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[Full-disclosure] SQL DB Structure Extraction vulnerabilities

Hello Full-Disclosure!

Yesterday I wrote English version of my article SQL DB Structure Extraction
vulnerabilities (http://websecurity.com.ua/4038/).

There is such variety of Information Leakage vulnerabilities as SQL DB
Structure Extraction. This vulnerability lie in that there is information
leakage in web application about structure of the database. This information
leakage can be of use at SQL Injection attack.

Such vulnerability I found first time already in 2006 (at one site) and gave
it this name. Such vulnerabilities I found at many web sites and also in
many web applications.

In the article I talked about SQL DB Structure Extraction, different
variants of SQL Errors (three variants) and about difference between SQL DB
Structure Extraction and SQL Error.

You can read the article SQL DB Structure Extraction vulnerabilities at my
site: http://websecurity.com.ua/4038/

Best wishes & regards,
Administrator of Websecurity web site

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