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Re: [Full-disclosure] Cyber War or just Cyber Protest?
- To: "Avraham Schneider" <avri.schneider@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] Cyber War or just Cyber Protest?
- From: "Mainbox Notif" <rokadeana@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2009 16:47:17 +0100
Israel has one of the most powerful and advanced armies.
But they cannot find their enemy.
When there is maybe one hamas-soldier, the israeli can't shoot him when hey
is in a building, the israeli bomb the whole building.
In modern world we use intelligence and we have snipers.
In modern world we do not blow up a whole building when there are probably
weapons from the enemy in that building.
And we do not blow up a building when there are civilians inside.
In modern world we do not shoot at the enemy when he is among civilians.
And we never bomb the UN or Red Cross. And then say 'sorry, it was a
And the next day bomb another hospital. and say 'sorry' again.
Why do the israeli not use their army.
I agree that their army is one of the most powerful, but why not use this?
And apologize for my english.
I'm not native english. I'm dutch.
And I am sure that my english is better then your dutch.
So please do not attack people because of their english.
2009/1/16 Avraham Schneider <avri.schneider@xxxxxxxxx>
> On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 1:58 PM, Handrix <handrix@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 8:21 PM, Avraham Schneider <
>> avri.schneider@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Israel is fighting terrorists - those terrorists decide to attack
>>> websites (since they wrongly believe it will help their cause)[1] - Israel
>>> cares less.
>>> It is Cyber-War because those terrorists are fighting a war against
>>> Israel - and the 'Cyber' is just an additional front for this war - not an
>>> important one, hence ignored by Israel, but it still is.
>>> If you call blowing yourself up in a bus, trying to kill as many
>>> passengers as possible - 'protest' - than by your definition one may call
>>> this 'Cyber-Protest' - but since normal people call those who practice
>>> suicide bombings 'terrorists', by their definition it is called either
>>> 'Cyber-Terrorism' - or since there is a war on terror - 'Cyber-War'.
>>> I hope this explains it for you.
>> wich terrorisme you'are talking about ?
>> You do not understand the concept of terrorisme, the real terrorist is
>> israel that kills children and women.
>> I hope that you will learn more about terrorisme.
> First, I'd recommend you get some professional help with your English
> before you post your opinions in English for everyone to read - it doesn't
> help your credibility at all.
> Israel does not target civilians, the terrorists who Israel is fighting
> against, are.
> Those terrorists that Israelis are fighting, are using those women and
> children as human shields and use their homes as a hiding place and for
> weapon storage.
> Israel does everything it can to prevent civilian casualties, but it is
> impossible under these conditions.
> Israel has as a top priority the life and security of it's own citizens
> (Muslim, Christian or Jew), and has to defend it's borders from the evil
> attacks of those terrorists.
> The fact that those terrorists fail to acheive high numbers of casualties
> on the Israeli side and Israel is acheiving high numbers of casualties on
> the Palestinian side is attributed to the fact that Israel is stronger - not
> that Israel is wrong.
> I hope that explains it for you.
>>> [1]
>>> http://translate.google.com/translate?prev=&hl=iw&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ynet.co.il%2Farticles%2F0%2C7340%2CL-3656862%2C00.html&sl=iw&tl=en&swap=1
>>> On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 8:19 PM, andrew. wallace <
>>> andrew.wallace@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> > 2009/1/14 andrew. wallace <andrew.wallace@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
>>>> > Two sides fighting, a government and some other entity
>>>> On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 3:54 PM, Jan G.B. <ro0ot.w00t@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> > It's a term that describes an asynchronous warfare between sides
>>>> *No two sides are fighting each other in Cyber*
>>>> Conclusion: No Cyber War
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>> --
>> Handrix
>> Network Engineering/Security
>> http://securynix.co.cc/
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