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Re: [Full-disclosure] Software developer looks at CRU code
- To: Rohit Patnaik <quanticle@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] Software developer looks at CRU code
- From: "Ivan ." <ivanhec@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Tue, 1 Dec 2009 11:21:16 +1100
just ask Al of the Gore about his carbon trading exchange he setup
with Ken Lay of Enron fame as advisor...
On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 11:13 AM, Rohit Patnaik <quanticle@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Right, but you said that the global warming folks are asking for unnecessary
> spending of *trillions*. Where would those trillions go? I don't see Al
> Gore becoming richer than Bill Gates off carbon credits. Neither do I see
> the UN gaining any more power via the IPCC. If anything, the existing
> climate treaty (i.e. the Kyoto protocol) has completely sidestepped the UN.
> I guess what I'm troubled by is the fact that you seem to be stating that
> there's some kind of deliberate malice on the part of those stating that
> anthropogenic climate change is real. I don't see malice. I see a fair
> amount of incompetence, but incompetence exists in every discipline.
> --Rohit Patnaik
> On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 6:06 PM, Paul Schmehl <pschmehl_lists@xxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
>> I'm going to assume this is a serious question.
>> You could start with the people enriching themselves off of carbon
>> credits. Al Gore, for one obvious example. You could continue with the
>> people that think the entire world should be ruled by a bureaucracy called
>> the UN. You could go on with the "scientists" who get millions of dollars
>> worth of grants to "study" the problem and propose solutions.
>> Are there people on the opposing side who benefit from what you call
>> scaremongering? Of course there are. But the claims of the global warming
>> crowd are unsupported by the data (not *their* data, because they have
>> clearly skewed it to support their claims, as is proven both by their emails
>> and their program code) but by the real data, unmassaged.
>> --On Monday, November 30, 2009 16:00:05 -0600 Rohit Patnaik
>> <quanticle@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> There's a question I ask whenever I hear a theory like this. Cui bono?
>>> Who benefits? Who is benefiting from the "climate change
>>> scaremongering"?
>>> You claim that trillions of dollars will need to be spent. If its such a
>>> scam, then who is scamming us? The UN IPCC? A mysterious cabal of
>>> alternative energy companies? The Trilateral Commission?
>> --
>> Paul Schmehl, Senior Infosec Analyst
>> As if it wasn't already obvious, my opinions
>> are my own and not those of my employer.
>> *******************************************
>> "It is as useless to argue with those who have
>> renounced the use of reason as to administer
>> medication to the dead." Thomas Jefferson
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