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Re: [Full-disclosure] The war in Palestine

You are welcome.

On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 4:25 PM, Marcello Barnaba (void) <vjt@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 6 Jan 2009, at 3:43 PM, Avraham Schneider wrote:
>> Just one last thing - for those upset by this long completely off topic
>> thread:
>> http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=6579
> <rant useless="true">
> You should take this crap off list, rather than saying "I'll be here no
> matter what, filter me if you don't want to read me": the usual fscking
> cliche` attitude of you damn religious people, always trying to make others
> swallow your blind theories, even in the WRONG place, whent there's NO ONE
> interested.
> You should better live and make others live, instead of blindly trusting a
> novel book wrote only to control you and your fellow believers. Please read
> <http://www.stupidwish.net/religion.html> to have some insights, and get a
> life.
> </rant>
> Thanks,
> ~Marcello (quite disappointed to waste bits on this useless thread)
> --
> pub 1024D/8D2787EF  723C 7CA3 3C19 2ACE  6E20 9CC1 9956 EB3C 8D27 87EF

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