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[Full-disclosure] Da-VOID blows anti-sec members


----- Forwarded message from da-void@xxxxxxxxxxxx -----
Lacking anything short of common sense or perhaps an ounce of know
how, your threats are idle, and humorous at best.  The notion that
antisec is anything other than a passing fad, much like a moth to
the flame is, I'm sure a nice thought in your minds, but the rest
of us will continue to laugh at you.  There are many of us whom
agree with statements about the industry, but who understand that
acting like five year old bitches won't garner much respect or even
evoke emotion from people.    Hacking web pages is soooo 1999.
Perhaps you'll learn a new skill soon enough to actually be able to
represent?!?  When you can hang with the big dog, you can talk
shit, until then keep your script kiddy, hacker posing, weak ass
skills on the porch and drink your fucking kool-aid bitches.


don't bother responding.. unless you can show some real skill

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