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[Full-disclosure] FW: Your email message was blocked

Classic.  Just send him an email with the link you want from whatever address 
you want, and you can spam people with the subject, including links.  :)

From: rms@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:rms@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, December 23, 2010 4:40 PM
To: Jimmy Jank the Wanksta
Subject: Your email message was blocked

The following email message was blocked by Bell Aliant Content Filtering Device:

   From:      thor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:thor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
   To:        rms@xxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:rms@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
   Subject:   You did this??? 
   Message:   B4d13ebf60000.000000000001.0003.mml

Because it may contain unacceptable language, or inappropriate material.  
Please remove any unacceptable or inappropriate language and resend the message.

The blocked email will be automatically deleted after 5 days.

Content Rule: Policy Management (Inbound) : Block Common & Mild Profanity

6724 20:40:22.824 23 Dec 2010 - B4d13ebf60000.000000000001.0003.mml
6724 20:40:22.824 Message From <thor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Return-path 
<thor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Recipients (1) -  <rms@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> 

6724 20:40:22.824 Thread 1 Starting to unpack 
6724 20:40:22.824 MimeTags::Process tag Content-Language =  en-US
6724 20:40:22.824 MimeTags::Process tag Content-Type =  multipart/related; 
6724 20:40:22.824  MimeTags::Process tag Content-Type =  multipart/alternative; 
6724 20:40:22.824   MimeTags::Process tag Content-Type =  text/plain; 
6724 20:40:22.824   MimeTags::Process tag Content-Transfer-Encoding =  
6724 20:40:22.824   Encoding <quoted-printable>
6724 20:40:22.824   Quoted-Printable encoded section consumed 289 bytes - file 
6724 20:40:22.824   MimeTags::Process tag Content-Type =  text/html; 
6724 20:40:22.824   MimeTags::Process tag Content-Transfer-Encoding =  
6724 20:40:22.824   Encoding <quoted-printable>
6724 20:40:22.824   Quoted-Printable encoded section consumed 3365 bytes - file 
6724 20:40:22.824   UnpackComposite: End boundary found - unwinding
6724 20:40:22.824  MimeTags::Process tag Content-Type =  image/png; 
6724 20:40:22.824  MimeTags::Process tag Content-Description =  image001.png
6724 20:40:22.824  MimeTags::Process tag Content-Disposition =  inline; 
filename="image001.png"; size=1020; creation-date="Fri, 24 Dec 2010 00:40:12 
GMT"; modification-date="Fri, 24 Dec 2010 00:40:12 GMT"
6724 20:40:22.824  MimeTags::Process tag Content-ID =  
6724 20:40:22.824  MimeTags::Process tag Content-Transfer-Encoding =  base64
6724 20:40:22.824  Encoding <base64>
6724 20:40:22.824  Base64 encoded section consumed 1396 bytes - file 
6724 20:40:22.824  UnpackComposite: End boundary found - unwinding
6724 20:40:22.824 Type=MAIL,  size=8463,  
6724 20:40:22.824   Type=MHDR,  size=2378,  Name=MsgHeader.txt
6724 20:40:22.824   Type=MBODY,  size=289,  Name=Quoted-Printable.txt
6724 20:40:22.824   Type=MBODY,  size=3242,  Name=Quoted-Printable_1.txt
6724 20:40:22.824   Type=PNG,  size=1020,  Name=image001.png
6724 20:40:22.824 1 user(s) match ruleset - Connection Policies
6724 20:40:22.824   0 user(s) match rule - NSP-SEC Email Rule - BA
6724 20:40:22.824   0 user(s) match rule - Delete Postmaster messages - BA
6724 20:40:22.824 1 user(s) match ruleset - Virus & Threats (Inbound)
6724 20:40:22.824   1 user(s) match rule - Block Virus
6724 20:40:22.840 virus scanner OK <Sophos Anti-Virus> file 
<B4d13ebf60000.000000000001.0003.mml> after 16 millisecs
