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[Full-disclosure] n3td3v / Andrew Wallace's psychological profile

Earlier this year, a very well educated FD member posted the psychological 
profile of Mr. Wallace. (Found here: 
http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2009/Jan/415 ) Interesting to view in 
retrospect, because I find it depicts him to a T.

This profile is almost like an instruction set for n3td3v's life. A 
self-fulfilling prophecy if you will.

An eery example: Anyone here remember how n3td3v posted as full-censorship a 
few months ago claiming to be a martyr? 
http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2009/Oct/45 . His profile states "Martyr 
glamorizations" aren't just n3td3v trolling you, he really considers himself as 
such. All the while you go out and bang your girlfriends and have fun with your 
friends, he's thinking the world revolves around him.

Another example is his frequent, obvious, though earnest attempts at using 
pseudonyms to defend himself. Often speaking of himself in third-person, as a 
hired lawyer, a hacker, zealous advocate, an underground "Full censorship" 
movement, etc.

It's possible as of late he may have done another attention-seeking false 
suicide. He hasn't updated his Google Page or Twitter in over 48 hours. I'm 
seriously worried. He may be wasting taxpayer money with fake suicide attempts. 
He's trolling society now.

I would like to post Andrew Wallace's psychological profile verbatim:

  Psychological profile of n3td3v / Andrew Wallace

Andrew is a special kind of crazy....a friend of mine and former colleague who 
I highly respect (practicing Psych., who profiles individuals for a real 
doggone intel agency...alas, not MI-Jive) labeled Andrew as a probable 
schizophrenic with grandiose idealizations.

These types of people usually can't hold a job.  The most active period of 
delusions occur from 17-33, some think the drop-off may be due to decreased 
levels of testosterone as they age.  Intelligence agency intrigue & innuendo is 
a classic manifestation, along with imaginary friends, martyr glamorizations, 
alternate personalities and repeated exclamations that they will curtail their 
behaviors, only to come back, roaringly, foisting themselves upon a 
group/friend circle with a different guise or mission. Some have said it 
resembles alcoholic behavior in the promises "to quit..."

They constantly need an audience, since 'friends' are temporal at best...they 
churn through relationships like shit flowing through a goose...as people 
become estranged/exasperated with the constant epiphany's, revelations and 
God-like interpretations.

Stranger yet is that people like this can be wonderfully charming in 
real-life....funny for awhile, but as they age, they start losing boyish charms 
that previously were  
forgiven...promulgating even more outlandish behavior as grow older. Sound 
familiar?  We have a baseline here, folks.  Also notice he hasn't written 
anything technical -- it's mostly outlandish hypothesis with pointers to..not 
infosec...but Andrew.

They usually refuse medications to control themselves, because it dulls the 
essence of what they're trying to portray: someone mysterious, withholding 
critical information, being the sole-source of knowledge that might somehow 
change the world.

IMHO, I would venture to say Andrew has attempted suicide -- his type is 
usually unsuccessful, indeed, it's not a suicide attempt but an 
attention-seeking event.

He's bat-shit-fucking-crazy-nuts, but sane enough to fool someone unfamiliar 
with his MO.  That's what is so aggravating about this particular form of 
mental illness...once again, as long as there's a receptive audience, the 
monkey will feel the compulsion to perform.  It's akin to sexual gratification 
for him to see he's the subject of people's ire...don't forget that.

This type of person will emotionally soul-suck everyone he comes in contact 
with, and make up dramas if only to suck more
people in, because really, it's all about the adulation of n3td3v/Andrew/????, 
nothing else.

Solutions:  There's a few, but I wouldn't want to be responsible for the end 
result; once again, n3td3v is a human たまごっち (Tamagotchi) and should be treated 

Source: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2009/Jan/415 ; ( - o z - )

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