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[Full-disclosure] Netsparker Community Edition - Free web app scanner is out!

Mavituna  Security Ltd is proud to announce the release of Netsparker
Community Edition.

Netsparker Community Edition is False Positive Free and can detect both
SQL  Injection  and Cross-site Scripting issues better than many other

Netsparker Community Edition also detects many other vulnerabilities such
as  finding  and  reporting  backup  files,  source  code disclosures,
Crossdomain.xml issues, SVN/CVS disclosures, internal path disclosures,
error messages and many more.

Don't take our word for it, simply fire up your favourite  scanner and
compare the results with those from Netsparker® Community Edition. You
won't see a False-Positive from Netsparker® Community Edition and it'll
find more vulnerabilities.

Web application security is a big challenge and Netsparker Community
Edition is a vital tool for the security community and developers alike.


The Netsparker® family are not simply more web application security
scanners but
represent a step forward into the next generation.
Netsparker features False Positive Free Scanning, Integrated Exploitation,
Post-Exploitation Vulnerability Assessment and accurate detection.


Ferruh Mavituna
Founder and Lead Developer of Netsparker

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/