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Re: [Full-disclosure] ProSec - (Phear AntiSec Exposure In Theaters This Week)
- To: John Nice <nicesecurity@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] ProSec - (Phear AntiSec Exposure In Theaters This Week)
- From: D-vice <lord.x86@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Tue, 28 Jul 2009 15:47:31 +0200
We seem to have a sudden overflow of idiots.
Fucking kids, they are all the same
On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 3:23 PM, John Nice <nicesecurity@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> To whom it may concern,
> This August, there will be a full disclosure on the whole Anti-Sec
> movement. If you listen to yourself more often, you would talk less. Dreams
> come true if you
> survive the hard times coming soon... Unfortunately the future is now
> determined, no more further education, only mouth shut, eyes looking up the
> dark sky from within a concrete box, no more rights to defend, no more
> Mr.Nice Hax0r.
> Your supposed success occurred in private and your forthcoming failure soon
> in full public view... Although it is public information and anyone can see
> that, nobody knew pimpinjg's IP was behind romeo.copyandpaste.info.
> Signed,
> Anti-AntiSec- Whatever makes an impression, blog this!
> PS:
> Our writer was busy preparing penetration testing courses in order to train
> kids like romeo. You would have the exposure a month ago and romeo's website
> would speak shame.
> And now a message from our sponsors:
> So, most of those IPs come from Saudi Arabia so lets assume sir romeo is
> from there...
> To get into the head of a teenager you have to understand his lifestyle and
> surrounding environment.
> For this poor boy living in Saudi Arabia is quite hard, since kids at his
> age start experiencing their first sexual sensations (more or less.. loose
> their virginity)
> Contrastingly, in SA, little boys like romeo are not allowed to talk with
> girls that haven't got their face and body covered
> "Even while interacting with male relatives, women do not have the liberty
> to talk even to their male first cousins without covering their faces.
> Marriages in the country are arranged by
> the male members of the family and the girl is allowed to see her fiancé
> only on the engagement day under the strict supervision of her family
> members. [...]" [1]
> "[...]Women's clothes are decorated with tribal motifs, coins, sequins,
> metallic thread, and appliques. Women are required to wear an abaya or
> modest clothing when in public.[...]" [2]
> Therefore, questions emerge when it comes to this hostile behavior from our
> boy romeo. Well, to be honest the answer is quite obvious. Since he is a
> little boy masturbating his nights in
> front of a computer, without ever seeing a live booty in his life (except
> his mothers/sisters o0), never had sex... (I heard some nasty rumors about
> bestiality in SA :S) we can excuse his behavior and anger towards the world.
> Wouldn't you do the same if you were a 18 year old boy that never had sex
> (or even seen a lil tushy) in his life?
> PS:
> We can also consider the possibility that romeo is fighting for gay
> oppression in SA
> "The government of Saudi Arabia has also been criticised for its oppression
> of religious and political minorities, homosexuality, and women.[...]" [3]
> [1]
> http://www.themuslimwoman.org/entry/men-and-women-two-different-species-in-saudi-arabia/
> [2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Culture_of_Saudi_Arabia
> [3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_rights_in_Saudi_Arabia
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