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Re: [Full-disclosure] Cyber War or just Cyber Protest?

On Sun, Jan 18, 2009 at 11:09 PM, Nicolae <cytao7@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> It's funny to see jews acting in the same way as nazi did.
Considering you are amused by seeing things that don't exist, I suggest you
visit your doctor and have him change your persciptions.

> If during ww you had these rockets that palestinians is firing you now,
> wouldn't you fire on nazi too ?
Jews in Germany were law abiding citizens, not terrorists, that were being
sent to concentration camps based on their race - and were murdered
systematically. 6 million Jews were murdered in the Holocaust - half of the
Jewish population.

> So now you are killing those poor people
We already established that it is fact that Israel is not targeting
civilians, and that Hamas is using them as human shields.
We already established that Israel is sorry for any civilian injured or hurt
in battle - but Hamas, the elected terrorist government is the one to blame
for civilian deaths - both on the Israeli and the Palestinian side.

> on their lands
We already established it was never their land.

> in the same way nazi did with you
Jews in Germany were law abiding citizens, not terrorists, that were being
sent to concentration camps based on their race - and were murdered
systematically. 6 million Jews were murdered in the Holocaust - half of the
Jewish population.

, you are the same evil as nazi
I think who is evil is you - evident by your hate speech.

and you do genocide
We already established that self-defense is not genocide - it's

> on palestinians on their lands
We already established it was never their land.

> , shame on you cowards
We are not hiding behind civilians.

> , without the new weapons and USA money, you could never beat palestinians.
We did.

> In the same time you destabilize the world peace
It is evident that Hamas, Al-Qaeda, Hezbollah, and the rest of the
radical-Islam terror groups are the ones that destabilize world peace.
Not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists seem to be Muslim - what
does it say about your religion?

as all the musulman countries could send all the army they have and drop the
> bombs on your cities, in the same way you did on palestenians, that could
> cause ww3.
They tried, and they lost.

> There was 400 children killed during these days
Blame Hamas for using them as human shields as they fire at IDF soldiers.

> , I fail to see how any human can argue about killing a child, if you
> isralens still supporting your government, then you are animals not humans.
You are partly right, even animals have the instinct of self defense. But if
we were animals like Hamas, we would have targeted civilians and would have
ended this story long ago.

Hence we are humans, Hamas are animals - and we have to keep defending
ourselves from Hamas terrorits.

> It's a shame for entire world that it could not prevent this
Yes, it's a shame that Hamas was not stopped before Israel had to step up
and defend itself.

> , it seem like israel/jews are controlling the world and they don't really
> care about other humans...
Yes, it's all just one huge big conspiracy against you...

> Evryone normal should be againts the war and killing of civilians
Israel is against the war - it always wanted peace and always wants peace -
but it can not negotiate peace with terrorists who do not stop targetting
Israeli civilians.

> , everyone is against the israel
Judging by your typos and bad grammer it seems that you are one (very bored)

> , so far I don't see a problem to hate you in the same way we hate nazi.
I'm not worried as you don't seem to hate the Nazis that much.

Then again, if it makes you happy - I give you permission to hate me.

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