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Re: [Full-disclosure] Why are you against n3td3v?

On Sun, 11 Jan 2009 17:09:58 GMT, you said:

> I'm not a troll and only serious researchers are subscribed to the
> n3td3v mailing list group.

What does the following read like?  A serious researcher? Or a troll/idiot?
Subject: Re: [Full-Disclosure] Why is IRC still around?
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2004 17:40:54 +0000
To: full-disclosure@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Vord from the in-famous script kiddie channel #hackphreak!! omg, thats
the biggest no credibility lamer channel ever.

Its channels like #hackphreak which give IRC a bad name, the exact
reason this thread started probably!!

Vord, go back to #hackphreak kiddo.

Oh, and if you can't remember, it was From: n3td3v <xploitable@xxxxxxxxx>

> I have and I see me saying things that people thought I was saying to
> get a reaction when they are actually real things that are going on
> and my actual opinion on things.

Unfortunately for your reputation, that's quite close to "No, I'm not a troll,
I really had such stupid opinions on things".

>From there, it's just a short jump to "He's consistently clueless on *this*
list - if he actually *has* 4500 people on another list, he's either equally
clueless there and people read it for the humor value, or he's actually
intelligent there - in which case he's a troll playing an idiot here".

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