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Re: [Full-disclosure] Apple Safari ... DoS Vulnerability
- To: full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] Apple Safari ... DoS Vulnerability
- From: "Valdis' Mustache" <security.mustache@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 2 Mar 2009 23:41:53 -0500
I would like to point out that I have been able to create a "hung"
state in the Firefox browser by opening 30 simultaneous tabs pointed
at http://www.welcometointernet.org/lawnmower/ and adding a 31st tab
viewing http://www.hotrussianbrides.com.
Also, I am not amused.
Your humble servant,
Ze Mustache von Kletnieks
On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 10:29 PM, <bobby.mugabe@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Dear Nick,
> You and Thierry Loller are wrong.
> - -bm
> On Mon, 02 Mar 2009 21:28:17 -0500 Nick FitzGerald <nick@virus-
> l.demon.co.uk> wrote:
>>Chris Evans to Thierry Zoller:
>>> > Example
>>> > If a chrome tab can be crashed arbritarely (remotely) it is a
>>DoS attack
>>> > but with ridiculy low impact to the end-user as it only
>>crashes the tab
>>> > it was subjected to, and not the whole browser or operation
>>> > But the fact remains that this was the impact of a DoS
>>> > the tab crashes arbritarily.
>>> Eh? If you visit www.evil.com and your tab crashes, that's no
>>> different from www.evil.com closing its own tab with Javascript.
>>But what if www.evil.com has run an injection attack of some kind
>>XSS in blog comments, etc, etc) against www.stupid.com?
>>Visitors to stupid.com then suffer a DoS...
>>Yes, stupid.com should run their site better, fix their myriad XSS
>>etc, etc.
>>But this is the Internet, so this "software flaw" can be leveraged
>>security vulnerability.
>>I'm with Thierry on this...
>>Nick FitzGerald
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