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Re: [Full-disclosure] The war in Palestine

On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 2:01 AM, Avraham Schneider
<avri.schneider@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I think the person who is delibitrary ignoring facts and spreading
> propaganda and lies, is you.
> Until you and your friends get off this list, and/or stop spreading your
> offtopic propaganda full of lies and hate here on a comsec list - I will
> repeat correcting your false claims, basing mine on facts, as many times
> needed,

If it isnt from zionist scum you don't believe it. That's a pathetic
way to live and I feel sorry for you.

oh yes! You aren't deliberately spreading false claims right? You're
basing yours on what israel says and anyone else is wrong. That isn't
fact. You aren't able to think for yourself, that's a sad life.

> So zionists are now redefining words to favor themselves huh?
> No - http://tinyurl.com/8q6xjd

Again, wasn't from zionist scum so you don't believe it.

> You are over confident with your propaganda, it does not seem to be helping.
> Unless you are referring to Bolivia cutting ties with Israel (the only ties
> Israel had with them are drug related).

zionist scum all hopped up on drugs, label me not surprised,  patheticx2.

> As far as we see, against all expectations, Obama is pro-Israel - so I guess
> you have to come up with better backup plans than these...

"as far as we see"

Shill, proof.


> I do not recall you mentioned it - hence I did not respond.
> Now that you do - who is 'us'?

See, thats the problem with zionist scum. It's always zionists... then
the rest of the world. Us is the USA. The country that you've lived in
your entire life too scared to fight along your scum brothers in

>> and you support them 100%.
> Yes I do.

Yet too much of a coward to murder innocent civilians in the name of
your scum brothers. Hm... pathetic.

>> You're a terrorist
> http://tinyurl.com/74ct4g
>>and deserve to be in guantanamo bay.
> But Obama is closing it down..,

Yes, and hopefully he opens up camps for you and your scum brothers.
That will solve 90% of our problems.

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