6724 20:40:22.840 virus scanner OK <Sophos Anti-Virus> file <MsgHeader.txt> 
after 0 millisecs
6724 20:40:22.840 virus scanner OK <Sophos Anti-Virus> file 
<Quoted-Printable.txt> after 0 millisecs
6724 20:40:22.840 virus scanner OK <Sophos Anti-Virus> file 
<Quoted-Printable_1.txt> after 0 millisecs
6724 20:40:22.840 virus scanner OK <Sophos Anti-Virus> file <image001.png> 
after 0 millisecs
6724 20:40:22.840     Name=U1\B4d13ebf60000.000000000001.0003.mml (MAIL,8463) 
6724 20:40:22.840       Name=U2\MsgHeader.txt (MHDR,2378) False
6724 20:40:22.840       Name=U2\Quoted-Printable.txt (MBODY,289) False
6724 20:40:22.840       Name=U2\Quoted-Printable_1.txt (MBODY,3242) False
6724 20:40:22.840       Name=U2\image001.png (PNG,1020) False
6724 20:40:22.840   1 user(s) match rule - Block Known Threats
6724 20:40:22.840     Name=U1\B4d13ebf60000.000000000001.0003.mml (MAIL,8463) 
6724 20:40:22.840   1 user(s) match rule - Block Known Virus Attachments
6724 20:40:22.840     Name=U1\B4d13ebf60000.000000000001.0003.mml (MAIL,8463) 
6724 20:40:22.840       Name=U2\MsgHeader.txt (MHDR,2378) False
6724 20:40:22.840       Name=U2\Quoted-Printable.txt (MBODY,289) False
6724 20:40:22.840       Name=U2\Quoted-Printable_1.txt (MBODY,3242) False
6724 20:40:22.840       Name=U2\image001.png (PNG,1020) False
6724 20:40:22.840   1 user(s) match rule - Block Virus - Zero Day Protection 
6724 20:40:22.840     Name=U1\B4d13ebf60000.000000000001.0003.mml (MAIL,8463) 
6724 20:40:22.840   1 user(s) match rule - Block Virus Hoaxes - BA
6724 20:40:22.840     Name=U1\B4d13ebf60000.000000000001.0003.mml (MAIL,8463) 
6724 20:40:22.840       Name=U2\MsgHeader.txt (MHDR,2378) False
6724 20:40:22.840       Name=U2\Quoted-Printable.txt (MBODY,289) False
6724 20:40:22.840       Name=U2\Quoted-Printable_1.txt (MBODY,3242) False
6724 20:40:22.840       Name=U2\image001.png (PNG,1020) False
6724 20:40:22.840   0 user(s) match rule - Tony Power Rule #1 - BA
6724 20:40:22.840   1 user(s) match rule - BlockChain Letteres - BA
6724 20:40:22.840     Name=U1\B4d13ebf60000.000000000001.0003.mml (MAIL,8463) 
6724 20:40:22.840       Name=U2\MsgHeader.txt (MHDR,2378) False
6724 20:40:22.840       Name=U2\Quoted-Printable.txt (MBODY,289) False
6724 20:40:22.840       Name=U2\Quoted-Printable_1.txt (MBODY,3242) False
6724 20:40:22.840       Name=U2\image001.png (PNG,1020) False
6724 20:40:22.840 0 user(s) match ruleset - Virus & Threats (Outbound)
6724 20:40:22.840 1 user(s) match ruleset - Spam - BA
6724 20:40:22.840   0 user(s) match rule - SkepticML - BA
6724 20:40:22.840   1 user(s) match rule - Invalid From - BA
6724 20:40:22.855     Name=U1\B4d13ebf60000.000000000001.0003.mml (MAIL,8463) 
6724 20:40:22.855 1 user(s) match ruleset - Spam
6724 20:40:22.855   1 user(s) match rule - Block Spam - SpamBotCensor AND 
6724 20:40:22.855 Creating substitute mail header file
6724 20:40:22.855     Name=U1\B4d13ebf60000.000000000001.0003.mml (MAIL,8463) 
6724 20:40:22.855   1 user(s) match rule - Block Spam - SpamCensor AND 
6724 20:40:22.871     Name=U1\B4d13ebf60000.000000000001.0003.mml (MAIL,8463) 
6724 20:40:22.871   1 user(s) match rule - Block Spam - SpamProfiler
6724 20:40:22.871     Name=U1\B4d13ebf60000.000000000001.0003.mml (MAIL,8463) 
6724 20:40:22.871   1 user(s) match rule - Block Spam - SpamBotCensor
6724 20:40:22.871 Creating substitute mail header file
6724 20:40:22.887     Name=U1\B4d13ebf60000.000000000001.0003.mml (MAIL,8463) 
6724 20:40:22.887   1 user(s) match rule - Block Spam - SpamCensor
6724 20:40:22.902     Name=U1\B4d13ebf60000.000000000001.0003.mml (MAIL,8463) 
6724 20:40:22.902   1 user(s) match rule - Block Spam - Spamhaus Blacklisted
6724 20:40:22.902 DNS Blacklist lookup: is not listed in 
<zen.spamhaus.org>  - rcode(1)
