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Re: [Full-disclosure] The Anti-Sec Movement - Clarrifying what it means. Our Targets Remain HackForums.net and Milw0rm.com

To whom it may concern:

I am frankly at a loss as to why Mr. Wallace has decided to hitch his pasty
and pockmarked Scottish girth to the recent resurgence of the AntiSec
movement. One can only conclude that it is an attempt to regain a presence
on this esteemed list, which as all longtime subscribers know can only end
in tears.

I strongly advise all members to take immediate action to ignore this rather
pitiful attempt to ride the coattails of bona fide Internet saboteurs and
killfille with extreme prejudice.

If possible, individuals in or about the greater London metropolitan area
should take steps to recover Mr. Cartwright from his unfortunate
incarceration so that he might bring forces to bear on the problem and
proactively ban applicable Internet Protocol addresses and other suspected
"sock puppets" before this list descends into the typical simian
feces-smearing and autofellatio that have historically followed Mr.
Wallace's e-ejaculations on this forum.

I am not amused.

Your Humble Servant,
Il-Mustache tal Valdis
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