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Re: [Full-disclosure] Virtual Machine Trojans: a new type of threat?

On Sat, 18 Apr 2009 sergio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> The attacker has root access, and can craft the trojan any form s/he
> wants. I don't see how the AV would detect this type of custom-made
> trojan.

You do not need "root access" or a virtual machine to craft a custom-made
trojan. This means we can simplify the question as follows: Can antivirus
prevent an arbitrary piece of malicious code from entering the network?

And the answer is simple: No, it cannot. Stop fastening screws with a
hammer. It has never worked.

Pavel Kankovsky aka Peak                          / Jeremiah 9:21        \
"For death is come up into our MS Windows(tm)..." \ 21th century edition /

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