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Re: [Full-disclosure] CFP uCon Security Conference 2009 - Recife, Brazil


Very good conference, one of the bests in Brazil!

Do not hesitate in going.

Best regards.

On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 12:21 AM, uCon Security Conference
<cfp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>            CALL FOR PARTICIPATION uCon 2009, 2nd edition
>                       Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil
> [ - Introduction - ]
>   uCon will be a totally informal and non-profit conference taking
> place in Recife, Brazil, in 28th of February 2009 -- three days after
> the best street carnival ever (also known as the rehearsal of the end of
> the world).
> The conference aims to bring together academics, hackers and information
> security enthusiasts to share cutting-edge ideas and thoughts about
> their latest developments and techniques in the field. Attendees will
> have the opportunity to network with like-minded people during social
> events, such as lunch break and aftercon party and during the capture
> the flag competition.
> [ - The venue - ]
>   The conference will be held at Jardins Bar e Restaurante, one of the
> city's most famous clubs. Its infrastructure includes a very comfortable
> ballroom with capacity for up to 500 people.
> [ - Who? - ]
>   The usual gang of cretins, the usual suspects.
> [ - Topics - ]
>   uCon committee gives preference to lectures with practical
> demonstration. The conference staff will try to provide every equipment
> needed for the presentation in the case the author cannot provide them.
> The following suggested topics include, but are not limited to:
> - General system exploitation techniques, vuln-dev and shellcoding
> - Web application hacking
> - Phone phreaking
> - Fuzzing and application security test
> - Hardware hacking, embedded systems and other electronic devices
> - Mobile devices exploitation, Symbian, P2K and bluetooth technologies
> - Analysis of virus, worms and all sorts of malware
> - Reverse engineering
> - Rootkits
> - Security in Wi-Fi and VoIP environments
> - Information about smartcard and RFID security and similars
> - Technical approach to alternative operating systems
> - Denial of service attacks and/or countermeasures
> - Techniques for development of secure software and systems
> - Security in SCADA and "obscure" environments
> - Cryptography
> - Information about satellites, GPS and stuff alike
> - Lockpicking, trashing and urban exploration
> - Internet, privacy and Big Brother
> - Information warfare and industrial espionage
> [ - Costs - ]
>   uCon staff tried to keep an affordable price for attendees and the
> early bird entry price is R$ 60. Registration on-site will cost R$ 80.
> Lunch, free pass to the aftercon party in Jardins club and access to
> the workshops are included within the ticket price.
> [ - Deadlines and submissions - ]
>   Deadline for proposal submission: 25th of January 2009
>   Deadline for acceptation: 5th of February 2009
> Send your proposal to cfp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and make sure to provide
> along with your submission the following details:
> - Speaker name or handle
> - A short biography of the presenter
> - A brief description about your talk
> - Estimated time-length of presentation
> - Whether you need visa to enter Brazil or not
> - Any technical requirements for your lecture
> Unlike the past edition, when speakers could choose how many minutes of
> presentation time they needed, this time we will have pre-determined
> time slots of 45 minutes and a block of 5 minutes lightning talks where
> you can just step up the mic and say whatever you want to say.
> Preferrable file format for papers and slides are PDF. If you feel old
> school enough you can submit them in TXT as well.
> Speakers are asked to, but not obligated, hand in slides used in their
> lectures.
> The lectures will be given in English or Portuguese.
> NOTE: Bear in mind if your presentation involves advertisement of
> products, services or any kind of sales pitches, please do not submit.
> [ - Information for speakers - ]
>  Speakers' privileges are:
> - Free pass to the conference
> - 15 minutes of fame and glory (just to prove Andy Warhol was right)
> - Heavy amounts of alcohol, including caipirinha and assorted booze
> - Tour to Porto de Galinhas and other paradise beaches in south shore of
> Pernambuco
> - All the parties money can buy
> - We will try our best to cover travelling costs up to USD 750
> [ - Other information - ]
>   For further information please check out our web site
> http://www.ucon-conference.org it will be updated with everything
> regarding the conference.
> To speak at uCon 2009, send your proposal to cfp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> --
> Orgazining committee, uCon Security Conference
> http://www.ucon-conference.org


Wendel Guglielmetti Henrique
http://ws.hackaholic.org/ - Personal HomePage

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