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[Full-disclosure] Invision Power Board <= 3.0.4 Local PHP File Inclusion and SQL Injection

- Release date: December 4th, 2009
- Discovered by: Dawid Golunski
- Severity: Moderately High

Invision Power Board <= 3.0.4 Local PHP File Inclusion and SQL Injection
Invision Power Board <= 2.3.6 SQL Injection

Invision Power Board (IPB) is a professional forum system that has  
been built
from the ground up with speed and security in mind, taking advantage  
of object
oriented code, highly-optimized SQL queries, and the fast PHP engine. A
comprehensive administration control panel is included to help you  
keep your
board running smoothly. Moderators will also enjoy the full range of  
available to them via built-in tools and moderators control panel.  
will appreciate the ability to subscribe to topics, send private  
messages, and
perform a host of other options through the user control panel.

For a good understanding of the vulnerabilities it is necessary to be  
with the way IPB handles input data. Below is a quick trace of input
validation process. The code snippets come from IPB version 3.0.4.

line | file: admin/sources/base/ipsRegistry.php
352  | static public function init()
353  | {
...  |
...  |
462  | IPSLib::cleanGlobals( $_GET );
463  | IPSLib::cleanGlobals( $_POST );
464  | IPSLib::cleanGlobals( $_COOKIE );
465  | IPSLib::cleanGlobals( $_REQUEST );
466  |
467  | # GET first
468  | $input = IPSLib::parseIncomingRecursively( $_GET, array() );
469  |
470  | # Then overwrite with POST
471  | self::$request = IPSLib::parseIncomingRecursively( $_POST,  
$input );
...  |

The init() function cleans the input data passed via methods like GET,  
others at the start of each request to the forum before any of the input
variables are processed.

Let's look into sanitization performed by cleanGlobals function:

line | file: admin/sources/base/core.php
1644 | static public function cleanGlobals( &$data, $iteration = 0 )
1645 | {
...  |
1654 |        foreach( $data as $k => $v )
1655 |        {
1656 |               if ( is_array( $v ) )
1657 |               {
1658 |                       self::cleanGlobals( $data[ $k ], ++ 
$iteration );
1659 |               }
1660 |               else
1661 |               {
1662 |                       # Null byte characters
1663 |                       $v = str_replace( chr('0') , '', $v );
1664 |                       $v = str_replace( "\0"    , '', $v );
1665 |                       $v = str_replace( "\x00"  , '', $v );
1666 |                       $v = str_replace( '%00'   , '', $v );
1667 |
1668 |                       # File traversal
1669 |                       $v = str_replace( "../", "&#46;&#46;/",  
$v );
1670 |
1671 |                       $data[ $k ] = $v;
1672 |               }
1673 |        }
1674 | }

As we can see the function removes null characters and "../" sequences  
incoming data to prevent unwanted file inclusion.

The next function that affects the input is:

line | file: admin/sources/base/core.php
1573 | static public function parseIncomingRecursively( &$data,  
$input=array(), $iteration = 0 )
1574 | {
...  |
1583 |        foreach( $data as $k => $v )
1584 |        {
1585 |                if ( is_array( $v ) )
1586 |                {
1587 |                        $input[ $k ] =  
self::parseIncomingRecursively( $data[ $k ], array(), ++$iteration );
1588 |                }
1589 |                else
1590 |                {
1591 |                        $k = IPSText::parseCleanKey( $k );
1592 |                        $v = IPSText::parseCleanValue( $v,  
false );
1593 |
1594 |                        $input[ $k ] = $v;
1595 |                }
1596 |        }
1597 |
1598 |        return $input;
1599 | }

