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Re: [Full-disclosure] So weev...

Because the internet is very serious business. :V

On 10/1/09, Freddie Vicious <fred.vicious@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> And we should give a damn because?
> On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 10:14 AM, Wintermute <wintermute@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> How does it feel to be a hypocrite? And we quote:
>> 22:02 <weev> im all for white people cleaning up the nigger problem
>> 22:03 <weev> i hate niggers
>> 22:03 <weev> i hate niggers.
>> Now besides the fact that weev is an annoying little bitch who
>> cannot seem to find better things to do with his time than augment
>> his racist troll persona, there is a larger irony here: he has two
>> younger siblings who are black. Not that we the undersigned have a
>> problem with this, but our spidey sense tells us that weev does not
>> want you to know. Thus, let us present...
>> Chelsea and Anthony Auernheimer! Chelsea started as a college
>> freshman this year. She is smart and she loves animals. More about
>> Chelsea:
>> http://www.zinch.com/z/Nouchii
>> http://timesdispatch.mycapture.com/mycapture/enlarge.asp?image=23447
>> 816&event=745571&CategoryID=20789 (pic)
>> Anthony is a 9th grader. You can follow him on Twitter here:
>> http://twitter.com/Antsauercool. As a picture is also in order for
>> him:
>> http://timesdispatch.mycapture.com/mycapture/enlarge.asp?image=23447
>> 820&event=745571&CategoryID=20789
>> Now, we would love to know what these two think of their racist
>> asshole brother, but have had the common courtesy not to bother
>> them with our query. We did, however, more than momentarily
>> entertain the idea of getting in touch with weev's parents to
>> attempt to discover what has made him the way he is. Weev's mother
>> (http://imgur.com/AQpSd.jpg) is a board member of the Richmond PTA
>> and made contributions to the Democratic Party last year. She seems
>> like a nice person. His father (http://imgur.com/CEaNX.jpg), on the
>> other hand, is in his mid 40's, has been CEO of Sealpac USA for the
>> last two years, and is by all accounts a great guy. Either parent
>> is available for comment at (804) 355-2889. If you would prefer
>> postal correspondence, letters can be mailed to:
>> 2038 W Grace St
>> Richmond, VA 23220
>> Now, being the troll that he is, weev has no problem with living a
>> lie. His recent claim,
>> > As I said, I haven't ever committed a crime. I am a truly sinless
>> man.
>> ...is humorous when compared with this admission, delivered while
>> smoking moonrocks:
>> 15:05 <weev> does anybody know these russians
>> 15:06 <weev> that they are buying up hacked macs for 43 cents an
>> install
>> 15:26 <weev> i have access to like
>> 15:26 <weev> 8k rooted macs
>> 15:26 <weev> right now
>> 15:26 <weev> and i would like to make a quick $3500
>> But we cannot really blame the guy. Our hearts goes out to him when
>> we see admissions such as this:
>> 09:50 <weev> i gotta get some money
>> 09:50 <weev> my cashflow sucks
>> 09:51 <weev> whores
>> 09:51 <weev> lavish cars
>> 09:51 <weev> gigantic places to live
>> Actually, scratch that. We just kind of LOL at the iProphet and
>> imagine him LOLing back.
>> And that is all well and good. Standard operating procedure in the
>> life of a troll, along with playing some Sims, getting high with
>> whatever psychoactives he can get his grubby paws on, making stupid
>> videos, and generally proving that he does not know what the fuck
>> he is doing with his life. Is weev's current life better than his
>> past attempt at freelance web and graphic design? Maybe. He kinda
>> sucked at that too. But come on, man, at least aspire to
>> *something*.
>> Weev, the joke is old. Your number is up. Shut up or shape up. Your
>> docs have been pulled. We are ready to drop them at a moment's
>> notice, but we momentarily stop to wonder if it would even be worth
>> it. The devil is in the details, and yours have cocked the gun that
>> has been aimed at your foot for a while. Karma has more butthurt
>> waiting for you (in the form of "us") than you know what to do
>> with. Oh, and a representative in Anaheim has been alerted and will
>> be handling this case personally.
>> We are, as always, the collective. An agent is standing by to
>> assist you with any contentions, queries, or comments resulting
>> from this transmission.
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> --
> Best wishes,
> Freddie Vicious
> http://twitter.com/viciousf

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