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Re: [Full-disclosure] [TZO-27-2009] Firefox Denial of Service (Keygen)

* Thierry Zoller <Thierry@xxxxxxxxx> [2009-05-28 23:38]:
> General comment: I am  interesting  to  see  the  kind  of feedback I
> get  when  posting an Firefox bug as opposed to bugs of other vendors.
> It's almost like you hit a little boy and everybody steps into for
> his defence.
> Anyways, too much noise for such a stupid, near irrelevant but.

I'm glad you finally came to this conclusion after reading

Nico Golde - JAB: nion@xxxxxxxxxxxxx | GPG: 0x73647CFF
Forget about that mouse with 3/4/5 buttons -
gimme a keyboard with 103/104/105 keys!

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