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Re: [Full-disclosure] The war in Palestine
- To: j-f sentier <j.sentiar@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] The war in Palestine
- From: Avraham Schneider <avri.schneider@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2009 16:43:06 +0200
On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 4:01 PM, j-f sentier <j.sentiar@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >>Hamas is also designated as a terrorist organization by the US state
>>> department.
>>> What a nice reference ....
>> Do you dispute it?
> Yes i do, a problem with that ?
Yes, you have a problem.
>>> >>I said Hamas was, and that the Palestinians elected Hamas as
>>> governement.
>>> Hamas resist against your invasion.
>> How? By firing at _civilians_? Sending suicide bombers to attack
>>> _civilians_? And doing everything it possibly can to attack _civilians_?
>> Yes it's a war, Palestine has never been in peace with you guys, and i
> understand why.
> You guys are armed by US ... Palestinian do not have equivalent weapons....
> Btw did you forgot Sabra & shatilla ? just in case :
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sabra_and_Shatila_massacre
> Your argument is pointless once again, but i guess amnesia 101 is your
> bedside book.
I have already commented on that - why do you keep repeating yourself like a
broken record?
Go talk to your brothers in Lebanon who did the massacre.
> If Israel really wanted to kill Palestinians in general, it could do it
>> much cheaper and with no Israeli casualties.
> They did remember now ?
No, I was referring to Israel being able to wipe Gaza with 0 casualties on
the Israeli side, and in less than 10 minutes. Israel did not do that.
>> Israel pulled out of Gazaa and let the Palestinians have their own
>> govornment,
> Oh you guys are so nice.. shall they say thanks ?
>> they basically gave them everything they wanted on a silver plate, in
>> return Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist groups, sent terrorist suicide
>> bombers accross the border - to kill as many Israeli _civilians_ as
>> possible.
> Yep that's war remember ?
So trying to kill as many Israeli _civilians_ is OK in your book,
but Israel attempting to kill those terrorists _without_ harming
_civilians_ on the Palestinian side (a mission impossible task) is wrong?
>> Israel is _avoiding civilian casualties_, it is _sorry_ for any
>> _civilians_ wounded or killed during fighting - but this is a _war_, and
>> _civilians die_ - especially since Hamas is using Palestinian civilians as
>> human shields - http://tinyurl.com/6v45l5
> Bull-shit
You had that for lunch?
>> the same as they were happy at 9/11 - when 3000 innocent civilians dies in
>> the WTC - spreading candy in the streets.
> Lots of people hate USA, but i guess they're terrorists then .
> So many european country = terrorists.
> See i'm kind i save you some words :)
No, you can hate as many people as you want - as long as you don't put your
hate into action - i.e. blow yourself up in a bus, etc... You are not a
terrorist (just a sick person).
>> No other country does what Israel does - i.e. make over 250 thousand
>> phonecalls to warn enemy's civilians to leave an area about to be bombed -
>> during war.
> Do you guys want a nobel price or something ?
>> Now quoting party is over, let's also talk about fact:
> Israel are illegal since 1948.
> They have stolen lots of land in jordany, egypt,
I guess they should have not opened war on Israel...
> palestine
There was no such country - there were no Palestinians back then. It's a new
> , liban
You mean Lebanon?
> while playing at war with them neighbors.
Yes, 'playing' in a war that the Arabs started. And winning that war.
> Btw no one of theses neighbors wanted the creation of the state of israel
But the UN disagreed.
> , which is totally understandable
It was not up to them.
> , but US and British got the last word.
No, Israel did.
> Israel also made a nuclear bomb illegaly
Prove that.
> , they shouldn't have that one.
Why? Are you scared?
> Also about the elected people by god stuff, i forgot to said that the man
> who wrote the torah was jew ;)
Yes, Mosses was a Jew.
> The bigger problems with zionist, is they control most of the medias around
> the world,
most of the banks, them community are pretty strong around.
> Making/doing propaganda is an easy game for them, you cant touch jews,
> because as avraham do, everytime you hit them,
Sure... It's all just 1 huge big conspiracy against you.
> they play the holocaust card.
I didn't bring up the holocaust - you did by comparing Israel to the Nazis.
> If someone in europe throw some coktails molotov on a mosque, nothing
> happens
When did that happen?
> , but if you do the same on a synagogue, all the politics will be
> condaming the authors of this attak, kind of frustrating eh ?
No. You are.
> You have to understand something Avraham
I don't.
> , a lots of people (not muslims) hate zionist, there's a reason for this
Yes - evil exists.
> , you've asked for it.
No - it's just a fact of life.
> As you got to understand that a lots of people do not like the US, for what
> they've done in central ameriqua for exemple
Use a spell checker or something...
> , or for playing the world policeman game, and yes if 15 clown armed like
> gardeners can blow 2 towers in US soil, this will make happy some people
> around the world, religious related or not.
If you are happy to see 3000 innocent civilians murdered by 15 clowns armed
like gardeners - you should visit a doctor ASAP.
> Also stop calling everyone terrorists
Not everyone - but Hamas are.
> , dont you remember, talibans was good terrorists when they was fighting
> agains communists, now that they "fight" against US, they are bad
> terrorists.
You agree that they are terrorists then?
> stifles yourself with your propaganda.
Your English sucks for someone trying to do propaganda on a ComSec mailing
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