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[Full-disclosure] ANNOUNCE - RFIDIOt 0.1w released - January 2009


I've been working on adding Global Platform functionality to non-PC/SC 
devices so folks with LAHF and HF ACG devices can play with JCOP 
cards... It's not quite there yet, but jcoptool.py is a work in progress 
which currently supports printing manufacturer info and card contents. 
I'll be working on installing/deleting applets next.

Other fixes are mostly to do with e-passports...


fix ACG reset/info sequence in RFIDIOt.py
fix facial image display bug in mrpkey.py where conversion is required 
[Andreas Schmidt]
fix RANDOM_UID setting in jcop_mifare_access.cap/jcopmifare.py (you will 
need a secret key from NXP)
add jcoptool.py - JCOP toolkit (work in progress)
mrpkey.py changes:
   fix binary mode when reading files under Windows (for WRITE to card)
   fix computation of composite checksum digit
   support reading non-BAC passports
   specify a dummy MRZ or simply the keyword 'PLAIN' for Plain Access if 
there is no Basic Access Control
   support writing non-BAC passports (only for vonJeek cards)
   new commands SETBAC and UNSETBAC to toggle the BAC mode on vonJeek cards
   extract & display signature image stored in DG7, if any
   fix bug in Jpeg 2000 handling & add Jpeg 2000 support for DG7
   better error handling if PCSC daemon is down or no reader is found
   support clone mode by specifying PLAIN/MRZ and WRITE: first read then 
   support shortened MRZ (as in mrp0wn)
   strip AA & EAC by default when writing, set STRIP_INDEX=False to 
disable stripping
change Makefile to match vonJeek gpshell files (upload2jcop.gpsh & 

Full details here:


BTW, I'm giving a course with Zac Franken at BH Europe in April, and USA 
in July if you want to get hands on with this stuff...


Adam Laurie                         Tel: +44 (0) 20 7993 2690
Suite 117                           Fax: +44 (0) 1308 867 949
61 Victoria Road
Surrey                              mailto:adam@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
KT6 4JX                             http://rfidiot.org

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