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Re: [Full-disclosure] [Advisories] CORE-2009-0114 - HTTP Response Splitting vulnerability in Sun Delegated Administrator

On Apr 23, 2009, at 12:56 AM, Core Security Technologies advisories  

> Sergio 'shadown' Alvarez wrote:
>> Hi,
>> In the last CORE's advisories I've seen the following credits:
>>> 7. *Credits*
>>> This vulnerability was discovered by the SCS team [3] from Core
>>> Security
>>> Technologies.
>> Does this "SCS team"'s guy have a name ?
>> Even in a football match 'the team' wins the match, but the GOALS are
>> made by somebody that deserves the credits.
> Yes, they have names and they did not want them to appear in the  
> advisory.
> Thank you for your continued interest in crediting vulnerability
> discoverers for their findings and  your insightful comments about  
> sports.
> -ivan

Fair enough.


PS: Ivan, regarding the sports part of your replay: what do you expect  
from a 'Racing Club' fan boy? XD

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