The purpose of this function is to clean the key/value pairs of an array
passed to it with help of the parseCleanKey and parseCleanValue  
functions. The
first one can be skipped as neither of the attacks described later on  
special characters inside variable names. The other looks as follows:

line | file: admin/sources/base/core.php
4100 | static public function parseCleanValue( $val, $postParse=true )
4101 | {
4102 |     if ( $val == "" )
4103 |     {
4104 |             return "";
4105 |     }
4106 |
4107 |     $val = str_replace( "&#032;", " ",  
IPSText::stripslashes($val) );
4108 |
4109 |     # Convert all carriage return combos
4110 |     $val = str_replace( array( "\r\n", "\n\r", "\r" ), "\n",  
$val );
4111 |
4112 |     $val = str_replace( "&", "&amp;", $val );
4113 |     $val = str_replace( "<!--", "&#60;&#33;--", $val );
4114 |     $val = str_replace( "-->", "--&#62;", $val );
4115 |     $val = str_ireplace( "<script", "&#60;script", $val );
4116 |     $val = str_replace( ">", "&gt;", $val );
4117 |     $val = str_replace( "<", "&lt;", $val );
4118 |     $val = str_replace( '"', "&quot;", $val );
4119 |     $val = str_replace( "\n", "<br />", $val ); // Convert  
literal newlines
4120 |     $val = str_replace( "$", "&#036;", $val );
4121 |     $val = str_replace( "!", "&#33;", $val );
4122 |     $val = str_replace( "'", "&#39;", $val ); // IMPORTANT: It  
helps to increase sql query safety.
4123 |
4124 |     if ( IPS_ALLOW_UNICODE )
...  |

The function cleans input data from characters used typically in XSS  
and SQL

The resulting array containing sanitized input data from GET/POST  
is stored in ipsRegistry::$request array (as we can see on the first  


1. Description.

It is possible to include an arbitrary php file stored on the server  
in any
location (accessible by the php/web server process) by exploiting the
following code of IPB 3.0.4:

line | file: admin/sources/base/ipsController.php
142  |public function getCommand( ipsRegistry $registry )
143  |{
144  |         $_NOW = IPSDebug::getMemoryDebugFlag();
145  |
146  |         $module    = ipsRegistry::$current_module;
147  |         $section   = ipsRegistry::$current_section;
148  |         $filepath  = IPSLib::getAppDir( IPS_APP_COMPONENT ) .  
'/' . self::$modules_dir . '/' . $module . '/';
149  |
150  |         /* Got a section? */
151  |         if ( ! $section )
152  |         {
153  |                 if ( file_exists( $filepath .  
'defaultSection.php' ) )
154  |                 {
155  |                         $DEFAULT_SECTION = '';
156  |                         require( $filepath .  
'defaultSection.php' );
157  |
158  |                         if ( $DEFAULT_SECTION )
159  |                         {
160  |                                 $section = $DEFAULT_SECTION;
161  |                         }
162  |                 }
163  |         }
164  |
165  |         $classname = self::$class_dir . '_' .   
IPS_APP_COMPONENT . '_' . $module . '_' . $section;
166  |
167  |         if ( file_exists( $filepath . 'manualResolver.php' ) )
168  |         {
169  |                 require_once( $filepath . 'manualResolver.php' );
170  |                         $classname = self::$class_dir . '_' .   
IPS_APP_COMPONENT . '_' . $module . '_manualResolver';
171  |         }
172  |         else if ( file_exists( $filepath . $section . '.php' ) )
173  |         {
174  |                 require_once( $filepath . $section . '.php' );
175  |         }
...  |

The require_once function on line 174 uses a variable $section to  
create a
path to a php file that is to be included. The variable is assigned the
following value:

line  | file: admin/sources/base/ipsRegistry.php
1654  | ipsRegistry::$current_section = ( ipsRegistry:: 
$request['section'] ) ? ipsRegistry::$request['section'] : '';

which as we know from the introduction comes from a user supplied  
(via GET or POST method).

Although the whole $request array has been filtered out to prevent  
traversal and arbitrary file inclusion it is possible to evade these
measures due to a bug in a function implementing the "friendly URLs"  
introduced in version 3.0.0 of the IPB forum.

