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Re: [Full-disclosure] An important message for you sec folks

2009/7/21 Ed Carp <erc@xxxxxxxxx>

> Did you do that by hand, or did you download some software off the net to
> do it for you?

Judging by the content I would assume he does it by hand.

2009/7/21 antisex <antisex@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> B3c4us3 w3 4ll kn0w th4t n0n3 0f y0u 4r3 g3tt1ng l41d; y0u m1ght 4s
>> w3ll subscr1b3 t0 th3 anti-sex m0v3m3nt. J01n 0ur c4us3. Cur3 41ds!
>> L3t th0s3 b1g 3v1l c0nd0m m4nuf4ctur3rs f41l!
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