxury of staying at home with the kids. As noted 
above, after the children are in school, the wife may enjoy a life of leisure 
and relaxation that is afforded to her by her man’s hard work. In the event of 
divorce, he will be legally obligated to support her for years or decades to 
come. Because she stopped working and led a life of leisure, the ex-husband is 
now responsible for supporting her, forever! History has a tendency of 
rewriting itself. Originally, a woman may have had a career that she may have 
hated, and was begging to leave. Western Women often “play” at work and career 
for a few years after University, and then when they near 30 or grow tired of 
the workplace they seek out a man to “take her away from all of this”, whatever 
“all of this” may be. In fact her desire to leave the world of work may have 
been her motivation
 to have kids in the first place. But now, in her eyes, and definitely her 
lawyers eyes, she “gave up” her career for her man and his kids. She is now 
“owed” all of her “lost income”. His gift of leisure and support to her has now 
become twisted and is viewed as her sacrifice! Another way in which the 
situation is turned against him is that he will be characterised as being 
threatened by her having her own career, and that he forced her to quit her 
“lucrative career” and stay home with the children. Her lawyer will now attempt 
to convince the judge that he wanted to “oppress” his wife and “keep her down”. 
Truthfully now, how many men do you personally know that are upset at having a 
wife that earns a good living? Many of these misleading stereotypes still run 
rampant in our society, and are routinely used to the woman’s advantage during 
a divorce. As a result of her not working, regardless of whether she was 
minding the home or
 not, she remains a financial liability.

Generous, caring men who spoil their wives should certainly think twice about 
how this generosity can later be used against them. The phrase used in divorce 
court is “She has become accustomed to a certain lifestyle”. A husband’s reward 
for spoiling his wife today is the legal obligation to spoil her indefinitely, 
forever. Buy her a luxury car today, and you may be obligated to buy her luxury 
cars after she leaves you for another man! Yet, imagine a husband that became 
accustomed to eating a home cooked dinner, or regular conjugal visits. Now 
imagine the courts obligate the ex-wife to continue cooking for him and sharing 
her bed with him and his new girlfriend each night, despite being divorced! 
Inconceivable, but it happens the other way around every day!

The ultimate insult, however, comes when the man loses half or more of his 
life’s assets even when she has decided to leave him. Yes, a wife can 
unilaterally decide to kick a man out of his own home, and have the courts 
force him to continue paying the bills, while she is sleeping with her new 
boyfriend in the very house the husband worked so long and hard to buy! She 
can, and often does, spend her alimony check on gifts for her new boyfriend or 
lover! How is it that the legal system supports a woman who feels entitled to 

The risks are clear, yet what exactly are men getting out of marriage? Many 
times, the reasons men get married are unfounded.

Many of the traditional reasons why a man gets married are a myth.

“I won’t die alone”
Wrong. The simple fact is that one spouse WILL die alone. Visit the hospital 
and go to the terminally ill or cardiac departments. Few people have the time 
to sit with an ill relative all day and all night. Yes, you may get visitors, 
but they aren’t having the same thoughts as you are. You’re contemplating your 
mortality, while they’re wondering what food the hospital cafeteria offers. In 
the end, even with a loving and supportive family, most of us will leave this 
world alone, unless you both die simultaneously in an accident of some kind. 
Your spouse may die fifteen years before you, or you may be in the hospital for 
your last year. Ultimately, we all die alone. Married or not.

“I won’t grow old alone”
Not necessarily. A marriage can self-destruct at any time. Your partner may 
initiate divorce at age 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65 or 70. Many 
married people end up in the same position (alone) as if they had never married 
at all. Now they enter their twilight years broke, as a result of being 
stripped of half or more of their life’s assets, losing half their retirement 
and pension funds, and being assessed alimony payments. Experiencing financial 
devastation from one divorce often may preclude a man from ever marrying again. 
This is a common observation of many middle-aged Western Women. Q: “Where are 
all the men?”. A: “He is broke from the divorce settlement, alimony and child 
support payments.” Thus these women don’t find him marriable, and he grows old 
alone and poor.

Men are led to believe that not marrying implies only one destiny; that of a 
solitary monk in a cave, a shunned loner. However, life is not so black and 
white. Not marrying does not mean you cannot continue to date or have 
meaningful relationships throughout your life. There are plenty of single 
people in all age brackets. A bad marriage can be the loneliest of 
institutions, because most of your emotional outlet and companionship is 
concentrated into one person who gives back nothing in emotion, affection or 
support. Young men in their 20′s and 30′s should be more aware of the 
alternatives that exist in life. They should be aware that marriage is a 
choice, and is not the only path life has to offer. An informed decision is 
less likely to be one that is later regretted.

