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Re: [Full-disclosure] Software developer looks at CRU code

just ask Al of the Gore about his carbon trading exchange he setup
with Ken Lay of Enron fame as advisor...


On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 11:13 AM, Rohit Patnaik <quanticle@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Right, but you said that the global warming folks are asking for unnecessary
> spending of *trillions*.  Where would those trillions go?  I don't see Al
> Gore becoming richer than Bill Gates off carbon credits.  Neither do I see
> the UN gaining any more power via the IPCC.  If anything, the existing
> climate treaty (i.e. the Kyoto protocol) has completely sidestepped the UN.
> I guess what I'm troubled by is the fact that you seem to be stating that
> there's some kind of deliberate malice on the part of those stating that
> anthropogenic climate change is real.  I don't see malice.  I see a fair
> amount of incompetence, but incompetence exists in every discipline.
> --Rohit Patnaik
> On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 6:06 PM, Paul Schmehl <pschmehl_lists@xxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
>> I'm going to assume this is a serious question.
>> You could start with the people enriching themselves off of carbon
>> credits.  Al Gore, for one obvious example.  You could continue with the
>> people that think the entire world should be ruled by a bureaucracy called
>> the UN.  You could go on with the "scientists" who get millions of dollars
>> worth of grants to "study" the problem and propose solutions.
>> Are there people on the opposing side who benefit from what you call
>> scaremongering?  Of course there are.  But the claims of the global warming
>> crowd are unsupported by the data (not *their* data, because they have
>> clearly skewed it to support their claims, as is proven both by their emails
>> and their program code) but by the real data, unmassaged.
>> --On Monday, November 30, 2009 16:00:05 -0600 Rohit Patnaik
>> <quanticle@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> There's a question I ask whenever I hear a theory like this.  Cui bono?
>>> Who benefits?  Who is benefiting from the "climate change
>>> scaremongering"?
>>> You claim that trillions of dollars will need to be spent.  If its such a
>>> scam, then who is scamming us?  The UN IPCC?  A mysterious cabal of
>>> alternative energy companies?  The Trilateral Commission?
>> --
>> Paul Schmehl, Senior Infosec Analyst
>> As if it wasn't already obvious, my opinions
>> are my own and not those of my employer.
>> *******************************************
>> "It is as useless to argue with those who have
>> renounced the use of reason as to administer
>> medication to the dead." Thomas Jefferson
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