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[Full-disclosure] [IVIZ-09-003] CA ARCserve Denial of Service

[ iViZ Security Advisory 09-003                            16/06/2009 ]

iViZ Techno Solutions Pvt. Ltd.



* Title:     CA ARCserve Denial of Service

* Software:  CA ARCserver Backup r12 SP1

--[ Synopsis:

    CA ARCserve Backup is vulnerable to a Denial of Service

    when a crafted packet is sent to the CA ARCserve Message

    Engine Service.

--[ Affected Software:

  * CA ARCserver Backup r12 SP1

  * Others versions may also be affected

--[ Technical description:

    CA ARCserrve is vulnerable to a Denial of Service when a crafted

    RPC packet is sent to the Message engine service listening at

    6503/TCP port.

    The interface informations are as follows





        interface mIDA_interface



        /* opcode: 0x13 */


        long  (

         [in] long arg_1,

         [in] short arg_2,

         [in][size_is(65536), length_is(65536)] char * arg_3,

         [in] long arg_4,

         [out] long * arg_5



  When a crafted RPC packet with values such as

                arg_1 = 0x1

                arg_4 = 0x1

                arg_3 = { a character array of 65536 }

  will crash the message engine service. The bug exists in

  the ASCORE module and there exists more than one way to

  reach the buggy code.

  Buggy code @ASCORE module of msgeng.exe process running at 6503/TCP port

        2123A736   6A 00             PUSH 0                                     
<- Pushes 0x0

        2123A738   55                PUSH EBP

        2123A739   E8 F20B0000       CALL ASCORE.2123B330

        2123A73E   8B4C24 10         MOV ECX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+10]



        2123B330   51                PUSH ECX

        2123B331   8B4C24 08         MOV ECX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+8]       <- 
0x0 from stack to ECX

        2123B335   8A81 1E010000     MOV AL,BYTE PTR DS:[ECX+11E]       <- Bug:
Access Violation

        2123B33B   3C 03             CMP AL,3

--[ Impact:

    Denial of Service

--[ Vendor response:


--[ Credits:

    This vulnerability was discovered by Nibin Varghese from

    iViZ Security Research Team


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