6724 20:40:22.902 DNS Blacklist lookup: is not listed in 
<zen.spamhaus.org>  - rcode(1)
6724 20:40:23.043 DNS Blacklist lookup: is not listed in 
<zen.spamhaus.org>  - rcode(1)
6724 20:40:23.074 DNS Blacklist lookup: is not listed in 
<zen.spamhaus.org>  - rcode(1)
6724 20:40:23.074     Name=U1\B4d13ebf60000.000000000001.0003.mml (MAIL,8463) 
6724 20:40:23.074   1 user(s) match rule - Block Spam - Zero Day Protection 
6724 20:40:23.074     Name=U1\B4d13ebf60000.000000000001.0003.mml (MAIL,8463) 
6724 20:40:23.074   1 user(s) match rule - Block Spam - Administrator 
Maintained Keyword list
6724 20:40:23.074     Name=U1\B4d13ebf60000.000000000001.0003.mml (MAIL,8463) 
6724 20:40:23.074       Name=U2\MsgHeader.txt (MHDR,2378) False
6724 20:40:23.074       Name=U2\Quoted-Printable.txt (MBODY,289) False
6724 20:40:23.074       Name=U2\Quoted-Printable_1.txt (MBODY,3242) False
6724 20:40:23.074       Name=U2\image001.png (PNG,1020) False
6724 20:40:23.074   1 user(s) match rule - Block Spam - CountryCensor
6724 20:40:23.089 CountryCensor: appears to be from GB
6724 20:40:23.089 CountryCensor: appears to be from US
6724 20:40:23.089 CountryCensor: appears to be from US
6724 20:40:23.089 CountryCensor: appears to be from --
6724 20:40:23.089 CountryCensor: appears to be from **
6724 20:40:23.089     Name=U1\B4d13ebf60000.000000000001.0003.mml (MAIL,8463) 
6724 20:40:23.089   1 user(s) match rule - Asian Spam - BA
6724 20:40:23.089     Name=U1\B4d13ebf60000.000000000001.0003.mml (MAIL,8463) 
6724 20:40:23.089       Name=U2\MsgHeader.txt (MHDR,2378) False
6724 20:40:23.089       Name=U2\Quoted-Printable.txt (MBODY,289) False
6724 20:40:23.089       Name=U2\Quoted-Printable_1.txt (MBODY,3242) False
6724 20:40:23.089       Name=U2\image001.png (PNG,1020) False
6724 20:40:23.089   1 user(s) match rule - Russian Spam - BA
6724 20:40:23.089     Name=U1\B4d13ebf60000.000000000001.0003.mml (MAIL,8463) 
6724 20:40:23.089       Name=U2\MsgHeader.txt (MHDR,2378) False
6724 20:40:23.089       Name=U2\Quoted-Printable.txt (MBODY,289) False
6724 20:40:23.089       Name=U2\Quoted-Printable_1.txt (MBODY,3242) False
6724 20:40:23.089       Name=U2\image001.png (PNG,1020) False
6724 20:40:23.089   1 user(s) match rule - German Spam - BA
6724 20:40:23.089     Name=U1\B4d13ebf60000.000000000001.0003.mml (MAIL,8463) 
6724 20:40:23.089       Name=U2\MsgHeader.txt (MHDR,2378) False
6724 20:40:23.089       Name=U2\Quoted-Printable.txt (MBODY,289) False
6724 20:40:23.089       Name=U2\Quoted-Printable_1.txt (MBODY,3242) False
6724 20:40:23.089       Name=U2\image001.png (PNG,1020) False
6724 20:40:23.089   1 user(s) match rule - Subject Line Filtering - BA
6724 20:40:23.089     Name=U1\B4d13ebf60000.000000000001.0003.mml (MAIL,8463) 
6724 20:40:23.089       Name=U2\MsgHeader.txt (MHDR,2378) False
6724 20:40:23.089       Name=U2\Quoted-Printable.txt (MBODY,289) False
6724 20:40:23.089       Name=U2\Quoted-Printable_1.txt (MBODY,3242) False
6724 20:40:23.089       Name=U2\image001.png (PNG,1020) False
6724 20:40:23.089   1 user(s) match rule - Medical Filtering - BA
6724 20:40:23.089     Name=U1\B4d13ebf60000.000000000001.0003.mml (MAIL,8463) 
6724 20:40:23.089       Name=U2\MsgHeader.txt (MHDR,2378) False
6724 20:40:23.089       Name=U2\Quoted-Printable.txt (MBODY,289) False
6724 20:40:23.089       Name=U2\Quoted-Printable_1.txt (MBODY,3242) False
6724 20:40:23.089       Name=U2\image001.png (PNG,1020) False
6724 20:40:23.089   1 user(s) match rule - Message Body Filtering - BA
6724 20:40:23.089     Name=U1\B4d13ebf60000.000000000001.0003.mml (MAIL,8463) 
6724 20:40:23.089       Name=U2\MsgHeader.txt (MHDR,2378) False
6724 20:40:23.089       Name=U2\Quoted-Printable.txt (MBODY,289) False
6724 20:40:23.089       Name=U2\Quoted-Printable_1.txt (MBODY,3242) False
