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Re: [Full-disclosure] Full-Disclosure wouldn't let me post this message

y?  its working.  u r proving every day how much of an idiot u r.
like, for instance posting about ur OWN FUCKING TWITTER post!  lol.
its not a tactic.  i really do h8 u.  im not in it 4 every1 else.
just sitting here h8ing u is enuf.

and which big boys m i playing with?  u?  LOLOLOLOLLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOOLOL



thatll be the day dickwad.

gobbles has released.  what have u released besides a too-long tirade
of nonsense that no 1 cares about?

On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 11:45 AM, n3td3v <xploitable@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> It's some kind of peer pressure tactic he's been trying, its pretty
> lame though and just ruins the list by arguing with me. I'm not like
> Gobbles who released a vulnerability out of peer preassure that was
> pretty lame :) You're messing with the big boys Ureleet, so maybe
> after a whole year trying your tactic, you kill off your nickname now
> and try something different on a different name?
> On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 3:40 PM, Steve Clement <steve@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Can please eveyone reply to this thread so I know who hates who (it's for my
>> Social profile of this list)
>> But more importantly so I know (or rather all know) who to filter out
>> because they lack the respect to take their "wars" offline (cmon' nuke each
>> other already it's easy and I know people that know people to provide the
>> pure stuff)
>> anyways kids,
>> Cheers.
>> Steve Clement

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