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[Full-disclosure] [SECURITY] [DSA-2115-2] New moodle packages fix several vulnerabilities

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Debian Security Advisory DSA-2115-2                  security@xxxxxxxxxx
http://www.debian.org/security/                           Florian Weimer
October 11, 2010                      http://www.debian.org/security/faq
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Package        : moodle
Vulnerability  : several
Problem type   : remote
Debian-specific: no
CVE Id(s)      : CVE-2010-1613 CVE-2010-1614 CVE-2010-1615 CVE-2010-1616 
CVE-2010-1617 CVE-2010-1618 CVE-2010-1619 CVE-2010-2228 CVE-2010-2229 
CVE-2010-2230 CVE-2010-2231

DSA-2115-1 introduced a regression because it lacked a dependency on
the wwwconfig-common package, leading to installations problems.  This
update addresses this issue.  For reference, the text of the original
advisory is provided below.

Several remote vulnerabilities have been discovered in Moodle, a
course management system.  The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures
project identifies the following problems:

        Moodle does not enable the "Regenerate session id during
        login" setting by default, which makes it easier for remote
        attackers to conduct session fixation attacks.

        Multiple cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities allow
        remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via
        vectors related to (1) the Login-As feature or (2) when the
        global search feature is enabled, unspecified global search
        forms in the Global Search Engine.

        Multiple SQL injection vulnerabilities allow remote attackers
        to execute arbitrary SQL commands via vectors related to (1)
        the add_to_log function in mod/wiki/view.php in the wiki
        module, or (2) "data validation in some forms elements"
        related to lib/form/selectgroups.php.

        Moodle can create new roles when restoring a course, which
        allows teachers to create new accounts even if they do not
        have the moodle/user:create capability.

        user/view.php does not properly check a role, which allows
        remote authenticated users to obtain the full names of other
        users via the course profile page.

        A Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the phpCAS
        client library allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web
        script or HTML via a crafted URL, which is not properly
        handled in an error message.

        A Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the
        fix_non_standard_entities function in the KSES HTML text
        cleaning library (weblib.php) allows remote attackers to
        inject arbitrary web script or HTML via crafted HTML entities.

        A Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the MNET
        access-control interface allows remote attackers to inject
        arbitrary web script or HTML via vectors involving extended
        characters in a username.

        Multiple cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in
        blog/index.php allow remote attackers to inject arbitrary web
        script or HTML via unspecified parameters.

        The KSES text cleaning filter in lib/weblib.php does
        not properly handle vbscript URIs, which allows remote
        authenticated users to conduct cross-site scripting (XSS)
        attacks via HTML input.

        A Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in
        report/overview/report.php in the quiz module allows remote
        attackers to hijack the authentication of arbitrary users for
        requests that delete quiz attempts via the attemptid

This security update switches to a new upstream version and requires
database updates.  After installing the fixed package, you must visit
<http://localhost/moodle/admin/> and follow the update instructions.

For the stable distribution (lenny), these problems have been fixed in
version 1.8.13-2.

For the unstable distribution (sid), these problems have been fixed in
version 1.9.9.dfsg2-1.

We recommend that you upgrade your moodle package.

Upgrade instructions
- --------------------

wget url
        will fetch the file for you
dpkg -i file.deb
        will install the referenced file.

If you are using the apt-get package manager, use the line for
sources.list as given below:

apt-get update
        will update the internal database
apt-get upgrade
        will install corrected packages

You may use an automated update by adding the resources from the
footer to the proper configuration.

Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 alias lenny
- --------------------------------

Source archives:

    Size/MD5 checksum: 11288160 81b992fa4d53753c7bb30edc727075f4
    Size/MD5 checksum:    28005 205aafd0e7fbfb135332a942097e1187
    Size/MD5 checksum:     1574 dc38b22bedf7d0340ad36c7a23b1fb07

Architecture independent packages:

    Size/MD5 checksum:  9071180 501ea064c29b1c467947475ffb66bde7

  These files will probably be moved into the stable distribution on
  its next update.

For apt-get: deb http://security.debian.org/ stable/updates main
For dpkg-ftp: ftp://security.debian.org/debian-security 
Mailing list: debian-security-announce@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Package info: `apt-cache show <pkg>' and http://packages.debian.org/<pkg>
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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