“I’ll get regular sex”
Not from Modern, Western Women. Access to regular sex is the oldest and the 
most frequently cited reason to marry. Many men now know that Modern, Western 
Women frequently stop having sex after just a short time of being married. 
There are plenty of “sexless” marriages. Talk to a few married couples that are 
honest about their relationship. One or both partners may stop wanting sex 
after kids, or the sex may be as infrequent as once a year or once every six 
months, or the wife may only have sex when she wants the husband to buy her 
something, take her somewhere, or remodel the house. Read the honest opinions 
of married men on the Internet. Most Western, Married Men will have more sex 
with their Western Wives in the first six months of their marriage than they 
will in the next 40 years. Lastly, it remains to be seen whether sex with one 
exclusive partner for forty years or more is even a natural act, or just a 
man-made convention. In many Western
 Nations, the wife is no longer required to have sex with her husband. She can 
deny him at any time, for any length of time. She can, if she wishes, deny him 
sex forever and there is nothing that he can do about it. In fact, if he 
insists that she honor her end of the marriage contract by being available for 
sexual relations, he can and will be accused of, charged with, and arrested for 
Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault or Rape.

Marriage is hardly a guarantee of regular sex, as many people are led to 

“I’ll have someone to cook and clean for me”
Not necessarily. While a Modern, Western Woman is perfectly justified in 
quitting her job in the name of staying home with the kids, she can also demand 
that the husband pay for a cook, a maid, and a nanny. This leaves the man to 
earn the money, and leaves him to pay for maintenance of household and 
children, while the wife gets to play at being a housekeeper. Today’s woman is 
empowered by not performing the traditional housewife duties, regardless of 
whether she is working or not. If a husband asks that his wife perform 
traditional household duties because she is not working, he will often be 
labeled sexist, abusive or controlling, even if he is doing his “traditional 
role” of paying all the bills, providing for his family, and performing the 
traditional manly duties of vehicle repairs, maintaining the lawn and house 

“I have to be married to have kids”
Not anymore. Her ovaries do not physically need a contract at the government 
center in order to be fertilised by your sperm. Cro-Magnon man had children 
long before lawyers invented marriage contracts. Often, you do not need to be 
married in order to share health benefits. You do not need to be married to 
designate your partner on a life insurance policy. You do not need to be 
married to own a dream home together. It is ironic that responsible parents who 
raise a healthy family, but never actually sign marriage paperwork, get less 
respect than divorced parents or married parents who are ineffective, 
inattentive or incompetent.

-Having a lifelong, faithful, committed relationship has nothing to do with 
being “married”.
-Owning a beautiful dream home together has nothing to do with being “married”.
-Rearing healthy, happy, and successful children has nothing to do with being 
-Building a family and life together has nothing to do with being “married”.
-Growing old together has nothing to do with being “married”.

In fact, recent changes in cohabitation, partner and marriage law have proven 
that the only tangible consequence of marriage is having a formalised 
separation process that usually requires the talents of an attorney.

You do need to be married in order to throw an extravagant four-hour party, and 
share the same last name.

You do need to be married in order to involve the state and government in your 
romantic affairs.

You do need to be married in order give away half of everything you own.

Besides that, marriage does nothing more than introduce lawyers and social 
workers into your life. These are people that otherwise would have nothing to 
do with your life or your relationship.

Men need to stop and ask themselves:

“Why exactly am I getting married? What exactly does marriage mean to me in 
today’s world? What is the benefit to me to get married?”

It is no longer a lifelong commitment, because it can be reversed overnight on 
her unilateral whim.

Marriage was originally created as a way for families to merge land, property, 
political power and influence; perhaps people should return to viewing it as 
just that and nothing more. The rest of it is fake modern TV Fantasy and 
Tabloid Gossip and Hype polluting the minds of today’s impressionable youth, 
and a way to keep the multi-billion-per-year wedding industry chugging along. 
Perhaps the only criteria should be to ask oneself: “How excited am I for us to 
merge our finances and assets?” When all the fluff and hype are boiled away, 
that may be the only remaining reality. Spend a day in divorce court, and 
you’ll see exactly what is real and tangible and lasting about marriage. You’ll 
see women who signed the marriage contract under romantic pretenses who are now 
expert laymen attorneys who can cite case law. Bouquet throwing ex-brides now 
embroiled in warfare to get everything that is coming to them and more! The 
rest are myths, lies, bold
 unsubstantiated promises, and maybes. “For better or for worse…”

The Western Divorce rate is 43%. It is higher in some parts of the world such 
as California, Great Britain and Australia. In Japan the recent change in 
pension law may have many pensioners out on the street. In India new changes to 
dowry law have men being threatened by their wives. Consider the number of 
people who are in a bad marriage, but elect to stay; Men who don’t want to lose 
50%, women who know they can’t support themselves alone. Next, think of how 
many more couples stay together just for the sake of the kids. Of these “forced 
marriages”, consider how many of these marriages involve infidelity, no sex, or 
sleeping in separate beds or separate rooms. I estimate the percentage of happy 
and monogamous marriages to be under 5%. Are these odds you would take in a 
business venture, investment or loan? Most of the risk-averse population would 
not. Yet they seek this exception to the rule everyday through marriage.

Keywords: NoMarriage, NoMarriage.com, Don't Marry


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