line | file: admin/sources/base/ipsRegistry.php
1188 | private static function _fUrlInit()
1189 | {
...  |
1195 |     if ( ipsRegistry::$settings['use_friendly_urls'] )
1196 |     {
...  |
...  |
1235 |         $uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']  ?  
1236 |
1237 |         $_toTest = $uri;        //( $qs ) ? $qs : $uri;
...  |
...  |
...  |
1306 |         //-----------------------------------------
1307 |         // If using query string furl, extract any
1308 |         // secondary query string.
1309 |         // Ex: http://localhost/index.php?/path/file.html? 
1310 |         // Will pull the key=value properly
1311 |         //-----------------------------------------
1312 |
1313 |         if( substr_count( $_toTest, '?' ) > 1 )
1314 |         {
1315 |                 $_secondQueryString     = substr( $_toTest,  
strrpos( $_toTest, '?' ) + 1 );
1316 |                 $_secondParams          = explode( '&',  
$_secondQueryString );
1317 |
1318 |                 if( count($_secondParams) )
1319 |                 {
1320 |                           foreach( $_secondParams as $_param )
1321 |                           {
1322 |                                  list( $k, $v )  = explode( '=', $_param 
1323 |
1324 |                                  $k      = IPSText::parseCleanKey( $k );
1325 |                                  $v      = IPSText::parseCleanValue( $v 
1326 |
1327 |                                  $_GET[ $k ]     = $v;
1328 |                                  $_REQUEST[ $k ] = $v;
1329 |                                  $_urlBits[ $k ] = $v;
1330 |
1331 |                                  ipsRegistry::$request[ $k ]     = $v;
1332 |                           }
1333 |                 }
1334 |         }
1335 | }
...  |

The above code allows for a secondary query string from which additional
variables are retrieved and saved in the $request array as well as  
$_GET and
$_REQUEST globals.
It takes a query string from a previously not cleaned global:
$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] and fails to check if the variables supplied  
in the
request URI string already exist in any of the arrays as well as to call
cleanGlobals function to sanitize the values.

A variable named 'section' can be passed in the secondary query string  
order to bypass filtration of "../" and %00 sequences, effectively  
allowing to
traverse directories and include any given php file within the system  
to a local file inclusion attack.

Note: Omitting '.php' extension (to include arbitrary file like /etc/ 
by using a NULL character will not be possible in this case as a
combination of %00 in the REQUEST_URI will not get decoded by the web  
automatically and there is no urldecode function to decode it before the
require_once call either.

Versions older than 3.0.4 have a different implementation of the  
friendly url
feature, but are also vulnerable in the same way.

2. Proof of concept.

This issue is trivial to exploit with a web browser and a known  
location of a
php file residing on the target system. Authorisation is not required.

For example, the following URL in case of IPB 3.0.4:


or the following in case of versions older than IPB 3.0.4:


will result in including /tmp/inc.php file and executing code it  


1. Description.

An SQL Injection attack is possible due to an insufficient  
sanitization in the
following function:

line | file: admin/applications/forums/sources/classes/moderate.php
1820 | /**
1821 |  * Create 'where' clause for SQL forum pruning
1822 |  *
1823 |  * @access      public
1824 |  * @return      boolean
1825 |  */
1826 | public function sqlPruneCreate( $forum_id, $starter_id="",  
$topic_state="", $post_min="", $date_exp="", $ignore_pin="" )
1827 | {
1828 |  $sql = 'forum_id=' . intval($forum_id);
1829 |
1830 |  if ( intval($date_exp) )
1831 |  {
1832 |          $sql .= " AND last_post < {$date_exp}";
1833 |  }
1834 |
1835 |  if ( intval($starter_id) )
1836 |  {
1837 |          $sql .= " AND starter_id={$starter_id}";
1838 |
1839 |  }
1840 |
1841 |  if ( intval($post_min) )
1842 |  {
1843 |          $sql .= " AND posts < {$post_min}";
1844 |  }
1845 |
1846 |  if ($topic_state != 'all')
1847 |  {
1848 |          if ($topic_state)
1849 |          {
1850 |                  $sql .= " AND state='{$topic_state}'";
1851 |          }
1852 |  }
1853 |
1854 |  if ( $ignore_pin != "" )
1855 |  {
1856 |          $sql .= " AND pinned=0";
1857 |  }
1858 |
1859 |
1860 |  return $sql;
1861 | }

All of the IF statements with intval() are to ensure that the  
arguments passed
to the function are numeric before they are placed inside a WHERE  
clause of a
Because of the way that intval() works, it is possible to fool the  
function by
passing a string like: '1 OR sleep(5) '. In such case intval() will  
return a
value of 1 thus satisfying the IF conditions and causing the string to  
placed inside the query.

