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Re: [Full-disclosure] Why

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Eh, it's not that "far out". Are you saying I sound like a liar?
Kinda like a Joseph Smith or L Ron Hubbard?

'Pretty down to earth dude right here. And I hate to lie or be
unethical. It's a philosophically entrenched sin. If that's what
you're trying to say I'd be a little offended.

People who write those spy and crime novels are mini-schizos with
heavy narcissism. Read page 51/52 of "Police Interrogations" by
Reid, Buckley and Inbau. Those stupid seeds (yes however who
deserve to be left alone to their privacy like everyone else) have
a fascination with authority figures and methods. I'm over that
stage. That type of person takes that fascination into adulthood,
can't hold jobs, basically, the n3td3v's of the world. I see em all
the time, mall cops and janitors.

Not my cup of tea.

I'm not the boy who cried wolf here, they are.

I have a future.

On Fri, 19 Feb 2010 22:09:14 +0000 Christian Sciberras
<uuf6429@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>@Jonny - Hmm, talented. Ever thought about writing books?
>On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 10:57 PM, Thor (Hammer of God)
><thor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Vivisected like string cheese?
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: full-disclosure-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:full-
>>> disclosure-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Jonathan
>>> Sent: Friday, February 19, 2010 1:51 PM
>>> To: full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>> Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] Why
>>> Hash: SHA1
>>> Hello.
>>> I used to be online friends with a subject of an FBI
>>> (Not saying who for my safety)
>>> I suppose I could be of assistance in his arrest and
>>> however, they didn't approach me that way. They approached me
>>> after I changed my life, in a very heavy handed way. Steven
>>> like, but with local cops. (Clearly, I'm being ambiguous to
>>> my anonymity)
>>> Add a little ambiguity and locals with hitlists against me from
>>> younger years, That's all it takes. In truth it's not just MIB,
>>> it's local police back where I used to live.
>>> I'm not going to be arrested obviously, but the constant
>>> harassment, surveillance, pretexts and entrapment attempts is
>>> numbing and painful. I'm not some bad guy. I feel so deeply
>>> FBI? Stories in specific? A provocateur sent to paint me like a
>>> cyberterrorist.
>>> My life being vivisected like string cheese. My humble,
>>> lifestyle being sensationalised and scrutinized by ignorant
>>> Baeur's and inept bureaucrats.
>>> My friends are terrified, it's like they have a knife to their
>>> throat -- that is the one's that stook up for me and got
>>> threatened. The more gullible one's comply like the milgrim
>>> experiment and give oscar winning performances. Never knew my
>>> innocuous life could be spun to make me look like a mobster.
>>> I just want to be left alone. I can't even make friends or
>>> girlfriends because cops will just go to them and take them
>>> me. I am an amicable man and I can't be free without them
>>> threatening the one's I love and turning htem against me. I
>feel so
>>> hopeless
>>> I'm unsure if they can even articulate a legal reason to
>>> such harassment. But that's the power of a runaway fishing
>>> expedition.
>>> I wish I could just sue those bastards. @#$!
>>> Appreciate your concern
>>> P.S. Any of you whitehats have an idea what I can do here?
>>> On Tue, 16 Feb 2010 15:43:46 +0000 james@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>> >Hello,
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >So why are the Feds or and homeland security up your ass so
>>> >
>>> >What is it you know they want you to keep quite about.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >Sent from my iPhone
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>>> =hs4y
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>> Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
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