6724 20:40:23.089       Name=U2\image001.png (PNG,1020) False
6724 20:40:23.089   1 user(s) match rule - Gift in the Subject Line - BA
6724 20:40:23.089     Name=U1\B4d13ebf60000.000000000001.0003.mml (MAIL,8463) 
6724 20:40:23.089       Name=U2\MsgHeader.txt (MHDR,2378) False
6724 20:40:23.089       Name=U2\Quoted-Printable.txt (MBODY,289) False
6724 20:40:23.089       Name=U2\Quoted-Printable_1.txt (MBODY,3242) False
6724 20:40:23.089       Name=U2\image001.png (PNG,1020) False
6724 20:40:23.089 1 user(s) match ruleset - Message Archiving
6724 20:40:23.089   1 user(s) match rule - Archive All Inbound Messages
6724 20:40:23.089 Name=U1\B4d13ebf60000.000000000001.0003.mml Message level 
criterion TRUE
6724 20:40:23.089     Requesting Action <Message Archiving:Archive All Inbound 
Messages:CopyMessage> be run
6724 20:40:23.089 1 user(s) match ruleset - Attachment Management (Inbound)
6724 20:40:23.089   1 user(s) match rule - Block Suspect Attachments
6724 20:40:23.089     Name=U1\B4d13ebf60000.000000000001.0003.mml (MAIL,8463) 
6724 20:40:23.089       Name=U2\MsgHeader.txt (MHDR,2378) False
6724 20:40:23.089       Name=U2\Quoted-Printable.txt (MBODY,289) False
6724 20:40:23.089       Name=U2\Quoted-Printable_1.txt (MBODY,3242) False
6724 20:40:23.089       Name=U2\image001.png (PNG,1020) False
6724 20:40:23.089   1 user(s) match rule - Block Password Protected Attachments
6724 20:40:23.089     Name=U1\B4d13ebf60000.000000000001.0003.mml (MAIL,8463) 
6724 20:40:23.089       Name=U2\MsgHeader.txt (MHDR,2378) False
6724 20:40:23.089       Name=U2\Quoted-Printable.txt (MBODY,289) False
6724 20:40:23.089       Name=U2\Quoted-Printable_1.txt (MBODY,3242) False
6724 20:40:23.089       Name=U2\image001.png (PNG,1020) False
6724 20:40:23.089   1 user(s) match rule - Block EXECUTABLE Files
6724 20:40:23.089     Name=U1\B4d13ebf60000.000000000001.0003.mml (MAIL,8463) 
6724 20:40:23.089       Name=U2\MsgHeader.txt (MHDR,2378) False
6724 20:40:23.089       Name=U2\Quoted-Printable.txt (MBODY,289) False
6724 20:40:23.089       Name=U2\Quoted-Printable_1.txt (MBODY,3242) False
6724 20:40:23.089       Name=U2\image001.png (PNG,1020) False
6724 20:40:23.089   1 user(s) match rule - Block VIDEO Files
6724 20:40:23.089     Name=U1\B4d13ebf60000.000000000001.0003.mml (MAIL,8463) 
6724 20:40:23.089       Name=U2\MsgHeader.txt (MHDR,2378) False
6724 20:40:23.089       Name=U2\Quoted-Printable.txt (MBODY,289) False
6724 20:40:23.089       Name=U2\Quoted-Printable_1.txt (MBODY,3242) False
6724 20:40:23.089       Name=U2\image001.png (PNG,1020) False
6724 20:40:23.089   1 user(s) match rule - Block Messages Over 20MB - BA
6724 20:40:23.089     Name=U1\B4d13ebf60000.000000000001.0003.mml (MAIL,8463) 
6724 20:40:23.089 0 user(s) match ruleset - Attachment Management (Outbound)
6724 20:40:23.089 1 user(s) match ruleset - Policy Management (Inbound)
6724 20:40:23.089   1 user(s) match rule - Block Pornographic Language - BA
6724 20:40:23.089     Name=U1\B4d13ebf60000.000000000001.0003.mml (MAIL,8463) 
6724 20:40:23.089       Name=U2\MsgHeader.txt (MHDR,2378) False
6724 20:40:23.089       Name=U2\Quoted-Printable.txt (MBODY,289) False
6724 20:40:23.089       Name=U2\Quoted-Printable_1.txt (MBODY,3242) False
6724 20:40:23.089       Name=U2\image001.png (PNG,1020) False
6724 20:40:23.089   1 user(s) match rule - Block Common & Mild Profanity
6724 20:40:23.089 TextCensor triggered: Script Language - Mildly Offensive 
Triggered in Body

Expression: bitch Triggered 1 times weighting 5

6724 20:40:23.089 Name=U1\B4d13ebf60000.000000000001.0003.mml Message level 
criterion TRUE
6724 20:40:23.089     Requesting Action <Policy Management (Inbound):Block 
Common & Mild Profanity:MailTemplate> be run
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