The sqlPruneCreate function is used 2 times in a code that performs some
moderator's tasks. One invocation of it can be found in:

line | file: admin/applications/forums/modules_public/moderate/ 
2323 | protected function _pruneMove()
2324 | {
2325 |  //-----------------------------------------
2326 |  // Check
2327 |  //-----------------------------------------
2328 |
2329 |  $this->_resetModerator( $this->topic['forum_id'] );
2330 |
2331 |  $this->_genericPermissionCheck( 'mass_move' );
2332 |
2333 |  ///-----------------------------------------
2334 |  // SET UP
2335 |  //-----------------------------------------
2336 |
2337 |  $pergo          = intval( $this->request['pergo'] ) ?  
intval( $this->request['pergo'] ) : 50;
2338 |  $max            = intval( $this->request['max'] );
2339 |  $current        = intval($this->request['current']);
2340 |  $maxdone        = $pergo + $current;
2341 |  $tid_array      = array();
2342 |  $starter        = trim( $this->request['starter'] );
2343 |  $state          = trim( $this->request['state'] );
2344 |  $posts          = intval( $this->request['posts'] );
2345 |  $dateline       = intval( $this->request['dateline'] );
2346 |  $source         = $this->forum['id'];
2347 |  $moveto         = intval($this->request['df']);
2348 |  $date           = 0;
2349 |  $ignore_pin     = intval( $this->request['ignore_pin'] );
2350 |
2351 |  if( $dateline )
2352 |  {
2353 |          $date   = time() - $dateline*60*60*24;
2354 |  }
2355 |
2356 |  //-----------------------------------------
2357 |  // Carry on...
2358 |  //-----------------------------------------
2359 |
2360 |  $dbPruneWhere = $this->modLibrary->sqlPruneCreate( $this- 
 >forum['id'], $starter, $state, $posts, $date, $ignore_pin );
2361 |
2362 |  $this->DB->build( array(
2363 |                                                          'select'        
=> 'tid',
2364 |                                                          'from'          
=> 'topics',
2365 |                                                          'where'         
=> $dbPruneWhere,
2366 |                                                          'limit'         
=> array( 0, $pergo ),
2367 |                                          )               );
2368 |  $batch  = $this->DB->execute();
...  |

As we can see there are 2 variables that come from a user and are not
converted to a number before they are passed to the sqlPruneCreate  
$starter and $state.
The second variable cannot be used in SQL Injection as it will be  
treated as a
string and embraced with quotes by sqlPruneCreate. A string passed in  
variable will be placed unquoted in the query as long as the first  
is a number allowing a logged in moderator to perform an SQL Injection  

The vulnerability is somewhat tricky to exploit as there are quite a few
restrictions that make creating a successful sql attack vector  
difficult. Only
the WHERE statement can be controlled, quotes are filtered, and UNION  
or sub
selects are prohibited too (at least in case of a MySQL driver). To  
top it
all, the results of the query are not outputted to the browser so it  
will have
to be a blind injection.
Nevertheless a crafty attacker might issue a series of requests that  
allow him to gain some information about the target system or even read
files from the disk depending on permissions granted to the db account  
that is
used by the forum. Other attacks might also be possible when a  
database engine
other than MySQL is used.

2. Proof of concept.

If a logged in user with moderator privileges requests an URL like:


in case of IPB 3.x, or:


in case of IPB 2.x.

A query similar to:

SELECT tid FROM ibftopics WHERE forum_id=1 AND starter_id=1 AND  
OR substr(version(),1,1)=5 AND sleep(15) -- skip AND state='open' AND  
LIMIT 0,50

will be run against the database.
The query will check if a major version of MySQL server is equal to 5.  
If that
is the case a sleep function will be run which will slow down the page  
load by
15 seconds thus revealing the result of the query.

For this to work a valid auth_key needs to be supplied (that can be  
by going to any of the forums, clicking Forum Management button and  
Prune/Mass Move feature). Source ($f) and Destination ($df) forums  
in the URL might also need adjusting.

