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Re: [Full-disclosure] Ant-Sec - We are going to terminateHackforums.net and Milw0rm.com - New Apache 0-day exploit uncovered

That site has already been pwned by the DEA, so if you go there, expect
to be logged and contacted.




From: full-disclosure-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:full-disclosure-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Ronny
Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 10:41 AM
To: Ant-Sec Movement
Cc: full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] Ant-Sec - We are going to
terminateHackforums.net and Milw0rm.com - New Apache 0-day exploit


Why take down harmless hackers websites? Please do the world a favor and
take down some actual evildoers like companies who sell controlled
substances to children online.  Take down this drug sales website please



On Jul 15, 2009, at 2:29 AM, Ant-Sec Movement wrote:

Dear members of Hackforums.net, Jesse Labrocca (AKA Omniscient),
Milw0rm.com, str0ke, and Reader, 


We are the Ant-Sec movement, and we are dedicated to eradicating
full-disclosure of vulnerabilities and exploits and free discussion on
hacking related topics. We are dedicated to stalling the ocean of
script-kiddies currently trawling the Internet, and those so called
"White Hat Hackers" who benefit financially from full-disclosure;
employing scare-tactics in order to con people into buying their
firewalls and anti-virus software. 


Thus, our new targets are Hackforums.net and Milw0rm.com. Both are
notable within the hacking underground and the computer security world,
and both violate what the Anti-Sec movement is fighting for. Such as it
is, both must be terminated...utterly. 


Let us first discuss Hackforums.net. It is run by a man named Jesse
Labrocca, also known as "Omniscient" within the hacker underground.
Although he, himself, claims to not know a thing about penetrating
computer systems. Hackforums.net is perhaps one of the largest
communities of hackers and script-kiddies alike currently at large in
cyber space. The beginner section, alone, is flooded every single day
with messages by script-kiddies. The "Hacking Tutorials" section is a
diamond mine of full-disclosure information. And that is not the
entirety of it. As a result, this community MUST be terminated. 


Recently, the Anti-Sec movement became aware that some unknown entity
has been launching successfully crippling denial of service attacks
against Hackforums.net. Whoever you are, we of the Anti-Sec movement
extend our warmest gratitude to you and we ask that, if you're reading
this email, please do not cease your attack against Hackforums.net. By
bringing it down, you are helping to recover the health of the Internet.
Hackforums.net is a hive of knowledge that should only be known by a
select few. It MUST be terminated. In addition, we also encourage any
and all who can to launch denial of service attacks against
Hackforums.net in order to support us in furthering our goals. 


We would like to stress that we will not be participating in DDOSing
Hackforums.net. The reasons for this bring us to our next topic of


In addition to our OpenSSH 0-day exploit, the Anti-Sec movement have
also unearthed an Apache 0-day vulnerability and  we have subsequently
developed exploit code in order to take advantage of this vulnerability.
It affects ALL versions. We will be using this as well as our OpenSSH
exploit to hack into Hackforums.net and rm its contents, thus
terminating it.


As soon as, if ever, the recent crippling DDOS attacks against
Hackforums.net cease, we will strike. And in that moment, Hackforums.net
will be history. Your only hope, Hackforums, is for the heavy DDOS
attacks to never stop. 


Once we have dealt with Hackforums.net, we will terminate Milw0rm.
Better you had quit and left it at that, Str0ke, for now milw0rm.com
will be completely and utterly wiped. It is the second highest target
after Hackforums.net. 


This is our message to all. You have seen what the Anti-Sec movement can
do. We will do it again, and again, and again, until our goals are


This we promise. 







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Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/