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Re: [Full-disclosure] AntiSec <3's nginx

Oh sure.  Almost as interesting as the non-stop, as nauseum, ad infinitum 
coverage of Michael Jackson.

--On Monday, July 13, 2009 11:49:07 -0500 Benjamin Cance 
<cance.consulting@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Interesting..
> antisec@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>> lawlz what a dumbshit lawlz
>> before total annihilation
>> ........................
>> after total annihilation
>> ........................
>> uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
>> ubuntu no good 4 you antz
>> mad lawlz
>> actoolie
>> lawlz x 1337
>> Make surrrrrrre to change php.ini back to your preferencez. and
>> clean out ZFS on the spark serverz ;)
>> On Sun, 12 Jul 2009 12:55:52 -0400 darkp@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>>> Uh oh, Is that you Chris Silva?
>>> I'm doubtful all the rage is over some images.
>>> I can only imagine you're sad the 04/09/09 source is being
>>> dropped;(
>>> I know, We all are. That is besides the huge lulz incurred on all
>>> of
>>> # compton and #antisec by posting the inane (and largely useless)
>>> comments in Retina for our amusement, I think the time has come
>>> to man up a bit on your part.
>>> Oh, Whats that? Its illegal in the state of california not
>>> to report breakins that could endanger private data?
>>> Sometimes I guess people need a little motivation.
>>> dark.nulldisclosure.net:539/retinaeeyelulz.tar.gz
>>> Don't blame me though, That stuff has been making the rounds on
>>> undernet
>>> for quite some time.
>>> In the event its not more pandering from eEye (Admittedly
>>> unlikely)
>>> (Inb4 Lawsuits on blackhat forums).
>>> Thats even worse, Then its just some internet toughguy trying to
>>> posture so he can save face.
>>> ___________________________________________
>>> ___________________________________________
>>> Though I appreciate the sentiment here with Antisec
>>> You know the "We're super big bad guys, the government doesn't
>>> care".
>>> I have a feeling I'm going to have to call your bluff.
>>> Wasn't this the exact same response to the ownage of BlueBoar back
>>> in the day?
>>> Please, Spare me the pleasantries.
>>> El8 and related groups shattered your worldview.
>>> And that was a shortlived and ultimately fairly tame voyage.
>>> Also, Since when has romeo become the spokesperson for Antisec?
>>> Thats like saying textfiles is the spokesperson for Anarchy and
>>> clandestine LSD production.
>>> So, In short, Be well Dr. Antiantisec, Do good work, and be sure
>>> to
>>> keep Pidgin or NTP listening!
>>> --
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>>> Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
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>> --
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> Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
> Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
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Paul Schmehl, Senior Infosec Analyst
As if it wasn't already obvious, my opinions
are my own and not those of my employer.
Check the headers before clicking on Reply.

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