The Local PHP File Inclusion vulnerability can be especially dangerous  
in a
shared hosting environment. Even if server has been configured to  
users from reading each other's document roots (web server/PHP process
running in a context of the site's owner), an attacker that has an  
account on
the same server as the targeted site could use the vulnerability to  
place a
php file in a shared directory like /tmp and cause the IPB forum on  
the target
to execute his code thus gaining access equivalent to the owner of the

The SQL Injection vulnerability is only a threat in case there are  
on the forum that cannot be fully trusted or if an attacker manages to
steal/guess their passwords. Possible risks in case of a successful
exploitation of this flaw have been described in the previous section.

All of the IPB versions of the 3.x series (including the newest  
release of
3.0.4) are affected by the Local PHP File Inclusion and SQL Injection

Probably most if not all of IPB releases of the 2.x series (including  
are affected by the SQL Injection vulnerability.

Vendor has been informed about the vulnerabilities and should be  
patches soon.

I attach 2 patches for the current versions of both 2.x and 3.x series  
can be used as a temporary solution.

IPB 3.0.4 patch:

diff -Nprub ipb304/admin/applications/forums/sources/classes/ 
moderate.php ipb304-patched/admin/applications/forums/sources/classes/ 
--- ipb304/admin/applications/forums/sources/classes/moderate.php        
2009-10-08 16:34:50.000000000 +0100
+++ ipb304-patched/admin/applications/forums/sources/classes/ 
moderate.php    2009-11-29 01:01:49.000000000 +0000
@@ -1829,18 +1829,18 @@ class moderatorLibrary

                if ( intval($date_exp) )
-                       $sql .= " AND last_post < {$date_exp}";
+                       $sql .= " AND last_post < ". intval($date_exp);
                if ( intval($starter_id) )
-                       $sql .= " AND starter_id={$starter_id}";
+                       $sql .= " AND starter_id=". intval($starter_id);
                if ( intval($post_min) )
-                       $sql .= " AND posts < {$post_min}";
+                       $sql .= " AND posts < ". intval($post_min);
                if ($topic_state != 'all')
diff -Nprub ipb304/admin/sources/base/ipsRegistry.php ipb304-patched/ 
--- ipb304/admin/sources/base/ipsRegistry.php   2009-10-08  
16:34:24.000000000 +0100
+++ ipb304-patched/admin/sources/base/ipsRegistry.php   2009-11-29  
00:57:13.000000000 +0000
@@ -479,6 +479,9 @@ class ipsRegistry
                /* First pass of app set up. Needs to be BEFORE caches and 
are set up */
+               IPSLib::cleanGlobals( $_GET );
+               IPSLib::cleanGlobals( $_REQUEST );
+               IPSLib::cleanGlobals( self::$request );


IPB 2.3.6 patch:

diff -Nprub ipb236/sources/lib/func_mod.php ipb236-patched/sources/lib/ 
--- ipb236/sources/lib/func_mod.php     2009-11-29 01:10:13.000000000 +0000
+++ ipb236-patched/sources/lib/func_mod.php     2009-11-29  
01:19:23.000000000 +0000
@@ -1219,18 +1219,18 @@ class func_mod
                if ( intval($date_exp) )
-                       $sql .= " AND last_post < $date_exp";
+                       $sql .= " AND last_post < ". intval($date_exp);
                if ( intval($starter_id) )
-                       $sql .= " AND starter_id=$starter_id";
+                       $sql .= " AND starter_id=". intval($starter_id);
                if ( intval($post_min) )
-                       $sql .= " AND posts < $post_min";
+                       $sql .= " AND posts < ". intval($post_min);
                if ($topic_state != 'all')

Apply by going to your forum's directory and running the command:
patch -p1 < path_to_the_patch


The vulnerabilities have been discovered by Dawid Golunski
golunski (at) onet (dot) eu

December 4th, 2009: Initial release

The information contained within this advisory is supplied "as-is"  
with no
warranties or guarantees of fitness of use or otherwise. I accept no
responsibility for any damage caused by the use or misuse of this  

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